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Black Magic, Masonic Witchcraft,

Triangle Powers
Ever wonder why the Masons installed the statue of a woman in
stone atop the U.S. Capitol building in Washington, D.C., and the
statue of a woman called "Liberty" in New York City's harbor? Well,
now you know. America, meet your satanic mistress, Isis.
Texe Marrs
The triangle is of primary importance in all Illuminati realms, whether
in the ritual ceremonies of the Rosicrucians and Masons or the
witchcraft, astrological and black magic practices of other Illuminist
followers. Always the triangle is used.

Among satanists and witches, the double triangle, the Seal of

Solomon, also called the hexagram, is of great interest. This seal,
known as the Magen David of the Jews, is actually composed of two
triangles, superimposed on each other. One triangle pointed upward
represents the flesh or material matter and the male generative act;
the other, pointed downward, signifies female sexuality and the
spiritual plane.

Therefore we have a masculine and a feminine triangle integrated.

This indicates sexual union, the sex act, and the reconciliation of
opposites, yin and yang, or God and Satan. The blasphemous
suggestion in the symbol becomes clear.

Remember: Everywhere in the world of Illuminism, we discover

sexual connotations. Theirs is a sex cult; indeed it is the world's
greatest sex cult; yet, the Illuminati use symbols and signs to mask
their sexual messages.

The Star of David and the Beast's Number, 666

The supremely evil nature of the double triangle, the hexagram,

Solomon's Seal, the Magen David (Shield of David), is proven by the
fact that the symbol contains the hidden number 666, the number of
the beast (Revelation 13). Notice that there are six triangles
incorporated on the outside of the hexagram; that it has six out
points, and that six lines are used in constructing the symbol's two
triangles. Thus, 6-6-6.

Also, the symbol incorporates six triangles of three sides each. Six
times three equals eighteen (6 X 3 = 18 and 6 + 6 + 6 = 18).

An outstanding study of the six-pointed star was accomplished by

Dr. O.J. Graham in the book, The Six-Pointed Star.1

Dr. Graham proves that this symbol was never used by King David of
Israel and so the name Star of David is a misnomer. The symbol was
chosen in 1947 for the flag of the fledgling nation of Israel at the
insistence of the Rothschilds. Its usage stems from the medieval
period when corrupt rabbis into cabalistic magic began to use the
six-pointed star in their rituals.

Dr. Graham does not mince words in declaring this emblem a tool of
Satan, unworthy of use by the holy people of God.

The Occult Triangle and the Masonic Lodge

Returning back to the single triangle as a common symbol of

occult usage, we note that the Freemasons were able, through
the influence of Grand Master Benjamin Franklin, to have the
triangle became the sun-lit capstone above the pyramid on the
obverse (reverse) side of the Great Seal of the United States.

The design of the 33rd degree jewel worn by the elite Mason is made
up of interlocking triangles.

The Real Grip of a Master Mason, which the Order claims can
"resurrect" the candidate and cause him, in essence, to be "born
again" (a counterfeit of the Christian experience) is formed with
fingers separated to form a triangle. In the photos and illustrations in
this section, you will find several real-life examples of this grip.
In Coil's Masonic Encyclopedia we are told of the triangular chain,
the legend taught by Freemasonry that Jewish Freemasons were
carried as captives from Jerusalem to Babylon by Nebuchadnezzar,
being bound by triangular chains. The Babylonian King is said to
have been gravely insulting the Jews by doing this because, to the
Jews, the triangle, or delta symbol, was a symbol of their Deity.2

King Solomon and the Triple Triangle

In the 6 of Freemasonry, the Degree of Intimate Secretary, the

concept of a triple triangle is introduced, said to be emblematic of
the three Masons who were present at the opening of the first Lodge
of Intimate Secretaries. It is further claimed that King Solomon was
one of those three present.

It is significant that in the first Book of Kings in the Bible , King

Solomon rebelled against God and His commandments and began to
worship the God and Goddess of the heathen in his temple. He also
required of the High Priests of Solomon's Temple that they annually
render to him, as tribute, the sum of 666 talents of gold.

Undoubtedly the number 666 is symbolically the triple triangle,

because the holy number of the Goddess was 666.
In Mackey's Masonic Ritualist, the author, Sovereign Grand
Commander of the Scottish Rite, Albert Mackey, emphasized the key
importance of the triangle in the rituals of Freemasonry.5

The late Jim Keith, an expos of conspiracies and cults, also

discussed the importance of this symbol to Masonry. He writes,
"There is in fact a triad of three governing officers to be found in
almost every degree."4

In a number of books written by Masons, the downward pointing

triangle is related to Set, the God of Egypt, and to Bacchus. Both of
the deities are Satan in other guises.

Jim Tresner, 33, whose academic writings are often published in

Masonic journals and publications, notes the use of triangles in the
ritual for the fifteenth degree of the Scottish Rite, Knight of the East,
of the Sword, or of the Eagle. Tresner says that the apron worn for
this degree's ritual in the Lodge is of red velvet, and "on the apron
are three triangles, one inside the other, formed of chains with
triangular links." These three triangles, he explains, "represent the
three great limitations on, or enemies of, the human intellect
tyranny, privilege, superstition."5
In reality, Tresner is subtly alluding to the Masonic Order's long-
standing doctrine of fierce opposition to existing political sovereigns
not yet corrupted or conquered by Illuminism and its hatred of the
true Christian Church, which the Masons teach is "superstition" and
is a sectarian belief that cannot be tolerated. Tresner may object to
my characterization, but the evidence of my allegations is
insurmountable, as the rituals themselves prove.

Rosicrucians, Theosophists, and The Triangle

The Rosicrucian Order, too, relies on the triangle as a vehicle to

impart and convey its teachings to rising candidates. For example,
Arkon Daraul, in A History of Secret Societies, describes a ritualistic
scene of initiation in a German branch of Rosicrucianism:
The room of initiation was carpeted in green and on it were a number
of objects... Three candelabra were placed to form a triangle, and
nine glasses indicated the male and female properties...6
Helena Blavatsky's worldwide cult Theosophy and its offspring, The
Lucis Trust, led for many years by prolific occult writer, Alice Bailey,
likewise adopted the triangle as symbolic of their teachings. In 1937
the Lucis Trust founded a subsidiary group named Triangles which
today encourages people across the globe to network by forming
local three person triangle groups to come together often and
meditate. In this way, said the parent organization in a letter, occult
adepts can,
"help to illumine world thought... through which the new incoming
Aquarian energies can function, the new ideas spread, and the New
World Order emerge."7
According to Bailey, the coming New World Order of the New
Age is best symbolized by a triangle within a circle, with a single
dot, or point, within the triangle. This symbol is said to represent
three Centers (in U.S.A., Centers), the point standing for the ruler of
the spirit world, Sanat (an anagram for "Satan" apparently), the entity
who at the appointed time will emerge to rule the Earth and
humanity. The second Centre is Sanat's "Hierarchy," the many
unseen spirits (i.e. devils), and the third Centre is the human

At the close of the Age, Bailey assures us, "the three major Centers
will be in complete unified and synchronized activity," controlling all
manifestations of life.9

Aleister Crowley, the late British satanist and Freemason, was also a
devotee of the triangle as symbol. As a high-level officer of the
occult group, Order of the Golden Dawn, Crowley used for one of his
emblems the Eye of Horus in the Pyramid of Fire, radiated by the
sun's rays. It was Horus, in the form of a spirit guide named

Aiwass, that allegedly gave Crowley The Book of the Law, a book of
prophecy Crowley claimed he received by automatic writing.10

ABRACADABRA Not Just Childish Fun

Witches and deep occult magicians join Bailey in use of the triangle.
Take the word ABRACADABRA that is repeatedly used in kids TV
cartoons and programs by supposedly mythical creatures like
wizards and witches and fairies.

Actually, this word is of ancient origins. In a poem on occult

medicine written by a pagan doctor in ancient Rome about 250 AD, to
ward off fevers and sickness, the physician recommended the word
abracadabra be written down in an inverted triangle like this:

Next, the paper on which the word was written was to be tied round
the patient's neck for nine days and then thrown backwards over the
shoulder into a stream running eastwards. The fever then would
shrink to nothing, the patient was told.
The magical word ABRACADABRA comes from worship of the
gnostic God, Abraxas. It literally means: The dead body, or corpse,
of Abraxas.
Witches often use the triangle as a protective symbol. They foolishly
believe it can be used as a talisman, especially if the
Tetragrammaton, the Hebrew letters for God, are inserted inside the
triangle. The Masons do the same thing essentially in the Masters
Jewel of the 4th degree. The triangle is inscribed on the ring given
holders of the 14th degree also.

The Geometrical God Is a Woman

A closely kept secret of higher level Masons and other Illuminists is

that, in addition to their worship of the Devil by other names, they
also worship a female deity, the Great Goddess. This is made plain
by John Yarker, a renowned British Freemason. Yarker's translation
of the French manuscript, Lectures of a Chapter, Senate, and
Council, informs us that the triangle's origins can be found in
Egyptian religion, being the symbol of Isis, the Egyptian Goddess:
The triangle, which they called the geometrical God, was the emblem
of Isis.11
You'll recall that the symbol "G" is found at the center of the most
common of Freemasonry's symbols, the Masonic square and
compass, and that the Mason is told this letter G represents "God"
and "Geometry." This, then, is the "geometrical God" that, Yarker
observes, "was the emblem of Isis."

Ever wonder why the Masons installed the statue of a woman in

stone atop the U.S. Capitol building in Washington, D.C., and the
statue of a woman called "Liberty" in New York City's harbor?

Well, now you know. America, meet your satanic mistress: Isis.
Pages 800 and 801 from Encyclopedia of Freemasonry by Albert G.
Mackey, 33 and Charles T. MrClenachan, 33.
A dark scene inside a Masonic Temple in Greece. The human
sacrifice lays straddled as a five point star on the altar.

Superimposed behind are the descendant (hell) triangle and the tau
symbol of the Royal Arch. The delta triangle design is feminine and
corresponds to the female's vulva.

Two magical seals based on the Black Book of Honorius.

The first is the occult seal of Great Work. The second is the occult
seal of Black Magic. Note in both of them the opposed position of the
triangles and the position of the moon (in the center of the Black
Magic seal).
Freemasonry's The Royal Arch Banner reveals two angels holding
their respective wings in a triangle shape. The cloven hoofs and goat
legs demonstrate the Luciferian nature of these angelic creatures.
(From Coil's Masonic Encyclopedia, revised 1995)
Only an adept heavily schooled in occult symbology would
understand the message being communicated in this full-page ad for
"Virginia Slims" cigarettes. The occult significance of the lightning
bolt, the triangle, the square, the arm and hand signs and positions,
even the wide spread of the model's legs is explained in the pages of
Codex Magica.

The colors she wears, black, red, blue, and white also contain
significance. Still, given the general deterioration of intellectual
thinking in society and of moral values and Christian knowledge
and the dearth of knowledge of occult deceptionit is entirely
possible that neither the fashion designers nor the Advertising
Agency are culpable of intentionally using occult devices. The
significance however, remains, and in the author's opinion, such
advertising cannot help but aid the cause of evil forces.

Display ads like these are common in New Age and occult
To interest like-minded people to inquire about the Rosicrucians, this
or a similar ad is placed in some magazines. Under the heading,
"Secrets Entrusted to A Few," we find an ancient and worn book with
a triangle and cross imprinted on the cover. The Rosicrucians are
actually several different Orders. This ad is for AMORC, an
American-based Order that is less influential among the elite than
European branches. Perhaps the most famous initiate of the
Rosicrucians was Benjamin Franklin.

Catholic Pope John XXIII was reputed to be a Rosicrucian as was

Martin Luther, the Protestant Reformer. U.S. Senator Ted Kennedy
(DMA) is today a high-level Rosicrucian.

The design for the Jewel of Scottish Rite Masonry's 33rd degree
includes a system of interlocking triangles, circles, the "X," and the
quadruple Tau background.
Official logo of conference held by socialists promoting the political
and economic merger of the United States and the old U.S.S.R.
Speakers at the 1989 conference included Illuminati U.S. Senator
John Heinz (Order of Skull & Bones), U.S. Senator Bill Bradley, and
Pittsburgh Mayor Sophie Masloff.

Aleister Crowley, British satanist who was a high level initate of

many occult Orders and Secret Societies, giving the supreme sign of
the horned God.
The triangular hat resembles the style of hat worn by many in the
earlier colonial period in America. The triangle contains the all-
seeing eye and has the radiant rays of the sun deity shining forth.

This logo of Triangles, a Lucis Trust organization, and the message

from Alice Bailey, occultist founder, was included in World Goodwill
newsletter (1997, No. 4). World Goodwill is yet another global
organization, affiliated with the Lucis Trust, but which also networks
with scores of other Illuminist groups, orders, and secret societies.

Lucis Trust and World Goodwill teach of the coming of the Cosmic,
New Age Christ, avatar for the Age of Aquarius, who represents the
Central Sun, also called the Solar Logos.

The New Age group, Energy System Parameters (ESP), has this as
the logo on its letterhead. In this letter announcing its general
membership's annual meeting, the co-Presidents emphasized ESP's
focus on "group energies," "cosmic reorganization," and the
importance of achieving the "crystalized form of new patterns."

The signature line had the phrase, "In the Service of the One."
The jewel of the 32nd degree, Scottish Rite, contains four,
interlocking Tau elements and four squares.

Symbology-wise, this arrangement conceives of the Freemasons and

their coming Prince to be rulers of all four corners of the globe.
(From the back cover of Scottish Rite Journal, October 1998)

Eastern religions believe that the use of the Sri Yantra produces
unparalleled spiritual power by evoking (inviting) help from the
unseen spirit world. Commonly employed in sexual tantra rituals, the
design of the Sri Yantra meditation device begins with the four "T"s,
(Tau) which, interestingly, is the same as the design of the Mason's
32 n d degree jewel. From this base, the Sri Yantra is drawn from
nine (666=6+6+6=18=1 +8=9) triangles, four pointed downward and
five pointed upward, forming 42 (6x7) triangular fragments around a
central triangle. Occultists teach there is no other set of triangles
which interlock with such integrational perfection.

The diagram of the Sri Yantra is said to contain, or synthesize, within

all the activities and energies in the universe. Made up of black and
white triangle elements, the design bears also the yin/yang, black is
white and white is black principle underlying the Masters Carpet
(checkerboard) floor of Masonry and also parallels the "two heads"
doctrine implicit in the great symbol of 33rd degree Freemasonry, the
double-headed eagle. (Drawing from book, Sacred Geometry, by
Robert Lawlor, Thames and Hudson, New York and London, 1989)

Two more versions of the Sri Yantra. Left: A Sri Yantra found inside
the cover of a rock album. Right: Sri Yantra from the book, The
Tantric Way, showing the multiple-triangle design, representing the
generative (sex) act.

In this design the interior, triangular (male) elements are "buried"

within the Lotus blossom (female).
A masonic tracing board with an image of a coffin, decorated with
the "tools'' of the Craft. The V or square at the bottom of the coffin is
pointed downward to hell and the Lord of the Underworld. The skull
and bones, or death's head, is thought to guard the doorway to the
Mysteries of initiation.

There are three number fives arranged in a triangle pattern, thus 555,
the triple nickel, symbolizing death and resurrection. Not
coincidentally, the Washington Monument, in our nation's capital, is
exactly SSS feet high. It was designed by Masonic overlords and
architecturally is an obelisk, worshipped in Egypt as Osiris' penis
(Baal's shaft).
The Sri Yantra pictured as a mystical diagram of Solomon's Temple,
as planned in the building scheme of the Knights Templar.

The cross and sun rays on top do not represent Jesus Christ, but
point to the Cosmic Christ, who came in many names in the past and
shall come again with a new name. (From the book, The Sword and
The Grail, by Andrew Sinclair, New York: Crown Publishers, 1992)
The occult spiritual nature of the mission of the United Nations (UN)
is seen in the UN's Meditation Room, inside the UN headquarters in
New York City. The austere Meditation Room has a rough, black
granite ashlar altar (masonic origins) and a mural with various occult
symbols, including the serpent, triangle, crescent moon, and square.
The Room itself is designed as a pyramid without a capstone lying
down on its side.

The UN even has a chaplain of sorts; Sri Chinmoy, a Hindu guru who
leads chants and meditations inside the Meditation Room. Evidently,
the Illuminati were not keen on separating church and state when
they founded their world body, the United Nations.

When captured American aviator, Navy Lt. Robert O. Goodman, Jr.,

27, was released by Syrian authorities into the hands of self-
appointed diplomat Jesse Jackson, the aviator was given this
souvenir T-shirt from his hometown of Akron, Ohio. The T-shirt had
triangular designs and demonic eyes.

Perhaps Syria's President, Hafez Assad, agreed to deal with Jesse

Jackson because both he and Jackson are 33rd degree Masons.
Later, Jesse Jackson traveled to Communist Cuba, where side-by-
side with another Lodge brother, dictator Fidel Castro, the black
religious and civil rights leader hollered out to the Cuban crowd,
"Viva Fidel. Long Live Fidel Castro!" (Photo and article from
Newsweek, January 9, 1984)

The New Age occult organization, Institute For Planetary Synthesis,

employs the triple triangle for its logo, as this "Order Form" for its
teaching products indicates.
Judge Roger Sherman, one of the signers of the American
Declaration of Independence, giving the triangle sign with his right
hand. (Painting: from book The Miracle On Main Street, by F. Tupper

Duane Ackerman, CEO of BellSouth Corporation, holding his hand in

what subtly appears to be the masonic triangle. (USA Today, March
15, 2004, p. B4)
Texas Governor George W. Bush in 1998 with Russian presidential
candidate, General Alexander Lebed exchange a concealed
handshake as Lebed displays the enigmatic double triangle sign of
the Lodge which is similar to the Real Grip of a Master Mason
(Duncan's Masonic Ritual and Monitor, 3rd Ed., p. 120).

General Lebed, the most popular political figure in Russia at the

time, never succeeded in his ambitious quest to win the Russian
presidency. His airplane crashed in mysterious circumstances in
Russia, and he was killed. (Photo: from Austin American-Statesman,
March 22, 1998)
Comedian Bob Hope, knighted by the Sovereign Military Order of
Malta, shows the Masonic square, known also as the triangle, V,
downward delta sign.
Above: In its May/June 2001 issue, Psychology Today carried this
feature article and interview with Astronaut Buzz Aldrin. Aldrin and
fellow astronaut, Neil Armstrong, were the first to walk on the Moon,
in 1969. Aldrin, a Freemason, was said to have conducted a bizarre
Masonic ritual on the moon. In the article in Psychology Today,
triangles are everywhere, including being imbedded in the type of the

Also, see the picture of Aldrinexactly three fingers of his left hand
are reaching into his pocket, with the arm displaying a triangle
pattern. According to the book Axis of Death, by D.C. Yermak, this is
similar to a secret Rosicrucian sign indicating the initiate has
removed himself from God's control and given his life over to the
devil. Aldrin is confirmed to be a Mason, but his Rosicrucian
involvement is unknown.
Astronaut Buzz Aldrin, supposedly walking on the moon in 1969.
Many believe the Apollo 11 mission was a hoax, filmed right here on
earth. In this classic, staged photo, notice Aldrin's left arm in its
triangle position.

Did the taxpayers pay billions just so Aldrin and his masonic
brothers could claim the moon for the Illuminati in a staged esoteric
The three super-rich Hunt brothers in a downward triangle
arrangement on the cover of The New York Times magazine,
September 18, 1997.

Fritz Springmeier, author of the bestselling Bloodlines of the

Illuminati, made this drawing based on an actual ritual conducted by
a Satanic sect known as Ordo Saturnus (Order of Saturn). The planet
Saturn is the sixth planet from the sun in our solar system.
Saturn was worshipped in ancient civilizations as a form of Satan, or
Lucifer. The triangle within a circle (symbol also of today's
Alcoholics Anonymous) group is on the wall while the satanic "X"
within the circle is on the front of the altar cloth.

Rosicrucians also commend the triangle within the circle, the very
logo of Alcoholics Anonymous. From a page right out of a
Rosicrucian manual, the figure at left is the "Symbol of Creation,"
Nehushstan the serpent, also called Oroboros, the serpent
swallowing its own tail. This symbolizes perpetual movement
(Hegelian dialectic) and the occult conception of the "Circle of Life,"
the slogan that Disney's movie, The Lion King, made famous.

The triangle inside the serpentine circle represents the unholy trinity,
which the occult teaches is the spiritual element soon to manifest,
already operating at the very center of the material universe.
(From the book, Satan Wants You, by Arthur Lyons, The Mysterious
Press, New York, 10019)

In this 17th century alchemical drawing, the AntiChrist King and his
unholy trinity (three crowns over Earth) worship the transforming fire
from their sun deity, symbolized by the triangle within a circle.
In this page right out of the Bulletin of the American Federation of
Astrologers (AFA), we find the corporate seal and its explanation.
However, the explanation given is weak at best and seems geared to
please the majority of astrologers who are active in the organization
without giving away any real secrets.

Almost any knowledgeable student of the occult can see hidden

meanings in these symbols far beyond the official explanation.
Symbols that beg for more esoteric (and accurate) explanation
include the triangle inside the circle, the pentagram star, the torch
and hand, the point within the circle and the stars.
Hazelden, a company specializing in products related to Alcoholics
Anonymous, offers such items as tie tacs and lapel pins, money
clips, necklaces, and key chains. You can even get the "God's Eye

The Hazelden catalog glowingly tells potential buyers:

"In times of trouble or joy, this precious pendant keeps our Higher
Power's eye on our recovery and spiritual growth."
The same catalog ad says, "This five-thousand-year-old symbol of
continual movement and spirituality... has become a popular icon in
the recovery community."
A Rosicrucian symbol described as "The Eternal Madonna," in the
encyclopedic work, New Age Bible Interpretation (Old Testament,
Volume III), editor Corinne Heline
A friend sent the author this photograph she took of one of the
student art exhibits on display at a local high school. Many of the
exhibits were on occult subjects.

The meaning of the triangle within the circle superimposed over the
body of the person, lying in a fetal position on a surface of red, most
likely symbolizes man's servitude and enslavement to the Solar
Deity, whom Masons call the Great Architect of the Universe.

Christian medallion for youth from Hawaii advertised in Christian

contemporary music magazine.
This issue of The Royal Arch Mason magazine (Summer 1990)
featured the seal of the General Grand Council of Cryptic Masons
International, which is designed in the form of a triangle within a

This cover of The Royal Arch Mason magazine pays tribute to their
"Most Worshipful Brother Harry S. Truman." (Truman, a 33rd degree
Mason, once told his brothers in the craft that he would rather be a
Master Mason than be President of the United States of America.)

The symbol of the Royal Arch Masons is also seen at left: The Triple
Tau, a sign of trinity within a triangle within a circle, a composite
symbol said to connote triple power.

As reported in Time (April 15, 2002), this is a financial report sent to

Yasser Arafat's Palestine headquarters bearing the insignia of the
rebel group, the Al-Aqsa Martyr's Brigade. If authentic, the logo, or
seal, for the group roughly resembles a triangle within a circle.

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