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Learning Edge Online and Blended Teacher Certification Module 4 Topic: Nazism Log in to www.myhaikuclass.

com/meerajayaraj/grade9c Introduction: In this lesson, you will learn about Hitlers rise to power, his ideologies and how they led to Second World War. Before we get into main content, we need to analyze the background that helped Hitler to come to power. Therefore, we start with the treaty of Versailles. Click on the discuss First world War (To post your comment click on the bubble - discuss.) Instructions: 1. Submit your initial post by Tuesday and comments by Saturday. 2. Every student is expected to post their own opinions and comment to at least four of your classmates. The discussion forum will close on Saturday Midnight. Explore www.historyonthenet.com and www.firstworldwar.com - to know about causes for First World War and to know the terms of treaty of Versailles. Discussion: Do you think Germany is responsible for the First World War? If so, how far is treaty of Versailles is justified? Rubrics 1

Critical Thinking

Demonstrates little comprehension of the question; Not able to

Shows a general understanding of the question; Answer to

Clear understanding of the question; Answer to the

connect the answer to the question; not able to analyze the resource matter Does not respond to others

the question; able to analyze the resource but not able to express it clearly Responds to others comment but the language is not encouraging

question, analyzed the resource material and formulates clear conclusions. Response is encouraging


Guidelines and expectations: The students are expected to be respectful, polite in their response/comments. The responses must be original. If you are quoting any information from outside, then the source of information must be mentioned.

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