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Language Teaching Methodology Series General Edt: Christopher N, Serene rected ie lnguge teaches aoa este Walsh LANGUAGE TEACHING METHODOLOGY A textbook for teachers aC rrt See eee eed ee cerry ers Feet a ere een Sperone aes Rl oe tT Pap Ces CQUO TRING Nie ch cco) ae Oe Ee Contents General Eoltor's Preface Preface Classroom Extracts Chapter One An Empirical Approach toLanguage Teaching Methodology 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Defining methodology 13 Research into language processing and production 1.4 The contextand environment of learning, 1.5 Classroomsin action 116 Exploringlanguage classrooms 1.7 How tose thisbook 1.8 Conclusion Chapter Two Communicative Approaches to Listening Comprehension 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Bottom-upand top-down viewsof listening 2.3 Identifying different typesot listening 2.4 Textual connectivity 2.5 Listeningpurpose 2.6 What makeslistening dificult?” 2:7 Listeningtextsand tasks 2.8 Investigatinglisteningcomprehension 2.9 Conclusion ChapterThree Speakingina Second Language 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Identifying diferent types of speskirg 43.3 Predictability and unpredictability ” 9 2 vid Contents 3.4 Theconceptof genre 3.5 The difficulty ofspeaking sks 3.6 Classroom interaction 3.7 Stimulating oral interaction in the classroom V/ 3.8 Investigating speaking and oral interaction 319 Conclusion Chapter Four Reading: A Discourse Perspective 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Bottom-vpand top-down viewson reading / 4.3 Schema theory and reading 4°4 Research into readinginasecond language 45 Reading and social context 4.6 Typesof reading text 4.7 Thereadinglesson 48 Investigating reading comprehension 4.9 Conclusion ChapterFive Developing Writing Skills 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Comparing spoken and writen language ¥ 513 Writing as processand writings product 54 Thegeneriestructure of written texts 5.5 Differences between skilledand unskilled writers ‘5.6 Writing classrooms nd materials, 5.7 Investigating writing development 5.8 Conclusion Chapter Six Mastering the Sounds of the Language ( 6:1 Introduction S62 Conteastive phonology $6.3 Recent theory and esearch ‘64 Pronuncitionin practice 65 Investigating pronunciation 6.6 Conclusion ChapterSeven Teaching Vocabulary 7.1 Introduction 7.2 The status of vocabulary inthe curriculum 7.3 Word lists and frequency counts 3 a7 yaa v5 6 ol 6 6 6 co 2 B ” al 2 83 B 3 86 89 OL 9 100 100 wor 103 107 Ha us 116 16 ur 18 14 Vocabulary andcontext 115 Vocabulary development and second language aequisition 7.6 Semantic networks and features 7.7 Memory and vocabulary development 7.8 Investigating the teachingandlearningeef vocabulary 7.9 Conclusion Chapter Eight FocusonForm: The Role of Grammar 8.1 Introduction 8.2 The traditional language classroom 8.3 Second language acquisition esearch adits influence on practice 8.4 Grammatical consciousness-raising 8.5 Systemic functional linguistics and pedagogical grammars 186 Pedagogical materialsand techniques for teaching grammar 8.7 Investigating the te2ching andlearningef grammar 8.8 Conclusion ChapterNine Focus on the Leamer: Leaming Styles and Strategies 9.1 Intraduetion 9.2 Research into earning styles and strategies 9.3 The good' language learner 9.4 Alearner-centred approach to anguageteaching 9.5 Learningstratepiesin the classroom 9.6 Investigating learning strategy preferences 9.7 Conclusion Chapter Ten Focus on the Teacher Classroom Management and Teachor-Student interaction 10.1 Inteoduction 10.2 Amountand type of teacher tale 10.3 Teacher questions 10.8 Feedback on learner performance 10.5 Classroom management inaction 10.6 Investigating teacher tale 10.7 Conelusion ChapterEleven Materials Development 41.1 Introduction \/11.2 Commercial materials VALS Researchonmateriasin se 3 "3 13 144 149 151 155 165 17 167 167 im 178 Ist 185 18? 189 19 19 192 195, 198 206 207

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