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Teacher Candidate: _Stephen Gorgone__________________

Date: __4/25/13__

Observing Nervous System Responses Lab

Grade: _9&10_ Content Area/Class Title: ___Biology___________________________________

School/MT: _LHHS/Babiuk & Brown_____ Group Size: _36___ Lesson Length: _50____ minutes Student Context: _There are 36 students in the class. 18 boys and 18 girls. There is one student with an IEP, 3 students with 504 plans. There are no ELDs in the class, but there are 5 re-designated students.__ Key Content Standards: Biology 9. 9.d. Students know the functions of the nervous system and the role of neurons in transmitting electrochemical impulses. Key ELD Standards (Redesignated Students): A. Collaborative 1. Exchanging information and ideas with others through oral collaborative discussions on a range of social and academic topic Learning Objective (Refer to Depth of Knowledge handout for cognitive verbs to include in your objective) : A. Cognitive Task: Students will infer a hypothesis. Students will conduct research. Students will analyze collected data. Students will draw conclusions from analyzed data. B. Understanding or Skill to be Enhanced: Lab skills will be enhanced. Group work will be strengthened. Scientific inquiry will be cultivated. Analyzing and drawing conclusions from scientific activity. Developing arguments and synthesizing a written response in the form of answering questions.

Assessment: Teacher will give a pre-lab quiz to assess student knowledge of neural transmission and the laboratory. Prerequisite Skills and Knowledge:

Students must know what a neuron is and how a neural impulse travels down a neuron. Students must know what a reflex Students must understand how fossils can look different. Lesson Resources/Materials: Observing Nervous System Lab Instructions Pencils/Pens Noise maker Stop watch Meter stick (one per group)


Introduction (_10 minutes): Teacher will instruct students to take out a piece of paper and take the pre-lab assessment. Body of the Lesson (_35 minutes): Teacher will have students take out the Observing Nervous System Lab. Frontload the laboratory for the students with a quick overview of instructions. Instruct student to begin. Teacher will answer any questions that arise from students and correct misconceptions. Students will work on Observing Nervous System Lab in their lab groups at their lab tables. -Students will ask teacher questions while performing laboratory and teacher will answer academic questions. Teacher will ask students questions about their lab and make sure they are on task. o Discuss nervous system reactions with students. o Discuss reflexes with students. Teacher will ask students to discuss what we are observing with their lab partners. o Ask students what can be inferred from the data. o Ask students what type of conclusions can be drawn from the lab. Closure (_5_minutes): Finish Observing Nervous System Lab Remind students they are required to create a formal lab write-up with their lab partners and turn in a copy on, it is due on Wednesday May 1st. Let students know if anyone needs any help with they should come to tutorial sometime this week or next week before the lab report is due. Teacher will instruct students to complete an exit ticket. Students must take out half a piece of paper and write one important thing they learned about their nervous system from the lab today. Academic Language

1. Describe the cognitive task related to the content learning objective: Students will infer a hypothesis, students will conduct research, students will analyze collected data and students will draw conclusions from analyzed data. 2. Language Demands: How will students be communicating in relation to the content in the cognitive task? o Receptive listening, reading, and viewing:

Students will listen to the teacher and their lab partners; students will read their laboratory instructions and view results from the reaction time experiments and reflex experiment. o Productive speaking and writing:

Students will speak during the lab when the teacher requests answers from them, students will speak to their lab partners to discuss what they are working on; students will write data collected from their laboratory data collection and analysis. 3. What key language skill(s), related to a single language demand above, will you help the students develop during the lesson? Teacher will help students speak during lab and encourage students to discuss academic topics using academic language. 4. Describe the genre of the chosen language demand. Students will infer conclusions from data collected in laboratory. 5. Describe the instructional strategies you will use to support the development of academic language skills (related to the identified language demand above). Include strategies you will use to meet the needs of individual or groups of students with varying language abilities. Teacher will model academic language when asking questions. In your lesson plan, integrate, label and highlight where you will be providing the instruction and guided practice related to the selected language demand.

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