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Report format for the Course Project( Application Development ) 1. Introduction 1.1 Background 1.2 Problem Statement 1.

3 Importance 2. Overview and Planning 2.1 Proposed System Overview 2.2 Challenges 2.3 Assumptions 2.4 Architecture Specifications 2.5 Hardware Requirements 2.6 Software Requirements 3. System Design 3.1 High-Level Design 3.2 Low-Level Design 4. System Implementation 4.1 Code and/or Architecture Development 5. Results and Discussion 5.1 Output/Results 5.2 Results Analysis 5.3 Discussion 6. Conclusion and Future Work 7. References

Guidelines 1) FontStyleshouldbeTahoma@Size12forcontent,14boldforheadingand14forsubheadingand 16formajorheading. 2)AttachtheEvaluationSheetasthesecondpageintheprojectreport. 3)KindlydevelopyourfrontpagewiththetagVIT,SITE,ProgramTitle,CourseName,YourNameand Reg.No. 4)PreferablySpiralBindingcanbemadeforsubmittingthesame 5)Attheend,attachthedocumentswhichissubmittedandverifiedduringdesignandinterimreview process. 6)LatestDateforsubmittingthereportwillbe29.04.13latestby5PM. *************************************

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