Aditya Inistitute of Technology and Management: A Study On

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Introduction Statement of objectives Methodology Research Design Data collection method Sampling Field work Analysis & interpretation Limitations Findings Appendix

Poverty introduction

Most of us live in comfort and security, but over one-fifth of the worlds population lives in poverty. Around the world poverty appears when people are not able to achieve the standard of living that is usual for their society. Today, standards of living vary greatly among nations; however, the effects of poverty remain constant: hunger, homelessness, lack of education, and resources to fulfill basic human needs. Poverty is not only having no money. For those in developing countries it also is not having the materials and resources to fulfill their basic needs. A person can be poor when they dont have access to employ menhealthcare, education and essentials like food, clothing and water. This program will help us to explore some of the issues that people living in poverty face. Exploring the issues of poverty can help us to find solutions.

Services and command over resources provided by institutions and the

Environment, members (e.g. risk taking), dependency rate, etc.

Poverty can thus be described and defined in several ways. Very broadly there seems to before approaches commonly used to measure poverty.

These are
income and consumption measures

anthropomorphic measures access to development opportunities, and qualitative methods

From the statistical point of view LAO PDR is well advanced in having Access to data on poverty. Two large household expenditure surveys, 1992/93And 1997/98 and population census 1995 have shed light on this issue, not only From the income side but also on accessibility to services and development Opportunities and to some extent also on anthroPresentation I will focus on Our income and consumption measures and accessibility to service.


Define poverty. Summarize the three main views of poverty. State four justifications for measuring poverty. Summarize the role of the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) process. Explain why technical and analytical training in poverty analysis is needed. Summarize the three steps required to measure poverty. Recognize the strengths and limitations arising from the need to use survey data in poverty analysis, including the choice of sample frame, unit of

observation, time period, and choice of welfare indicators. Describe the main problems that arise with survey data, including o survey design (sampling frame/coverage, response bias), o stratification, and o Multistage cluster sampling.

Explain why weighting is needed when surveys use stratified random sampling. Describe and evaluate the use of equivalence scales (including the OECD scale). Define consumption and income as measures of welfare, and evaluate the desirability of each in the LDC context. Summarize the problems that arise in measuring income and consumption, and explain how to value durable goods, and housing services. Identify measures of household welfare other than consumption and income. Including Calorie consumption precipitin, nutritional status, health status, and food consumption as a proportion of total expenditure. Argue the case that there is no ideal measure of welfare.

METHODLOGY A. Research Design

The research design which was selected was narrative one. It narrates the whole research in a simple manner. It is a blue print by this we can identify the different problems Step-1 Define research problem Step-2 Research findings Step-3 Formulate Hypothesis Step-4 Design Process Step-5 Collection of data Step-6 Analysis of data Step-7 Interpretation of data

B. DATA COLLECTION METHOD Types of data collected Primary data Questionnaires are prepared & interview was conducted. Most of the questions consist of multiple questions. The questionnaire was conducted in English. Generally 10 questions are prepared to ask about china mobiles in tekkali. Secondary Data Secondary data was collected from internets, various books, journals & company records. Questionnaire construction In this Questionnaire Constructed on the basis of two types. There are Multiple choice and close ended (Yes/ No) Questions. Defining the population The population or universe can be infinite. The population is said to be finite if it consist a fixed number of elements so that it is possible to enumerate it in its totality. So in this project consist of finite population.

SAMPLING SAMPLE SIZE Nearly 50 samples are taken in Tekkali locations and they are going to tell their opinion on their services.

FIELD WORK The field works is done at Tekkali. DESCRIPTION OF STATISTICAL TOOLS USED Percentage method Weighted average PERCENTAGE METHOD: In this project Percentage method test was used. The following are the formula No of Respondent Percentage of Respondent = x 100Total no. of Respondents. WEIGHTED AVERAGE METHOD

Weighted average can be defined as an average whose component items are multiplied by certain values (weights). The aggregate of the products are divided by the total of weights.

One of the limitations of simple arithmetic mean is that it gives equal importance to all the items of the distribution. In certain cases relative importance of all the items in the distribution is not the same where the importance of the items varies. It is essential to allocate weight applied but may vary indifferent cases. Thus weight age is a number standing for the relative importance of the items.


The study is based on small population like 50 samples. The time duration of the study is less the expected. Since this is the new project called A STUDY ON POVERTY IN TEKKALI (SRIKAKULAM DIST) sufficient review literature/case study is not available. The project data can be valid to 6 months; hence there are changes of changes in the findings & result obtained.


From the study it is found that. It is found that 75% of the population is suffering from the poverty. From the study found that, most them population80% is not satisfied because, the government not provide the facilities. It is found that most of the population is getting to know about the different types of policies and know that how to utilize that subsides. It is found that most of the population is suffered from basic needs that are food, cloth, shelter. It is found that most of the people to suffered from water and electricity.


1. How to reduce the poverty?

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