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bonus - an addition to the sum due to an interest - something unexpected or extra

2. event - something that happens

3. culture - a form or type of civilization of a certain race or nation

4. reveal

- to show; to make known

5. hasty - done in a hurry

6. function
- (n) to work or operate - (v) a special use of a machine, person etc.

7. depend - to rely on

8. hesitate - to pause briefly because of uncertainty - to be unwilling because one is not sure it is right

9. central - (adj) near the center

10. voyage
- (n) a long journey 11. require - (v) to need

12. political - (adj) concerning politics

13. identify
- to recognize as being a certain person, thing etc.

14. reaction - (n) a change of opinions, feelings etc.

15. authority - (n) the power or right to do something - (n) the person or people who have power in an administration etc.

depend, reveal, identify, reaction, event, culture, authority

1. a change of opinions, feelings etc 2. to rely on 3. the power or right to do something 4. to show; to make known 5. something that happens 6. a form or type of civilization of a certain race or nation 7. to recognize as being a certain person, thing etc.

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