Names of Muslim Babies

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NAMES OF MUSLIM BABIES (GIRLS) Collected by Tariq Ahmad Chapoo Shopian

Aabirah Aabish Aadila Aaida Aaila Aaima Aaina Aaira Aala Aamal Aamilah Aamira Aani Fatimah Khatoon Aania Aasira Abasah Abdah Abeedah

Fleeting, transitory, ephemeral. of Sa'ad; she was a queen Daughter of Irqan (AN). upright, just, righteous; fem. Honest, of Adil. Visiting, returning. Beautiful, like moon. Leader, ruler. Mirror respectful, respected, Noble, honourable. Benefit, favour, blessing. of Amal, hope, expectation, Pl. aspiration. Doer of (good) deeds, Righteous. full of life, large, Prosperous, substantial; fem. of Aamir. She was a literary woman and a poetess in Qastantiniyah (AN) Towards, direction, concern. Bond.
Daughter of al-Mahdi, a woman who was distinguished among her contemporaries. Worshiper (of Allah). Worshipper. The daughter of Nabil had this name; she was a narrator of Hadith. Fragrance, aroma, scent, perfume composed of musk, sandal-wood, and rose-water. Rose, Sandal Safron mixed together in fragrance.

Abeer Abeera Abida

Worshiper, devotee, adorer, devout; fem of Abid. Well-rounded, perfectly formed, a woman possessing a beautiful figure. Genius. Made of silk. Grace, Expression.

Abla Abqurah Abreshmina Ada

Adala Adan Adiba Adila Afaf Afana Afeerah Afia Afifa Afkar Afnan Afra Afrah Afrin Afroz Afroza

Justice. Paradise, heaven. Polite, well-mannered, well-bred, courteous, polished, writer; fem. of Adib. Equal. Chastity, purity, honesty, righteousness, modesty, decency. The forgiver, pardner. Covered with soil or dust. good health, vigour, vitality pure, chaste, modest, virtuous, honest, righteous, upright, decent; fem. Of Afif Pl. of Fikr, intellect thought. Pl. of Fanan, branch, twig. Dust coloured, earth-coloured, a variety buck. Pl. of Farah, joy, happiness. Praise, lucky.

Burning, polishing.


Afsana Afsar Afsar Ara Afshan Afshin Afza Agharid Aghsan Ahd Ahdaf Ahlam Aighar Aimen

Fable, fiction, romance. Crown. Adorning the crown. Adornment aids. Decorated with sparkles, golden. Increase, augmentation. Pl. of Ughrudah, twittering, song. Pl. of Ghusn, branch, twig. Pledge, knowledge. Pl. of hadaf, aim, goal, target. Pl. of Hulm, dream. She was a religious, righteous woman (AN) Brave, fearless, lucky, right hand.


She was the daughter of Muhammad al-Baqadari, and was a narrator of Hadith. Al-Ameeh, was a great worshipper who worshipped long in the night somnetimes right upto daun (AN). Name of a date in Saudia Arabia. Tree planted by Holy Prohpet (PBUH). Star, good luck. Certain, firm.

Ajrada Ajwa Akhtar Akida Akifa

Devoted to, dedicated to, intent, busy; fem. of A


A pious, righteous and intelligent woman of Egypt. She respected the Ulama and built religious schools (Madrasah) and mosques, She died in 762.

Alam Alam Ara Aleema Aleena Alhan Alifa Alima Aliya Aliyya Almas Almasa Almira Altaf Alveena Alyaa Alyan Ama Amal Aman Amanat

World; sing. of Alameen. Adorning the world. Exalted, highest social standing. Beautiful. Melody. Friendly, sociable, amicable; fem. of Alif. Woman of learning, scholar. High, tall, towering, lofty, exalted, high-ranking, sublime, superior, excellent; fem. of Aali. Highest social standing, lofty, sublime; fem. of Ali. Diamond. Diamond. Princess Pl. of Lutf, kindness. Loved one, cared one, liked. Heaven(s), sky, sublimity, lofty. Tall and healthy. Female slave, servant. Hope, expectation; sing. of Amaal.

Trust, safety, protection, tranquillity, peace of mind, calmness

Pl. of Amanah, trust, deposit.

Amani Amatul Islam Amatul Karim Amatullah Ambar Ambara Ambarin Ameena Ameera Amila Amima

Wishes, aspirations, hopes; pl. of Umniyah. (female) servant of Islam. (female) servant of the most generous i.e. Allah. (female) servant of Allah. Perfume, ambergris. Perfume, ambergris; fem. of Ambar. Perfumed. Trustworthy, faithful. hones; fem. of Amin. Princess; fem. of Ameer. Hopeful. Full, complete, Safe, secure, protected, a lady of peace and harmony. Name of the beloved mother of the Prophet Muhammad. An occupant of an abode, one who makes umrah or ziyaarah, abundant treasure. Pl. of Majd, glory, honour. A lady with strong Imaan; tolerant. Safety. Any covering for the head, as a crown. Headgear; This was the name of the female companion Amrah RA daughter of Abdur Rahman bin Sa'ad bin Zurarah Ansari.


Amira Amjad Ammara Amna Amra


Amrozia Anadil


Woman of today

Pl. of Andalib, nightingale.

Anan Anat Andalah Andalib Aneesa Aneezah Angbin

Perseverance, patience. Song of the nightingale. Nightingale; sing. of Anadil. Companion, affectionate, friendly, sociable, intimate friend; fem. of Anis. She-Goat. Honey.

Anila Aniqa Anisa Anjum Anjuman Anjuman Ara Anoosh Anoosha Anqa Ansam Anwar Anwarah Anya

Inexperienced, raw. Neat, elegant, smart. A pious-hearted lady, good-natured, compatible. Pl. Najm, star. Assembly. Adorning the assembly. Delighted. Delighted, happy A woman with a long neck, an imaginary bird. Pl. of Nasam, breath, breath of life. Rays of light; pl. of Noor.

Greatly lighted

A woman with large eyes.

Aoj Aqdas Aqeela Aqiba Aqila Aqsa Ara Areefa Areej Arfa Aribah Arifa Arjumand Arjumnd Bano Aroob Arshia

Peak, height, apex, climax. Pure, sacred. The best, the very best. Result, consequence. Wise, sensible, intelligent, sensible, discerning. Height, limit, far, shore. Adorning. Learned, expert, authority; fem. of Areef. Fragrance, aroma, sweet smell, scent, perfume. Exalted, sublime, great, high. Wise. Learned, expert, authority; fem. of Arif. Excellent, beloved, noble. Excellent woman, noble woman. Lover wife, who loves her husband She who lives in skies.

Arshia Arus Arwa Arzu

One who lives is the sky. Brides. She was the daughter of Abdul Muttalib, and so an aunt of the Prophet PBUH his father's sister.

Wish, hope, love.

Asar Aseela Aseela Asghia Ashiqa Ashraf Ashraf Jahan Ashwaq Asifa Asima Asira

Pl. of Asar, sign, mark, trace. Highborn, of noble origin. Of noble origin, highborn, pure; fem. of Asil. Pious people, modest people. Very friendly, which stays very close. Nobler, more honourable; comp. adj. of Sharif. Noblest of the world. Pl. of Shawq, longing, desire, wish. Virtuous, pure, spotless, upright. Safe, chaste, protector, guardian; fem. of Asim. Honoured, chosen, preferred; fem. of Asir. Comforting, consoling, a mansion with solid foundation or pillars, firm, a powerful. Wife of Firawn. One who heals A narrator of Hadith and daughter of Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Tahir alAswadi (AN)


Asma Asmaa Asmaa Asmaa Asra Ateefa Ateeqa Atifa

more exalted, more sublime, Higher, more eminent. Pl. of Ism. name. virtuous, precious, valuable, Chaste, excellent. travel by night, to make someone To travel by night. Affectionate, compassionate. Ancient, noble; fem. of Atiq. Compassion, affection, kindness; fem. of sympathetic, Atif.

Atifat Atika Atiqa

Kindness, sympathy. Clear, pure, limpid (of wine). Emancipated, a beautiful lady.

Atira Atiya Atuf Awatif

Fragrant, connoisseur of good fragrance, aromatic, perfumed. Gift, present, bounty, grant. Affectionate, kind hearted, compassionate, loving. Pl. of Aatifa, affection, compassion, kindness, kind feeling. Living, well-off, well-to-do, prosperous. Aisha (d.678): wife of the Prophet Muhammad and daughter of Kahlifa Abu Bakr. Source, spring. Fountain of life. Source of the spring. A must have, right, courage, power, legal, allowable. Loved one, good, successful. Determination, firm will. Pl. of Zahrah, flower, blossom. Great, powerful, dignified, magnificent, glorious; fem. of Azim. Noble, precious, cherished, honourable, illustrious, highly esteemed, dearly loved, beloved; fem. of Aziz.


Ayn Aynul Hayat Aynun Nahr Azaa Azah Azeema Azhaar Azima


Azka Azra Azwa Badai

Big hearted, generous. Virgin, maiden, a young unmarried lady. Pl. of Zau, light, splendour, limelight.
Pl. of Badia, wonder, marvel.

Badiha Badiyah Badr Badriyah Badrun Nisa Badyah Baha Bahar Bahar Bano Baheera

Insight, perceptive faculty. Desert; Bint Ghaylan al-Saqafi was so named; she was of Taif. Full moon of the fourteenth night. Full moon-like. Full moon of the women. Clear, knowledgeable person. Beauty, glory, splendour, magnificence, glow. Spring, blossom. Blooming princess. Dazzling, brilliant.

Bahija Bahira Bahiya Bahriyah alAabidah Baiza Bajila Bakarah Bakhita Bakht Bakhtawar

Glad, happy, joyful, delighted, delightful, cheerful; fem. of Bahij. Brilliant, superb, magnificent, gorgeous, spectacular. Beautiful, brilliant, elegant, radiant, pretty, charming; fem. of Bahi. She was a devoted worshipper and ascetic of Basrah. She used to say, "If the heart gives up the passions, it will then domesticate knowledge." White, bright, brilliant, innocent, pure; fem. of Abyad. Honoured, dignified, highly regarded. Virginity. Lucky, fortunate; fem. of Bakhit.

Fortunate, Lucky.

Lot, Fate, Portion.

Bakura Baligha Banafsaj

Coming early. Eloquent. Violent flower. Daughter of Abdullah al-Rumiyah; was a very pious and generous woman who gave much in charity (AN). Fingertips. Princess, lady, Miss. The daughter of al-Mahdi, the Khalifah (775-785), had this name.


Banan Banu Banujah Baqilah Baraim Barakah Barat Bareea Bareerah Baria Barkat Barrah Barraqa Barsa

Pl. of Burum, blossom, bud. Blessing. Innocence, guiltlessness. Innocent, blameless, guiltless, sound; fem. of Bari. Pious. Excelling, originator; fem. of Bari. Blessing; sing. of Barakat. She was the aunt of the Prophet PBUH, daughter of Abdul Muttalib and mother of Abi Salamah. Bright, brilliant, shining, sparkling, glittering; fem. of Barraq.

Barzah Basbas

She was a narrator of hadith from Sayyidah Ayshah RA She was a slave-girl of Ibn Nafees; she was beautiful and had a melodions voice, (AN)

Basbasah Basharat Bashira Basila Basima Basira Basma Basoos Bassama Batina

Good news, glad tidings. Bringer of good news; fem. of Bashir, harbinger. Brave, fearless, intrepid. Smiling; fem. of Basim. Sagacious, endowed with insight; fem. of Basir.. Smile. She was the daughter of Munqiz atTamimah (AN). Smiling; fem. of Bassam. Hidden, Inner. Virgin, pure and chaste. A lady who is purely devoted to Allah, an epithet of Maryam, mother of Prophet Isa, and of Fatima, daughter of Muhammad. Generous woman. Bright Reward, generous. Big hearted, open handed, bounteous. Beauty of company. Exalted, great. Seeing; clear sighted.


Bazala Bazegha Bazla Bazla Bazm-Ara Bazriqa Beena Beenish Begum

Intelligent, genius

Honorific title, queen, lady of rank.

Benazir Bhajat Bibi Bilqis Bisharah

Matchless, unique. Splendour, magnificence, pomp, joy, happiness. Lady of rank, and honorific title used at the end of a woman's name in the Indian sub-continent. Queen of Saba known as Bilqis in the Arabian tradition. A narrator of Hadith (AN)

Bisma Bismal Budur

Fragrance. Pl. of Badr, full moon. This was the name of a female narrator of Hadith; She was alfazariyah; Abu Dawood and Nasai transmitted from her. The name of a freed female slave of Sayyidah Ayshah RA A narrator who transmitted from Shaybah bin Usman and Sabit AlShimale narrated from her. (AN) Nightingale. This was the name of the daughter of Yazid al-Abshamiyah. She was a narrator of Hadith, she died in 119 AH (AN) She was al-Suraymiyah, and a very dutiful worshipper. Bud, blossom; sing. of Baraim. Diminutive of Basna, beautiful woman. She was a female companion RA and also a muhajirah, who migrated to Madinah.


Buhayyah Bujaybah Bulbul Bunanah Buqayrah Burdah Burum Busaina Busayrah Bushra Busrah

Good news, glad tidings

This was the name of the daughter of Safwan bin Nawfal; She was a companion and she lived until the era of Muawiyah.


Garden, orchard.

Dafiya Dahma Daiba Dalal Dalia Danish Danish Ara Daniya Dara Darakhshan

Narrator of Hadith, daughter of Muhammad bin Bisharah. She was a scholar of religion and had learnt from her brother al-Imam alMahdi. Assiduous, persistent, devoted. Coquetry, pampering. Dahlia, flower. Wisdom, learning. Endowed with wisdom, learning. Kind hearted, the one who gets near. Halo (of the moon). Shining.

Daria Darkhshanda Darra Daulah Dawha Dawlat Khatoon. Deeba Deenah Dil Dilara Dildar

Learned, knowing. Splendid, glittering. pearl, brilliant, teat, udder; name of a Sahabiyah RA, daughter of Abu Lahab. Wealth, empire, state, power. Lofty tree with many branches, family tree. She was from a ruling family. Brocade. Obedience. Heart, mind.

Beloved, one who decorates heart.

Having a big heart. Wife of Mughal emperor Babur.

Dilkash Dilruba Dilshad Dilshad Khatoon Dima Doha Dujanah Dunya Dur-e-Shahwar Durdanah Durr Durrah Durriya

Attractive, captivating. Heart-ravishing, a beloved object. Happy, glad, cheerful. She lived between 730-750. An incessant gentle rain unaccompanied by wind, thunder, or lightning. Forenoon. A great rain, name of a woman. World, earth. Kings worthy pearl Pearl-grain Pearls. Pearl. A sahabia i.e. a Muslim woman who lived in time of Prophet Muhammad.

Glittering, sparkling, twinkling, brilliant.

Faariha Fadia Fadwa Faheemah

glad, delighted, cheerful, Happy, joyful; fem. of Farih. Redeemer, ransomer; fem. of Fadi. name derived from self-sacrifice Intelligent.

Fahhama Fahm Fahm Ara Fahmida Faida Faiqa Faiza Fajr Fakeehah Fakhar Fakhira Fakhr Fakhriya Fakhrun Nisa Fakhtah Fakihah

Very intelligent, learned, very understanding. Intellect, intelligence, insight. Adorned with intellect, intelligent. Intelligent, judicious. Benefit, advantage, gain, worth, welfare. Excellent, outstanding, distinguished, superior, ascendant. Victorious, triumphant, winner, successful, prosperous; fem. of Faiz. Dawn, rise, beginning, start. Cheerful. Honour, pride, glory. Excellent, glorious, magnificent, precious, honourable. Glory, pride, honour. Proud, honorary, glory, pride (for noble cause); fem. of Fakhri. Glory of the women. A dove. This was the name of Umm Hani; Alo the name of the mother of Khalid bin Yazeede.


Fakira Falahat Falak Faliha Fanila Faqiha Faqirah Faraal Farah Fareefta Farha Farhal Farhana

Thinker. Welfare, benefit. Orbit, sky, celestial sphere. lucky, successful, Fortunate, prosperous; fem. of Falih. Able, worthy. expert, scholar in fiqh (Islamic Jurist, jurisprudence); fem. of Faqih. was the name of a beautiful This woman, wife of Murrah al-Asadi (AN) Name of lion, height. Joy, happiness, cheerfulness, delight. Devotee, lover. pleasure, happiness, Gladness, delight. Happy. joyful, happy, cheerful, Glad, delighted; fem. of Farhan.

Farhat Farheen Farhi Faria Farida Fariha Farihah

Cheer, pleasure. Happy, glad. Glad, happy. Tall, towering, lofty, pretty, slim, slender, fem. of Fari. Unique, matchless, singular, precious; fem. of Farid. Happy, glad, joyful.

Brisk, Swift.

Farkhanda Farqad Farrukh Farwa Faryal Farzana Faseelah Fasiha Fasiya Fateenah Fathiya Fatiha

Blessed Name of a Star. Happy, Fortunate. (daughter of Imam Jafar Al Fur; Sadiq). Name. Wise, learned. Some distance. fluent, well-spoken; fem. Eloquent, of Fasih. A gentle woman. Intelligent. who wins victory after victory; One fem. of Fathi. Opening, introduction, dawn, first.
Literally: weaner, Abstinence, daughter of Muhammad and wife of Khalifa Ali known as Sayyidat-al-Nisa (the chief of women). Beautiful, pretty, attractive, glamorous, captivating, ravishing. Charming, fascinating, alluring, captivating. Extremely beautiful, charming, captivating. High Grade Breath of fragrance. Success, Salvation.


Fatin Fatinah Fattana Fauqiyah Fawha Fawz Fawza Fawziya

Victory, triumph, success, winning, achievement.

Triumphant, successful, victorious, fem. of Fawzi.

Fayona Fayrooz Fayyaza Fazeela Fazeen Fazila

Beautiful, pretty. Turquoise. A lady who confers great favours, most generous and bountiful. High degree of excellence, merit, perfection, outstanding, virtue, excellence, knowledge. Increasing. Virtuous, honest, excellent, superior, kind, outstanding, eminent, learned; fem. of Fazil (fadil).

Fazilatun Nisa Feheema Fidda Firdaus Firdausi Firoza Fiza Fiza Fiza Fozia Fuada Fudayl Funoon Furayah

Excellence of the women. Intelligent, judicious, learned, erudite; fem. of Faheem. Silver. Paradise, heaven, garden. Heavenly. Turquoise, a bright greenish-blue coloured precious stone. Wide, open, open hearted. Running water on land. Enlarger, improver, who expands, magnifier. Successful Heart; fem. of fuad. Learned, scholar.

Variety, art.

Handsome, Well-built.


Luminous, radiant. Name of a narrator of Hadith who transmitted from her father, Wasilah bin al-Asqa RA who from the Prophet PBUH. A form of Faazil, meaning: An accomplished person; name of a saint known as Fuzail bin Iyaaz.



Ghada Ghadeer Ghadia Ghadir Ghafira Ghaida Ghalia Ghaliba Ghamza Ghaneemah

Delicate young girl, beautiful young woman, youthful and beautiful woman. Brook, rivulet, small stream. Morning, cloud. She was the slave of Musa al-Hadi and then Haroon Rashid (AN) One who hides other's sins. Young and delicate, soft. Precious, priceless, valuable, dear, beloved. Conqueror, victor, winner; fem. of Ghalib. Gestures. Spoils, booty.

Ghania Ghaniya Ghareebah Ghashia Ghasna Ghatiya Ghazal Ghazal Ghazala Ghaziya Ghibtah

Beauty, beautiful girl, pretty girl, danseuse. Rich, wealthy, prosperous; fem. of Ghani. Strange, foreign; the daughter of Salim bin Ahmad at-Tajir had this name (AN) Guidance. Bud, blossom. Dynamic, moving. Gazelle, deer. A poem, ode, talk with woman. Gazelle, a young deer, the sun.

Female Warrior.

She was the daughter of Amer al-Mujashaiyah; she was a narrator of Hadith.

Ghina Ghufayrah Ghufran

Singing, song. This was the name of a very pious woman who kept vigil in the night. (AN) Pardon, forgiveness. Her Kuniyah was Umm Sulaym; She was a front-rank companion RA and narrated ahadith. She died in the times of Sayyidina Usman RA. Branch, twig; sing. of Ghusoon. Pl. of Ghusn, branch, twig. She was also known as Ghuzaylah; she was a narrator of Hadith. Precious Stone. Flower, rose. Beautiful body resembling rose. Rose spring. Rose petal. Rosy-cheeked. Rose-coloured. Rosy-faced. Rose-face. Beautiful delicate scented rose.


Ghusn Ghusun Ghuzayyah Gohar Gul Gul Badan Gul Bahar Gul Barg Gul Izar Gul Rang Gul Ru Gul Rukh Gul-e-Rana

Gulab Gulistan Gulnar

Rose, rosewater.

Rose garden, garden.

A plant whose flowers resemble pomegranates

Gulrez Gulshan Gulzaar

Rose-Sprinkler Rose-garden.


Hababah Habiba Hablah Haboos Hadaya Hadeel Hadeeqah Hadia Hadiya Haeda Haemah Hafeeza Haffafa Hafiza Hafsa Haifa Haiqa Hajar Hajira Hajjah Hajna

A daughter of Ajlan; She was narrator of Hadith. Beloved, darling, sweetheart; fem. of Habib. A woman who earns a lot. This was the name of noble lady who was kind and benevolent; she lived in Lebanon. Pl. of Hadiya, gift, present. Cooing of a pigeon. Garden. Guide to righteousness; fem. of Hadi leader. Gift, present; sing. of Hadaya. A woman who repents a lot. Crazy in love. Guardian, protector; fem. of Hafeez. Glittering, shining, thin, peaceful, gentle wind. Honorific title of a woman who has memorised the Quran, guardian, protector; fem. Hafiz. Cub; wife of Muhammad; daughter of Khalifa Umar. Slender, slim, of beautiful body. True, truly, obedient of God, prayer of God The wife of Prophet Ibrahim AS was name Hajar AS. Wife of Prophet Ibrahim and mother of Prophet Ismail.

She was a narrator of Hadith, daughter of Murrah; another narrator by the same name was the daughter of Murayt (AN). The daughter of Nusayb, she was a poetess. (AN)


Wise, sage, judicious, prudent; fem. of Hakeem. A Sahabia i.e. a Muslim woman who lived in time of the Prophet Muhammad. Ruler, queen. Halo, ring around the eye, aureole, name of the sister of Khadija, the first wife of the Prophet Muhammad. Clement, patient, tolerant, gentle; fem. of Halim. Halima Al-Sadiyah: foster mother of the Prophet Muhammad. Aware, knowing. Dreamer, visionary. Dove, pigeon. Bearer. Low and soft sound, heartbeat. Praised, laudation of Allah; fem. of Hamd. Much praise. A tribe in Arabia. Praised, commended, praiseworthy, commendable; fem. of Hamid. Praiser (of Allah); fem. of Hamid. Close friend. Praising (God). The daughter of Jahsh al-Asdiyah was so named; she narrated Hadith. Red. Happiness, bliss, felicity.

Hakima Hala


Halia Halima Hamama Hamama Hamas Hamda Hamdan Hameeda Hamida Hamima Hammada Hamnah Hamra Hana Hana Hana

Kind hearted.

Merciful, kind hearted.

Hanan Hanfa Hani Hania Hanifa Hanin Haniya Hanna

Compassion, affection, love, mercy, tenderness, warm-heartedness. Name of the wife of Sayyidina Ismail AS. Pleasant. Happy, delighted. True, one of true faith, upright; fem. of Hanif. Desire, longing, yearning. Pleasant, happy. Compassion, sympathy, pity.

Hanoon Hanoona Hareem Hareer Harisa Harisa Haroona Hasana Hashmat Hasiba Hasifa Hasina

Compassionate, merciful, affectionate, tender-hearted, softhearted. Compassionate; fem. of Hanun. House, walls of a house. Silk. Cultivator, lioness; fem. of Haris (Harith). Guard, protector (f.). Protector, messenger. Good deed, kind act, favour; sing. of Hasanat. Modesty, bashfulness, decency, decorum. Highborn, respected, noble; fem. of Hasib.

Pretty, beautiful.

Judicious, wise, prudent, sagacious, endowed with sound judgement; fem. of Hasif.

Hasna Hasna Hasnat Hassana Hatima Hawiya Hawla Hawwa Haya Hayat Hayrah Hazar Hazeena Hazeerah Hazima Haziqa

Pious, beautiful woman. Chaste, virtuous, modest. Virtues. Most beautiful woman, most sweetheart. Generous. Dominant. Intelligent. A beautiful girl with a ruddy complexion, Eve; wife of Adam, mother of mankind. Shyness, bashfulness, coyness, modesty. Life. She was a well-=known narrator of Hadith from the generation after the companions (AN) Kind of nightingale. Autumn, treasure, forever. Wise. Firm, energetic, judicious, discreet, prudent; fem. of Hazim. Clever, shrewd.

Hazzafa Hena Hiba Hibatullah

The name of Hazrat Haleema Saadia's daughter. Greenery

Gift of God.

Gift, present

Hikmat Hilal Hinaa Hind Hindah Hira Hiyam Hoor Hooriya Hoorulain Hoyam Hubayshah Hubba Huboor Huda Hujaymah Hujayrah Hukayman Huma Humaida

Wisdom. Crescent, new moon. The Indian privet; a shrub, the leaves of which are used for dyeing the hands, feet and hair. Proper name. She was the wife of Abu Sufyan (some versions call her Hind). A peak near Makkah where Prophet Muhammad (SAW) used to worship Allah. Passionate love. A virgin maiden of Paradise for its dwellers. Virgin of Paradise, houri, nymph. The most beautiful HUR with beautiful eyes. Passionate love. She was the daughter of Hubaysh alAamiriyah; she was a poetess. She was a beautiful woman, daughter of Maalik bin Amr alAdwaniyah (AN) Happiness. Right guidance, right path. Attack. She was a narrator of Hadith, daughter of Husayn. She was the daughter of Umaymah daughter of Ruqayqah RA a companion.

An imaginary bird.

Praised; fem. of Humaid.


Of red colour. Name of Ayesha, wife of the Prophet Muhammad. The wife of Ibrahim al-Nakhee was so named, as also the daughter of Shurayk. (AN). Whe was a narrator of Hadith. Free woman



Hurmat Hurriya Husaina Hushaima Husn Husn Ara Husna Husni Husniya Huzuz

Respect, dignity or something declared, sacred by religion. Freedom, liberty. Diminutive of Husn, beauty. Diminutive of Hishma, modesty. Beauty, gracefulness, prettiness. Adorned with beauty. Most pious, good outcome; fem. of Ahsan. Possessing beauty. Beautiful, pretty.

Pl. of Hazz, fortune, good luck.

Iba Ibadat Ibrisam Ibrisami Ibriz Ibtihaj Ibtihal Ibtisam Ibtisama Idrak Iffat Iffat-Ara Ifra Ifrah Iftikhar Iftinan Ihtisham Ijlal Ijliyah

Pride, disdain. Worship. Silk. Silken. Pure gold. Joy, delight. Prayer, supplication. Smile. Smile. perception, achievement, Intellect, attainment. chastity, modesty, virtue, Purity, abstinence. Decorator of Chastity Height, sublimity. To make happy. Pride. enchantment, captivation modesty, decency, Chastity, decorum. exaltation, honour, Glorification, distinction, respect. The daughter of al-Asturlabi al-Ijli.

Ikhlas Iklil

Sincerity, honesty, integrity, fidelity, faithfulness.

Crown, garland, wreath.

Ikram Ilham Ilm Iltimas Ilyas Iman Imrana Imtinan Imtisal Imtiyaz Inam Inan Inas Inayat Inshirah Intisar Intisarat Iqamat Iqra Iradat

Honour, glory, respect, generosity, hospitality. Intuition, inspiration, revelation. A slave gifl belonging to Zubaydah, wife of Harun al-Rashid had this name. Request, appeal, entreaty. Name of a Prophet of Allah. He was called Ilyaseen as well. Belief, faith in Allah. Population, socialism. Gratitude, gratefulness, thankfulness. Obedience, conforming to, in compliance with. Distinction, mark of honour, intelligent. Gift, present, act of kindness, benefaction, bestowal. A slave girl belonging to Harun alRashid. Friendliness, cordiality, sociability. Concern, solicitude. Joy, delight, happiness, cheerfulness. Victory, triumph; sing. Pl. of Intisar, victory, triumph. Calm, peace, staying.

Study, read.

Wish, desire, intention.

Iram Irtiza Isad Ishraq Ishrat Islah Ismat

The Paradise of Shadad, Eden. Contentment, approval. Making happy of prosperous, blessing. Brilliance, radiance, shining. Pleasure, enjoyment, delight. Making right, making good, improvement, betterment. Purity, honour, protection, chastity, modesty.

Ismat-Ara Isood Istabraq Itidal Itimad Itrat Izaz Izdihar Izz Izza Izza an-Nisa Izzat

Decorator of modesty A woman of delicate body. Brocade. Moderateness, moderation, mildness, rectitude. Reliance, dependence. Lineage, descendants of Holy Prophet (PBUH). Honour, esteem, regard, affection. Prosperity, flourishing, bloom, blossoming. The daughter of al-Haytam Muhammad bin al-Haysam was so named. Honour, fame, power. She was the daughter of Muhammad bin Abdul Aziz bin Ali bin Hibbat Allah bin Khuldoon. She narrated hadith.

Honor; esteem, integrity. Life. of Musafh; she was a Daughter narrator of Hadith. A bracelet. Forehead. New, fresh. World. the world. Daughter of Adorning Mughal emperor Shah Jahaan. She was a Persian poet. was a female companion of the She Prophet PBUH. Bringing to light, shining, clarity. Dignified. Companion exalted, magnificent; fem. of Great, Jalil. Sight, show. Beauty. Beautiful, pretty, moon-faced.

Jaan Jabalah Jabarah Jabin Jadida Jahan Jahan Ara Jahan Khatoon Jahdamah Jala Jaleelah Jaleesah Jalila Jalwa Jamal Jamala

Jamia Jamila Jamila Jamilah

Gatherer, collector, author, writer; fem. of Jami. Beautiful, elegant, pretty; fem. of Jamil. Daughter of Khalifa Umar. Beautiful girl.



Pretty, sweet-heart; pl. of Jan, life.

Janan Janna Jannat Jannatul Firdaus Jariyah Jasrah Jassia Jawahir Jawda Jawedan Jawhara Jaza Jazibiyya Jibla Jina Jinan Joindah Joodi Joya


Heart, soul, pretty. Garden, paradise. Heaven, paradise. Garden of Paradise. Slave girl. Daughter of Dijajah al-Amiriyah, and a narrator of Hadith. One who sits, name of a Surrah of Al-Quran. Precious. Excellence, high, quality, fineness. Immortal, lasting. Jewel, gem, essence. Reward. Attraction, charm, appeal. Nature, natural disposition. Princess, lucky, patrician, Pl. of Jannat, garden, paradise. God's gift. Kind, working.



She was the daughter of Wahb; she was a companion and a narrator of Hadith. There is a suggestion that her name was Hujaymah, she was Umm adDarda, and a narrator of Hadith. Fragrant flower.

Juhaymah Juhi

Jumaina Jumana Jumaymah Junayna Juni Junna Juveria

Diminutive of Jumana, small pearl. Pearl. Name of a female companion. Little garden. Lovable. Shelter.

Diminutive of Jooriyah, damask rose. Wife of the Prophet Muhammad.

Kabeesha Kabira Kabira Kabshah Kaheela Kaif Kaifiya Kaina Kakuli Kaleemah Kalsam

was the name of a poetess, This daughter of al-Waqa (AN). Great. Leader, heroic woman.

She was a companion; she was the daughter of Sabit bin al-Munzir alAnsari (AN) Labour, triumph, trial. A state of joy. Ecstatic, mirghful, gayhooppy. Leader woman. Crest, tuft on the head of an animal like comb of a cock. Speaker. Name of al-Qarshiyah who transmitted Hadith from Sayyidah Ayshah (AN) Perfection: name of a traditionalist, daughter of Muhammad bin Muhammad al-Hashmiyah alMakkiyah RA. Perfect, complete, genuine; fem. of Kamil. Firm (of flish), sturdy (of body). Maid servant, female servant, virgin. A flower of water, water-lilly. Treasure. Treasure; She was a poetess (AN) Generosity, bounty, noble nature.


Kamila Kaneezah Kaniz Kanwal Kanz Kanzah Karam Karamat Kardawaiyah


A ious woman, daughter of Amr al-Basriyah was so name (AN)

Karima Kariman Karma Kas Kashfiya Kashida Kashifah Kashira Kashmala Kashooda Kashud Kasirah Kasool Kasturi Kaureen Kausar Kauser Kawkab Kaysah Kazima

Kind, generous, benevolent, openhanded, bountiful, noble; fem. of Karim. Generous lady. Vine, grapevine, kind, generous. Glass; This was the name of a woman, daughter of Buhayr bin Jundub. Enlightenment. Hardworking. Revealer of Secrets. Jubiliant, jovial. Necklace of flowers, Garland Attractive. Bloom, success, benefit. Plenty. A girl brought up by tender care, sluggish girl. Musk, a song bird. Beautiful girl, pretty girl. Abundance, name of a fountain, in the paradise. A Fountain in heaven Star, satellite.

Daughter of Abu Bakr al-Saqafi, was a narrator of Hadith.

One who controls or suppresses her anger; fem. of Kazim.

Kehkashan Khabira Khadija Khadra Khair Khaira Khairat

Galaxy. Aware, knowing. The first wife of the Prophet Muhammad who was the first to embrace Islam. Green, verdant. Good, blessing, boon, wealth, fortune. The best, prime, top, flower, cream; sing. of khairat. Pl. of Khaira, blessing, good work.

Khairiya Khairun Nisa Khalida Khalisa Khalwat Khanam Khansa Kharijah Kharqa Khashar Khashia Khashifa

Charity, benevolence, beneficence, good. Best of women. Epithet of Khadija, the first wife of the Prophet Muhammad. Permanent, immortal, eternal; fem. of Khalid. Pure, true, clear, real; fem. of Khalis. Solitude. Princess, noble woman. Proper name (famous Arabic poetess), pug-nosed. External. Strong wind. Decorated, ornamented. Pious, devout; fem. of Khashi.

Disclosing, divulging.

Khasiba Khatiba Khatiba Khatira Khatoon Khaula Khawara Khazanah Khazeena Khidrah Khitfa Khudamah Khudra Khulaidah Khulat Khulaybah

fertile, prolific, prodigal, Fruitful, productive; fem. of Khasib. Orator, speaker, fiance. Speaker. Wish, desire. Noblewoman, lady.

A buck, deer, name of a well-known Sahabi i.e. companion of the Prophet Muhammad. The sunlight, east. Treasure; She was the daughter of Khalid bin Jafar bin Qurt. She was a poetess. Arsenal, treasure house. Green. Erroneus, forgetful. Service, name of a Sahabiyah RA. Greenery, greenness, verdancy. Permanent, name of a Sahabi who participated in the battle of Badr and the name of a Sahabiyyah. Love, friend. This was the name of an Arab poetess.

Khuld Khulud Khurmi Khursheed Khurshid Jahan

Paradise, heaven, eternal. Immortality. Happiness, leisure. Sun. sun of the world
Lucky. Fragrance, scent. Delighted, agreed, happy, joyous. A little or young female gazelle; name of a women. Lavender, tulip. Ray, beam. Country. The mountain of light, name of a diamond that was a prized possession of the Mughals. Exalted, sublime, nice. Handsome, pretty, name of a Sahaabiyah. A distinguished woman of her times was so named. She was the daughter of Saad al-Aslamiyah and she offered allegiance (bayah) to the Prophet PBUH. Great, senior, (Al-Khubra - Epithet of Khadija). This was the name of a pious, learned woman who was a good speaker (AN)

Khushbakht Khushbu Khushnuda Khuwailah Khuzama Kiran Kishwar Kohinoor Korina Kowaisah


Kubra Kuhaylah Kulsoom

Pearl, ruby.

Full of flesh about the face and cheeks, rosy, healthy cheeks, chubby cheeks.

Laal Labiba Lafiza Lahifa Laiba Laiha Lail

Intelligent, judicious, sensible, understanding, sagacious, wise, prudent, wise; fem. of Labib. As deep as a sea. Helper. Name of a Hoor in Heaven Glittering. Night.

Laiqa Lakhsha Lala Lama Lamia Lamis Lamisa Lamiya Lamya Laraib Laseef Latifa Latimah Lawaiza

Worthy, deserving, elegant, capable, decent. Glittering. Flower. Darkness of inner lips, it is considered to be beautiful. Brilliant, lustrous, shining, radiant. Tender woman. Soft to touch. With beautiful curls. Dark-lipped (from inside). Not suspicious, truth. Glitter. Pretty, charming, gentle, sweet, refined, kind, pleasantry, humour, friendly; fem. of Latif.


The girl who was born to Eve with Abel.

Layaan Layina Layla Layyah Lina Liza Lubaba Lubana Lubna Lulu Lulua Lutf Lutfana Lutfiya

Gentleness, softness, tenderness. Tender, supple, resilient. Night, A well-known character in Arabic literature i.e. the beloved of Majnoon. Twist, Flexure. Gentle, soft, tender, 'a kind of palm'. Dedicated for Allah. Essence, core, gist. Wish, desire. A tree which yields an aromatic resin used in perfume and medicine i.e. storax-tree. Pearls. Pearl. Kindness, friendliness, courtesy, delicate, grace, favour from Allah. Kind, helper. Delicate, graceful.

Lutfun Nisa

Grace of women.

Ma as-sama Mabrooka Madaniya Madiha Mah Mah Jabin Mah Liqa Mah Naz Mah Noor Mah Rukh Maha Mahala Mahalfa Maham Mahasin Mahbasah Mahbooba Mahdiya Maheen Mahfooza Mahin

A noble hearted, generous lady, daughter of al-Muzaffar had this name. Blessed, prosperous, abundant; fem. of Mabrook. Civilized, urbane, polished. Praiseworthy, commendation, commendable. Moon. Beautiful, brow like the moon. Moon-like (face). Humble moon (that would disappear on touch). Moonlight. Face as bright as the moon. Wild cow (representing beauty). Brave. Opponent. Wife of mughal emperor Zahiruddin Baber, mother of Hamayun. Pl. of Mahsana, beauty, charm, charming, attraction, virtue, merit. A narrator of Hadith, al-Bahiliyah had this name. Dear, beloved sweetheart; fem. of Mahboob. Rightly guided; fem. of Mahdi. Like moon.

Fine, subtle, thin.

Safeguarded, well-protected; fem. of mahfooz.

Mahira Mahjooba Mahmooda Mahmoodatun Nisa Mahnaz Mahparah

Skilled, skilful, proficient; fem. of Mahir. Hidden, covered, screened; fem. of Mahjoob. Praised, praiseworthy, elegant, lauded. Praised (one) of the women. Pride of the moon. Piece of moon

Mahroz Mahtab Mahtalat Mahwish Maida Mailiha Maimana Maimoona Maira Maisa Maisaa Maisara Maisoon Maisoora

One who has a face like moon. Moonlight. Moon-faced Moon-faced, beautiful as moon. Dining table, a chapter of Quran Beautiful, the one with darker shade. Right, right-hand side, right wing (of army). Auspicious, prosperous, lucky, fortunate, blessed; fem. of Maimoon. Favourable, admirable. Walking with a proud gait. To walk with a proud swinging gait. Prosperity, abundance, wealth, affluence; left, left-hand side, left wing (of army).

Of beautiful face and body.

Ease; successful, fortunate, lucky, prosperous; fem. of maisoor.

Majda Majdiya Majeeda Majida Makarim Maktoomah Maktoonah Malaha Malaika Malak Maleeka Maliha Malika Malka Mamoona

Glory, honour, nobility. Glorious. Glorious, noble, sublime, exalted; fem. of majeed. Glorious, noble, respected, exalted, fem. of majid. Of good and honourable character. Name of a female singer of the past. Name of a singer and a beautiful lady of the past. Beauty, grace, elegance. Angels. Angel. Queen; fem. of Maleek. Beautiful, pretty, good-looking; fem. of Malih. Reigning, ruling. Fem. of Malik; queen. Trustworthy, honest, faithful, reliable; fem of Mamoon.

Manahil Manal Manar Manara Mandal

Pl. of manhal, spring, of salubrious water, fountain. Attainment, achievement, acquisition. Guiding light, light-house.

Fragrant wood.

Fem. of Manar: light-house.


She was the daughter of Abu Yazid bin Abu al-FAwaris; a very pious woman, she wept often for fear of Allah. Spring; Name of many Arab women. Gift, present, favour, benefit, boon. Bountiful, generous; fem. of mannan. Assisted, victorious, supported, triumphant; fem. of Mansoor. Approved of, chosen, promising; fem. of Manzoor. Accepted, admitted, granted, approved; fem. of Maqbool. Intended, destined. Wish, desire, purpose, use, aim; sing. of Marib. Wish, desire, aspiration. Coveted, desired. A lady with fair complexion, kind of bird. Wife of Muhammad who gave birth to son named Ibrahim. Mother of the Prophet Isa (Jesus), the Biblical Mary. Pl. of Marab, wish. A slave-girl of Haroon Rashid had this name. Joyful, cheerful, lively. A learned woman of Andulus had this name; she was the daughter of Abu Yaqoob al-Faysali. Small pearls, corals.

Manhalah Mann Mannana Mansoora Manzoora Maqboola Maqsooda Marab Maram Marghuba Maria Mariam Marib Maridah Mariha Mariya Marjan



Precious stone; She was the mother of Prophet Isa AS and has been mentioned in the Quran frequently and a whole Surah is named after her. Famous, known, eminent, kindness, kind act; fem. of Maruf.


Writter, stated, well-defined.

Marwa Maryam Marziya Marzooqa Mas Masabih Masarrat Mashal Mashhuda Mashia Mashmool Masira Masooda Masooma Masoon Masrurah Mastura Matina Mausooma

Flint-stone. Pious, mother of Hazrat Isa (AS) i.e. Jesus. Accepted, well-pleased, one who is pleasing. blessed, fortunate, prosperous, successful; fem. of Marzooq For Almas; diamond. (only almas is used as name). Pl. of Misbah, lamp. Joy, delight, pleasure, gladness, happiness. Light, bright fire, flame. Present, manifest. wish, desire, will (of Allah) Included, sought, after, searched for. Noble. Fortunate, happy, lucky, prosperous, gracious, favourable, august; fem. of Masood. Innocent, sinless, safe-guarded, protected; fem. of Masoom. Safeguarded, well-protected. Glad, happy, delighted. Latent, hidden, chaste.

Namely, viz.

Strong, solid, of resolute mind.

Mawadda Mawhiba Mawhooba Mawsoofa Maya Mayyada Mazida Maziyah Mehak Mehrin

Friendship, intimacy, affection, love. Gift, talent; sing. of Mawahib. Gifted, talented, favoured; fem. of Mawhoob. Worthy of description, portrayed, endowed with laudable qualities; fem. of Mawsoof. Nature, wealth, power, quantity. To walk with swinging gait. Increase, excess, high degree, maximum; fem. of Mazid. Excellence, merit, virtue. Fragrance Loving, The sun, The moon.

Mehrin Mehrun Nisa Mehtab Midhat Mihr Mina Minnat Minoo Miral Misaal

Loving, affectionate, sun, moon. Sun of the women. Moon. Praise, eulogy. Sun, affection. Pearl, bead. Grace, kindness, favour, gift. Paradise.

Example, copy.


Misam Misbah Mishal Miskeenah Mohsana Mohsina Momina Mona Muazah Muazza Muazzama Mubaraka Mubashirah Mubassirah Mubina Mueenah Mueerah Mufazzalah Mufida

Impression, mark, beauty. Lamp, Light. Lightened, sparkling, shining. Humble. Chaste, virtuous, protected, sheltered, pure, modest, married woman. Benevolent, beneficent, charitable, humanitarian; fem. of Muhsin. Believer (in Islam); fem. of Mumin. Pl. of Monya, wish, desire. Daughter of Abdullah al-Adowiyah was a narrator of Hadith. Elevated, exalted. Exalted, respected, glorified; fem. of Muazzam. Blessed, fortunate, lucky, auspicious; fem. of Mubarak. Bringer of good news. One who comments. Clear, manifest, plain, distinct; fem. of Mubin. Helper. The sister of Hajjaj bin Hassan alJamimi had this name. A poetess of the past had this name.

Beneficial, advantageous, favourable, useful, profitable.


One who helps.

Mughirah Muhabbat Muhariba Muhayya Muhja Muhra Muida Mujahida Mujiba Mukarrama Mukhlisa Mukhtar Mulayka Mulook Mumtaz Mumtaz Mahal Mumtaza Munaam Munas Sabah Munawwar

Daughter of Hassan; she was a narrator of Hadith. Love, affection. Fighter, one who entangles. Countenance, face, look. Heart, soul. Filly, a female pony. Reviser, teacher, fem. of Muid. One who struggles, strives, or fights for the cause of Islam; fem. of Mujahid.

who answers or grants One something. revered, honourable; fem. Honoured, of Mukarram. Devoted, faithful, pure-hearted. Free. Diminutive of Malaka, angel. Pl. of Malik, king. exalted, superior, Distinguished, outstanding. Wife of Mughal emperor Shah Jahan. Fem. of Mumtaz. Soft, delicate. Wishes of the dawn. Shining, Bright.

Munawwara Munazza Muneeah Muniba Munifa Munira Munisa

Illuminated, brilliant, full of light; fem. of Munawwar. Devoid of faults, pure. Name of a Slave-girl of Amr bin alAla. One who turns towards Allah, one who repents. Eminent, exalted, superior, high, lofty; fem. of Munif. bright, brilliant, shedding light, radiant, luminous, shining; fem. of Munir Sociable, friendly, kind, gentle; fem. of Munis.

Munjiyah Muntahi Munya Munyatul Muna Muqaddasa Muqbala Murdiyyah Muriha Murshida Musaddas Musaddiqa Musarrat Musawat


A woman who saves someone. Last limit of height. Wish, desire, object of desire; sing. of Muna, wishes. Wish of wishes. Sacred, holy. This was the name of a narrator of Hadith, daughter of Ali al-Bazzaz. Chosen one. Restful, soothing. Leader, guide, adviser, counsellor; fem. of Murshid. A poem of six verses. One who affirms the truth.


Musaykah Mushahida Musharrafa Mushira Mushtari Muslima Mussah Mustaeenah Mutahhara Mutazah Mutia Muwaffaqa Muyassar Muzaina Muzna

She was the mother of Yusuf bin Mahik and she narrated Hadith from Sayyidah Ayshah RA. Observance, evidence, study. Honoured, elevated. Counsellor, adviser; fem. of Mushir. Jupiter. Follower of the religion of Islam; fem. of Muslim. She was Mussah al-Azdiyah, mother of Bussah; she was a narrator of Hadith. One who prays for help. Purified, chaste. A narrator of Hadith of the later period. Obedient, pious, devoted, faithful; fem. of Muti. Successful, prosperous, lucky, fortunate; fem. of Muwaffaq. Successful, lucky, prosperous. Diminutive of Muzna, rain, clouds.

Rain clouds.

Naaz Naazira Naba Nabaha Nabawiya Nabeeha

Glory, pride, elegance, gracefulness, fresh. One with healthy and happy looks, radiant, flourishing, resplendent, bright, beaming. Famous, good, pious. Fame, nobility, intelligence, brightness, brilliance. Prophetic. Noble, famous, eminent, distinguished, brilliant, intelligent; fem. of Nabih. Noble, famous, eminent, distinguished, brilliant; fem. of Nabih. Noble, highborn, magnanimous, beautiful, intelligent, honourable; fem. of nabil. Dew, generosity, liberality, magnanimity. Moist, damp, tender, delicate. The caller. Rival, equal. Intimate friend, companion; fem. of Nadim. Rare, extraordinary, choice, precious; fem. of Nadir. Fem. of Nadi, dew, generosity, damp, tender, delicate. Radiance, bloom, glamour, brightness, opulence, wealth. Council, club. Happiness, peaceful, comfort, ease, pleasure, smooth, tender, bliss; fem. of Naim. Purity, refinement.


Nabila Nadaa Nadi Nadia Nadida Nadima Nadira Nadiyya Nadra Nadwa Naeema Nafasat Nafay Nafia

One who gets profit.

Profitable, beneficial, advantageous, useful, beneficial; fem. of Nafi.

Nafisa Nageenah Naghma Nahar Nahid Nahida

Refined, pure, precious, delicate, choice, exquisite. Precious Stone. Melody, song. Day i.e. daytime. Venus. Fem. of Nahid.

Nahiya Nahiza Nahla

One who advises, adviser. Elevated, deligent. Bee. This was the name of a well-known, woman loved by the masses for her kindness and generosity, her advice was sought by the people. Winner, achiever, a boon, gift, acquirer. Fem. of nail. Delicate, soft, smooth. Shining, glittering. Success. Safety, rescue, salvation, deliverance. Courage, bravery, help, succour. Saved, liberated; fem. of Naji.


Nail Naila Naima Naira Najah Najat Najdah Najia Najiba Najida

Noble, exce4llent, generous, praiseworthy, distinguished, aristocratic.

Brave; a lady who accomplishes difficult tasks.

Najidah Najiha Najiya Najla Najm Najma Najmus Sahar Najwa Najwan Nakhat Nama Nameera Namia Naqa Naqiba

Succor, Help. Successful, prosperous; fem. of Najih. Intimate friend, bosom friend; fem. of Naji. Large-eyed, wide-eyed. Star, planet. Star, a fine species of grass. The morning star. Confidential talk, secret conversation. Saved, liberated. Fragrance. Gift, present, grace, favour, kindness. Delicious water, pious woman. Force to move forward, force to expand Purity, refinement, clarity. Mind, intellect, leader.

Naqiya Nargis Narjis Naseera

Clear, pure, clean; fem. of Naqi. Narcissus (flower). Narcissus (flower).

Helper, protector, friend, patron; fem. of Nasir.


Scent, perfume.

Nashat Nasheem Nashida Nashika Nashirah Nashita Nashwa Nashwaa Nasia Nasiba Nasifa Nasiha Nasihah Nasila Nasim Nasima Nasiqa Nasiqa Nasira

Liveliness, vigour, cheerfulness, joy, sprightliness, energy, vivacity. Breeze, morning air. Relaxation, joyance. One who forgives, forgiver. Publisher; diffuser, spreader. Energetic, dynamic, lively, fresh, vigorous. Fragrance, aroma. Elated, exultant, flushed, enraptured; fem. of Nashwan. Clear, pure; fem. of Nasi. Noble, highborn; fem. of Nasib. Just, equitable. Advisor, sincere. Advisor. Honey that flows from the comb. Breeze, gentle wind, fresh air, zephyr, fragrant air. Fem. of Nasim, zephyr, gentle wind. One who manages, organiser. One who forgives, forgiver.

Advised, suggested.

Helper, aide, assistant, protector.

Nasreen Nasya Natasha

Jonquil, Narcissus, wild rose, Jericho rose. Reformer, advisor. Gift of Allah

Natila Natiqa Naushabah Nawal Nawar Nawaylah Naweed Nawfa Nawla Nawra Nayab Nayyar Nayyara Nazaha Nazakat Nazan Nazanin

Relation, way, sake. One endowed with speech, eloquent, spokesperson; fem. of Natiq. Elixir. Gift, present, grant, favour, grace, kindness. Flower, bud, blossom.

Good news. Excess, surplus. Gift, present, grant, favour, grace. Blossom, flower. Scarce Sun. Luminous, shining; fem. of Nayyir. Purity, righteousness, chastity, virtue, honesty. Delicacy, subtlety.

Proud, vain, haughty.

Elegant, delicate, beloved.

Nazara Nazarat Nazeeha

Bloom, beauty. Freshness of splendour. Pure, virtuous, honest; fem. of Nazih. Warner, anything offered as a token of respect, anything given as sacrifice, a child who has been dedicated by his parents to serve Allah. Equal, like, alike, resembling, match, comparable; fem. of Nazir. Companion, friend. Sharpness, cold, a large bowl. Pure, clean, neat, chaste, innocent; fem. of Nazif. Pure, honest. Lovely, charming. Arranger, organizer, poetess; fem. of Nazim.


Nazeera Naziah Naziah Nazifa Naziha Nazila Nazima

Nazindah Nazira Nazish Nazli Nazneen Nazpari Nazrat Nazuk Neelam

Name of a liberal woman of Baghdad; she founded a college with religious school. Observer, supervisor. Proud, lover. Delicate, feminine. Beautiful, delicate. A queen of ancient persia. Pride, nice, great.

Delicate; The daughter of Muhammad bin Ibrahim had this name. She was a narrator of Hadith. A precious stone of sky blue colour.

Neelma Neelma Nehla Niaz Nibal Nibras Nida Nigar Nighat Niha Nihel Nihla Nikhat Nilofar Nimaat Nimat Nisa Nishat Niyyat Nofal

Bluish, Like blue. Lucky, with good fortune. Present, gift; sing of Nihel. Desire, urge to express love. Arrows. Lamp. Call. Picture, portrait, sweetheart. Odour, perfume, fragrance. Bright one, naughty one. Presents, gifts. Present, gift; sing. of Nihel. Sweet Smell Water-lily. Blessings, boons, bounties; pl. of Nimat. Blessing, boon, favour, a gift from Allah, grace bounty. Women. Happiness, intoxication.

Intention, determination, resolution.

Blessing, donation.

Noor Noor Jahan Noora Nooraniyah Nooruddunya Noorulain Noorun Nisa Noreen Noreenah Noshi Noshin Nu'aymah Nuboogh Nudbah Nudoora Nudra Nudrat

Light, illumination. Light of the world. Light; fem. of Noor. Luminous, brilliant. Light of the world. Peace of eyes, light of eyes. Light of the women. Bright. A sweet dish. Of pleasant taste. Sweet, pleasant, (i.e. dream). Name of a woman narrator of Hadith. Distinction, eminence, excellence, superiority. Lament, Scar; Mark. Rareness. Rarity, rareness. . Singularity. Name of the daughter of Munyah who arranged the marriage of the Prophet PBUH with Sayyidah Khadijah RA.


Nuha Numa

Displayer, viewer.

Intelligence, intellect.

Nuriya Nusaiba Nusrat Nuwaira Nuwwar Nuwwara Nuzar Nuzhat

Light, luminous, radiant, brilliant; fem. of Noori. Diminutive of Nasiba, noble. Help, aid, assistance, support. Petals of flowers Pl. of Nuwwara, blossom, flower. Blossom, flower. Pure gold.

pleasure trip, freshness, promenade, excursion, recreation, cheerfulness

Obaidiyah Orwiya Ozra Ozza

Bondswoman of Allah Female mountain goat. Virgin, Virgin Mary A baby fawn, young female deer, female fawn. Pure, chaste, polite, nice, fine. Splendour. Fairy, fairy-like beautiful. Chaste, devout, pious. The Pleiades.
Name of narrator of Responsibility; Hadith, daughter of Yazeed. Able, wise.

Pakiza Pardaj Pari Parsa Parvin

Qabalah Qabila Qabool Qadira Qahira Qaifa Qailah Qaima Qamar Qamar Jahan Qamarun Nisa Qamayr Qameer Qamra Qanaat Qaniah Qantara Qaraah

Accepted. An early woman, daughter of Abdullah, freed slave of al-Mustanjid Billah. Powerful, able. Overpowering, victorious. Estimater. One who speaks. Bestower. Moon. The moon of the world Moon of the women. Daughter of Amr al-Khufiyah, wife of Masrooq, she was a narrator of Hadith. Wife of Masrooq bin al-Ajda daughter of Amr al-Kufiyah, she was a narrator of Hadith. Moonlight, moonlit, bright; fem. of Aqmar. Patience. Contented. Small bridge. Cloudlet; A kind lady of the Hijaz had this name.

Qareebah Qaribah Qarsafah

Near. Name of a woman scholar, Umm alBuhlul, of Banu Asad.

She was a narrator of Hadith known as Qarsafah alZahliyah. Beautiful woman, a box in which perfumes are kept. One who plays at flute, flutist. Mesenger. Distributor, divider; fem. of Qasim. Patient. This was the name of a poetess daughter of Ismail al-Yahudi. Two women companions had this name. This was the name of an early student of Hadith, wife of Masrooq. A name of women. Birttle, a student of Hadith, daughter of Abdullah bin Damirah.

Qaseema Qasiba Qasida Qasima Qasira Qasoomah Qaylah Qaymayriyah Qaysar Qisaf Qismat

Fate, destiny, area.

Raaina Raana Raani Rabab Rabbab Rabeea Rabia Rabiha Rabita Rabiya Rabwa Radifa Radiya Raeesa

Beautiful princess, pretty priness. elegant, statue, soft, lovely, Of beautiful, graceful, delicate. A queen. Usually two-stringed instrument. A musical instrument. One who is well-versed. fourth. "Rabia Basri", name of a The saint who lived in Basrah. Winner, gainer; fem. Rabih. Band, bond, link nexus. springtime, garden; fem. of Spring, Rabi. Hill. One who is full of shame. Veiled, covered. chief, princess, a noble lady, Leader, a wealthy lady.

Raeha Rafat Rafeeah Rafia Rafiah Rafida

Fragrance, perfume, scent. Mercy, compassion, pity. Sublime, high. High ranking, noble, sublime, exquisite, exalted, eminent; fem. of Rafi. Exalted.

Support, prop.


Glittering, shining, gleaming.

Rafiqa Rafraf Raghada Raghd Raghiba Raghid Rahat Rahifa Rahil Rahilah Rahima Rahla Rahmat Raida Raiha Raihana Raima Raiqa Raitah Rajab

Intimate friend, companion, associate; fem. of Rafiq. Cushion, eyeshade. Comfort opulence, affluence. Pleasant, plenty. Desirous, wishful, willing; fem. of Raghib. Comfort, opulence, affluence, plenty. Rest, comfort, ease, relief. Sharp; fem. of Rahif. Wife of the Prophet Yaqub (Jacob). In the Bible she is mentioned as Rachel. One who travels. Kind, compassionate; fem. of Rahim. Happy, mirth, joyous. Mercy, compassion, kindness. Explorer, guide, leader, pioneer, model, example; fem. of Raid. Smell, fragrance. A handful of sweet basil. A bouquet of flowers; Wife of the Prophet Muhammad. Well-cultured. Pure, clear, tranquil, serene; fem. of Raiq.

An early woman narrator of Hadith, she was the daughter of Muslim. The seventh month of the Islamic calendar.

Rajia Rajiha Rajini Rajiya Rajwa Rakhas Rakheelah Rakhima Rakhshan Rakhshi Rakhshinda Rakina Ramazan Rameen Rameesah Rameesah Rameesah Ramiza Ramla

Hopeful, hoping, full of hope; fem. of Raji. Superior, predominant, fem. of Rajih. Kingly, very exclusive. Hope, expectation, wish. Hope. Soft and delicate, supple.

soft, pleasant, melodious (voice) Dazzling, bright. Beautiful-faced, charming. Resplendant, bright. Firm, steady; fem. of Rakin. The ninth month of the Islamic calendar. Successful woman. Hidden. Wise. Beautiful bunch of flowers, bouquet, Umm-e-Saleem: Aunt of Prophet (PBUH) Intelligent, level headed.


Sand. Wife of the Prophet Muhammad Her kunya is Umm Habiba.

Ramza Rana Randa Rania Ranim Raoom Raqia Raqiba

Coquette. To gaze, look. Scented, fragrant tree, good for decoration. Gazing. Singing, song, music. Loving, tender. Superior, high ranking, educated; fem. of Raqi. Guardian, supervisor.

Raqiqa Rasee Rasha Rashad Rashaqa Rasheeda Rashida Rashiqa Rasikha Rasima Rasina Rasmiya

Delicate, fine, soft, slender, slim. Life full of happiness. Fawn, young gazelle. Righteous. Graceful, stature, grace, elegance. Righteous, of good character, one who leads onto the right path. Follower of the right path, mature, right minded, rightly guided; fem. of Rashid. Graceful, elegant; fem. of Rashiq. Well-established, well-founded, stable, steady; fem. of Rasikh. Planner, designer; fem. of Rasim.

Calm, composed.

Ceremonial, ceremonious, formal; fem. of Rasmi.

Ratiba Rauhah Raunaq Raunaq Jahan Raushan Raushan Ara Raushan Jabin Raushani Rawah Rawahah Rawia Rawza Raya Rayia Raytah Raytah Razana

Well-arranged, well-ordered. Happy Contented Beauty, grace, glamour, splendour. Lustre of the world. Light, luminous, bright, splendour. Adorning light (female). Of radiant forehead. Light, splendour. Rest, repose. A noted narrator of Hadith, daughter of Abu Umar bin Abdur Rahman alAwzaee had this name. Narrator, reciter, transmitter (of incident Arabic poetry). Garden. Aroma, fragrance. Guardian, custodian, patron, protector; fem. of Rayi. Daughter of Hurays, and a narrator of Hadith. Daughter of Hurayth, and a narrator of Hadith. Calm, composure, self-possession.

Razia Razina Raziqa

Satisfied, content, well-pleased; fem. of Razi.

Calm, composed, self-possessed; fem. of Razin.

One who feeds others, feeder.

Raziya Razwa Resham Rida Rifa Rifat Rifqa Rihab Riham Rim Rima Riqbah Riyaz Riza Rizeen Rizwan Rizwana Robeena Roha

Delighted, satisfied, contended, pleased; fem. of Razi. Name of a mountain in Madina. Silk, softness. Sheet of cloth, veil, covering. Happiness, prosperity. Dignity, exaltation, high rank, high standing. Kindness, gentleness, company, companionship. Wife of the Prophet ishaq. Pl. of Rahbbah, vastness, expanse. Light rain, drizzle White gazelle, antelope. White, gazelle, antelope. Name of the wife of Prophet Ishaq AS. Pl. of Rawza, garden. Pleasure. Dignity, heavy and precious thing, souvenir. Satisfaction, acceptance, pleasure, contentment, name of the gatekeeper of paradise. Fem. of Rizwan, . Happy, girl.

Soul, life.



Rohi Roobi Roshan Roshni Rozinah

Life, soul Ruby, pearl. Bright. Light. Daily wages, pension, reward.

Rua Ruba Rubaba Ruban Rubay Rubina Rufayah Rufayda Ruhaniya Ruhiya Ruhm Ruhma Rukhaylah Rukhsanah

Pl. of Ruya, vision. Pl. of Rubwa, Rabwa, hill. A two stringed musical instrument. Pl. of Rubwa, hill. She was the daughter of Muawwiz and a companion of the Propphet PBUH from her young age. Face reader. An early student of Hadith. She was a female companion who performed surgery on the injured in a tent setup in the mosque.

Spirituality. Spiritual. was the daughter of al-Aswad She and a narrator of Hadith. Kind, merciful. This is also a male name.


Rukhsara Rukhshana Rumaysa Rumayta Rumman Rummana Ruqa Ruqayqah Ruqayya Ruqya Rushda Rushdiya

Loving, charming face, beautiful. Bright, brilliant, shining. She was Umm Sulaym and a narrator of Hadith. The daughter of al-Hadis bin al-Tufayl al-Azdiyah was known by this name; she was a narrator of Hadith. Pl. of Rummana, pomegranate. Pomegranate. Pretty, beautiful. A name of some prominent women. Charming, attractive, captivating. Daughter of Muhammad(s) married to Khalifa Usman. Charm, spell. Most rightly guided. Rightly guided, on the right way, following the right path; fem. of Rushdi.

Ruwaa Ruwaida Ruya Ruyaa Ruzaynah

Beauty, grace, prettiness, comeliness, pleasing appearance. Walking gently. Seeing, viewing, looking. Dream, vision.

Name of the freed slave-girl of Sayyidah Safiyah RA wife of the Prophet PBUH.

Saadat Saaida Saaiqa Saara Saat Saba Saba Sabah Sabahat Sabat Sabeeha Sabeen Sabeera Sabha Sabia Sabih Sabiha Sabina Sabiqa Sabira Sabita

Blessing. Branch, tributary. Lightning. of the Prophet Ibrahim and Wife mother of the Prophet Ismail. Moment, time, occasion. Queen saba, queen sheba. East wind. Morning, dawn. Beauty, gracefulness, handsomeness. stability, certainty, Firmness, endurance, boldness, truth. Beautiful, handsome, morning. Both the worlds. Patient, tolerant; fem. of Sabeer. beautiful, graceful, radiant; Pretty, fem. of Sabah. Captivating, enchanting, charming. Pretty, beautiful, graceful. or arriving in the morning; Coming fem. of Sabih. Small sword. First, winner; fem. of Sabiq. Patient, tolerant; fem. of Sabir. established, certain, sure; Well fem. of Sabit.
Pure, chaste. Supremacy. Princess, daughter of the king.

Sabooha Sabqat Sabrina

Sabriya Sabuh Sabura Sadaf Sadaqat Sadat Sadeeqa Sadi Sadida Sadiqa Sadiya Sadoof Sadooh Saduq Saeeda Safa Safaa

Patient; fem. of Sabri. Shining, brilliant. Very patient, enduring. Shell, Oyster. Truth. Happiness, bliss, felicity, success. Friend, companion; fem. of Sadiq. Daughter of Awf al-Muruyyah and wife of Talhah bin UbaydAllah, she was a narrator of Hadith. Correct, right, sound, appropriate; fem. of Sadid. True, truthful, honest, sincere, faithful, veracious, devoted; fem. of Sadiq. Happiness, luck, blissful, fortunate; fem. of Sadi. Name of a poetess. Singer, singing. Honest, truthful, sincere, trustworthy. Happy, lucky; fem. of Saeed.

A hill near the sacred Kaaba; stone, rock.

Purity, clarity, serenity.

Safeenah Safeerah Safia Safira

Shp; Name of a narrator of Hadith, daughter of Muhammad bin Fadl (men are also so named) Messenger, Ambassador. Pure, clear, crystal; fem. of Saafi. Traveller. Pure, righteous, untroubled, serene, the most valuable portions of the spoils of battle, sincere and honest friend; fem. of Safi. Wife of the Prophet Musa. The best part, elite, top, prime, flower. Small, slender, tender. Clouds. Early dawn, early morning. Colleague.


Safura Safwa Saghira Sahab Sahar Sahibah

Sahimah Sahina Sahira Sahla Saiba Saida Saima Saira Sairi

Partner a spring which flows Moon, constantly. simple, fluent, soft, facile, Smooth, easy, even; fem. of Sahl. Straight, pertinent. Rising, ascending; fem. of Said. Fasting; fem. of Saim. Traveller Satisfaction, saturation.
Prostrate in worship, bowing in adoration; fem. of Sajid. Determined. Attractive. Fragrance. Generosity, liberality. Generosity. One who is like a delicate flower. Generous, liberal, open handed. Calmness, comfort, ease, tranquillity, repose, serenity, peace of mind. Daughter of al-Jadi, she was a narrator of Hadith. Peace, safety, security. Peace, safety, security; fem. of Salam. Unhurt, affable, healthy, without defect, sound, perfect, complete, safe, secure; fem. of Salim. Previous Pious, virtuous, just, a chaste woman, righteous. Following, mystic. Safe, secure, perfect, sound, complete; fem. of Salim. Pacifist, peaceful.

Sajida Sajila Sajiya Sakeeza Sakha Sakhawat Sakhira Sakhiya Sakina Sakina Salam Salama Saleema Salifah Saliha Salikah Salima Salma Salmah Salsabil

Peace, fem. of Salm.

A spring in paradise.

Salwa Salwah Sama Samah Saman Saman Samar Samarah Sameeah Sameen Sameenah Sameenah Sameera Samia Samiha Samim Samima Samina Samiqa Samira

Quail, solace. Comfort, ease, amusement. Heaven, sky. Generosity, bounty, goodheartedness, large-heartedness. Price, value. Jasmine. Pleasant conversation, evening or nightly conversation. A narrator of Hadith, daughter of Qays al-Ansari. Hearing. Costly, precious, valuable. Valuable, costly, precious, priceless excellent; fem. of Smeen. Overweight, fat. Companion (in nightly conversation), entertainer (with stories, music etc.) fem. of Samir. Eminent, exalted, lofty, elevated, high minded, sublime; fem. of Sami. Generous, kind, true, sincere, goodhearted, large-hearted, openhanded; fem. of Samih.

genuine, pure, true, Sincere, essence, heart. True, sincere, genuine. healthy girl, fertile land without A rock and stone. Lofty, towering. fruitful, Fruit-bearing, productive; fem. of Samir.

Samitah Samrah Sana Sana Sanad Sanam Sanaubur Sangeet

Mighty. Profit, fruit. Brilliance, radiance, resplendence, splendour, majestic. Praise, commendation, thankfulness, eulogy. Support, prop, document. Beautiful, friend, lover, loved one. Cone bearing tree. Music, rhythm.

Saniha Sanina Saniya Sanjeeda Saqaafa Saqat Saqiba Sara Sarab Sarahat Sareea Sareema

Tall and high, bright. Friend, childhood friend. majestic, exalted, eminent, Brilliant, splendid; fem. of Sani. Weighted, guarded. Wisdom, prudence. Strength, courage, power. piercing, sharp-witted, Penetrating, sagacious, acute; fem. of Saqib. Wealth. Mirage. Explanation, detail, paraphrase. Determined. Determination, resolution.
Loverly. Satisfactory, calm, cool. Intelligent, clever, active. Name of a female companion of the Prophet PBUH. Rhythm and ecstasy. Happiness, calm, satisfaction. One who gives good news, unseen voice She was a companion daughter of nabhan al-Ghanawiyah. Rich woman, affluent lady. Fortune, wealth, riches. Of generous and good nature. Chief. Chief ship Wealth. Name of a pious woman. Helper, assistant, supporter. Praise.

Sariba Sarina Sarita Sariyah Sarood Saroor Sarosh Sarra Sarvia Sarwa Sarwana Sarwar Sarwari Sarwat Sarya Sasha Sataish

Satila Sauda



Leadership, the narrator of five Ahadith: Syeda Sauda bint Zam'aa RA Reward. Name of an early poetess.

Sawda Sawdah Sawera Sayida Sayida Sayidatun Nisa Sayyah Seerat Sehrish Shaban Shabana Shabeehah Shabin Shabnam Shad Shadaab Shadan Shadia Shadin

Daughter of Aasim bin Khalid bin Dirar al-Qarshiyah, she was a narrator of Hadith.

Black. Dawn, early morning. leader, lady, Mrs; fem. of Chief, Sayyid. epithet of Hazrat Fatima Leader, (A.S.) Chief of woman. Fragrance. Character, life-story. Glamorous, magical. eighth month of the Islamic The Calendar. Nocturnal, Famous of the Night. Picture, Image, like. Of Night, music of night. Dew, a pendant of pearls. Happy. Green, fresh, wet, ever-green. Happy. Singer. Fawn, young deer.

Glad, cheerful, joyful.

Shafaat Shafaq Shaffan Shafia Shafiah

Recommendation, exoneration. Aurora, morning light. Cool breeze, morning breeze. Mediatress; fem. of Shafi. One who recommends.

Shafiqa Shafqat Shagoofa Shagoon Shaguftah Shahaba Shahamat Shahamat Shahana Shaheeda Shaheen Shaheenah Shaheera Shahida

Compassionate, kind-hearted, affectionate, tender, warm-hearted; fem. of Shafiq. Compassion, pity, kindness, tenderness. blossom Omen, luck, fortunate, destiny. Blooming, happy. Flame of fire. Grandeur, bravery, joy. Bravery, valour. Royal, kingly, splendid, magnificent. Martyr in the cause4 of Islam and as such held in very high esteem and honour; fem of . A royal white falcon, the beam of scales. Falcon. Famous, eminent, renowned; fem. of Shahir.


Martyr in the cause of Islam and as such held in very high esteem and honour; fem. of Shaheed. High, towering, lofty, tall; fem. of Shahiq.

Shahla Shahnaz Shahra Shahrbano Shahrin Shahrzadah Shahzadi Shaiba Shaima Shaira Shaista Shaistah

Having grey eyes with a shade of red, a species of the narcissus flower. A musical note, name of a melody. Gift, souvenir. Lady of the city. Month. Shahrin, the fully inflected form of Shahr appears in verse 3 of surat al-Qadr (no. 97). offspring of the city Princess. A variety of Artemisia. Daughter of Halima, the wet nurse of the Prophet Muhammad. Poetess, endowed with deep insight or intuition; fem. of Shair. Cultured, courteous, urbane, civilized Polite, Courteous.


Tree; This was the name of a famous queen of Islam, she was Shajarah al-Durr, and known as Umm Khaleel al-Salihiyah.

Shajaratuddurr Shajeea Shakila Shakira Shakufa Shakura


tree of pearls, name of an The Egyptian Shajratuddur queen. bold, brave; fem. of Courageous, Shaji. formed, beautiful; fem. of Well Shakil. grateful, contented; fem. Thankful, of Shakir. Blossom, opening bud. Thankful, grateful; fem. of Shakur.

Candle, Light, Flame.

Shamail Shamailah Shamamah Shameela Shamikh Shamila Shamim Shamima Shamira Shamma Shams Shamsa Shamshad Shamsun Nahar Shamsun Nisa Shamuda Shaqiqa Shaqra Sharaf

Virtues; pl. of Shamila. Good traits excellent disposition. Fragrance. Natural disposition, character quality, virtue, a young shoot, a bud. High, lofty, towering. Complete, comprehensive. Perfume, scent. Sweet smell, flavour. Experienced, expert, hard worker. Pinch (of snuff). Sun. Golden moon. Tall and upright tree, box tree, graceful figure. Sun of the day. The sun of Women Diamond. Full sister. Blond, fair-haired, fair-complexioned; fem. of Ashqar.

Nobility, high rank, eminence, distinction, honour.



Sharfa Sharia Sharifa Shariqah Sharmin Shasa Shasun Nahar Shayma Shaza Shazia Sheeba Sheen Shifa Shimaa Shirin Shiyaaj Shola Shua Shuaila

Most noble, gentle, urbane. Princess, Daughter of the King. Noble, eminent, honourable, highborn; fem. of Sharif. Shining. Shy, bashful, modest, coy. She was the daughter of Abdullah al-Asdiyah, and a narrator of Hadith.

Sun of the day. Proper name. Daughter of Halima. Aroma, fragrance. Wonderous, strange, wonderful. Infatuated, demented, loony. Beautiful, pretty, good, loved one. healing, satisfaction, cure, gratification Mirth, joy, ecstasy, gladness. sweet, pleasant, gracious, delicate Endeavour, strife, hardwork. flame, blaze Rays of sun light. Burning candle.

fame, renown


thanks, gratitude, gratefulness The first woman in Islam who wore coloured garments was shumaylah; wife of al-Abbas and she was also the first to prepare perfume. She was a narrator of Hadith, daughter of Aziz al-Atakiyah. fair-complexioned, blonde Noble. righteous, very truthful, honest; fem. of Siddiq The Lotus - tree at the farthest boundary in paradise Exalted.


Shumaysah Shuqra Shurafa Siddiqa Sidra Sifoor

Silma Silmi Sima Simaab Simin Simra Sireen Sitara Sobiya Sonia Suad Subaha

peace; fem. of Silm peaceful Sign of prostration on the face Mercury, silver. silvery, made of Silver Paradise, heaven, sky. She was the daughter of Ibn Abdullah Ibn Masood and a narrator of Hadith from the Prophet PBUH. veil, screen, curtain Nurse of Prophet PBUH. Intelligence, Intellect, Smart.

happiness, good fortune

beautiful, graceful

Subayah Subaytah Subh Subhana Sufia Sufia Sufiya Sughra Suha Suhaila Suhaima Suhair Suhaira Sujah Sukaina Sulafa Sulaima

Daughter of al-Harish al-Aslamiyah. Brave. dawn, aurora, morning Pure, chaste, fine, nice, good. Intelligence, sharpness. Pupil women, intellectual A mystic, someone believing in Sufi. Small, slender, tender. Dim star in Ursa Minor. Canopus. Small arrow. Proper name. Beautiful, pretty. Civilization. Diminutive of Sakina, calmness. Choicest, (wine). Diminutive of Salma, beloved.

Sultana Sultana Sulwa

Queen, woman ruler, wife of a Sultan; fem. of Sultan.

Queen, female of a king.

Comfort, ease, amusement, solace. A writer and a poetess daugter of Abdullah bin Sawar al-Basari. She was the daughter of Hamdan bin Musa al-Anbariyah and a narrator of Hadith. Diminutive of Samia, high. Brownish. She was a companion and she was al-haysiah. A fragrant weed. Name of an early distinguished woman. A name of an Arab girl. Way, method, Prophet's (PBUH) way of life. Ear of corn. Silk brocade. The Pleiades, cluster of seven brilliant stars in Taurus, a wealthy lady, lustre, chandelier. Lily of the valley, iris. Name of one of the wet-nurses of the Prophet PBUH.

Sumamah Sumanah Sumaya Sumayrah Sumaytah Sumbal Suml Sumnah Sunat Sunbula Sundus Surayya Susan Suwaybah Suwaydah

Daughter of Jabir, she was a narrator of Hadith.

Taadeel Taalea Taaliah Taaqul Taasees Tabalah Taban Tabassum Tabeedah Tabeen

Moderation, equality, neutrality. Fortunate Lucky, fortunate, fortune, destiny. Wise thought. Inception, foundation.
She was the daughter of Yazid (Called by some as Bunanah); she was a narrator of Hadith. Glittering, splendid. Smile, happiness. Complex, zigzag, curling. Followers.

Tabina Tabinda Taghrid Tahani Tahira Tahiya Tahkeem Tahleem Tahmina Tahseen Tahseenah


Enlighting, sparkling. Bright. Singing, cooing. Pl. of Tahniat, congratulation, felicitation, well-wishing. Chaste, pure, pious, clean; fem. of Tahir. Greeting, salutation, cheer, welcome. Power, rule. Beauty, decoration, pomp and show. Wife of the famous Persian hero Rustam and mother of Sohrab. Adornment, ornament, decoration, embellishment, betterment, praise, beautification.

Taiba Taif Taisir Taj Tajmeel Tajweed Takreem Talat Talbashah Talhah Tali Taliba Tamanna Tamanni Tamazur Tameemah Tameemiya Tameen

One who refrains from evil-doings; repentant; fem. of Taib. Vision, spectre. Felicitation. Crown. Decoration, beauty, show. Praise of Allah, hymn. Respect, honour, sanctity. Face, Sight A narrator of Hadith, daughter of Kab bin Maalik. Her Kuniyah was Umm Ghurab and she was a narrator of Hadith. Rising star, rising. Student, seeker, pursuer; fem. of Talib. To wish, to desire, to hope. Wish, wishing (for), desire. Brilliant, whiteness. Name of a poetess, Ahban alAbsiyah. Perfection. Protection, patronage, care.

Tameez Tamkeen

Distinction, difference, manner.

Honour, place, status, show.

Tamseel Tanjia Tanweer Tanzila Taqadus Taqiya Tara Taraab Tarannum Tarib Tarifa Tariqah Tarneem Taroob Tasiyah Taslima Tasmeekh Tasmeem Tasmin Tasneema

Example, allegory, parable. Rescue, salvation, deliverance. Illumination, lighting. Revelation, sending down; fem. of Tanzil, revelation, sending down; fem. of Tanzil. Sactity. God-fearing, devout, pious; fem. of Taqi. Star. Joy & sorrow. Singing. Lively, gleeful, merry. Rare, exquisite thing or object. This was the name of the freed slave of Labeet of the family of the princess of al-Qays bin Zayd. Rhythm, voice. Lively, gleeful, merry. Consolation, comfort. Greeting, salutation; fem. of Taslim. Living in fragrance. Strong, durable, long lasting.

She who fulfills.

A spring in Paradise.

Tasnim Tasweeb Taufeeq Taufeer Tauqeer Tawaddud

A spring in paradise. Justification, truth. Instruction, courage, daring. Obundance, excess. Respect, honour. Endearment, showing love or affection to, gaining the love of another.

Tawfiqa Tawoos Taybah Tayyiba Tayyibatun Nisa Tazima Tazkia Tazmeen Tehreem Tehzeeb Tiba Tirana Tooba

Prosperity, good luck, good-fortune, success (granted by Allah); fem. of Tawfiq. Peacock. Pure. Good, good-natured, sweet, agreeable, generous, goodtempered; fem. of Tayyib.

Good-natured (one) of the women. exaltation, honour, fem. Glorification, of Tazim. To purify, to clean, to spiritualize. One who adds, combines, mixes. Forbidden state, respect, sanctity. Civilization, etiquette. Goodness, good nature. Son, anthem. Good news.


Melody, song.


This was the name of the freed slave of al-Waleed bin Abdullah; she transmitted Hadith from Sayyidah Ayshah RA. Gift, present. Daughter of Rabiah bin al-Harish she narrated Hadith from Sayyidah Ayshah RA.

Tuhfa Tulayhah Turfa

Rarity, rare object, novelty.

Ubayda Udaysah Udoola Ula Ulfat Ulya Umaira Umama

Female servant of lower rank; fem. of Ubayd. This was the name of the narrator of Hadith, daughter of Ahban alGhifariyah. Justified. High rank, prestige, glory. Friendship, intimacy, love, attachment. Higher, highest; fem. of Ala. Living a long life, living long. Proper name. Name of grand daughter of the Prophet Muhammad.

Umarah Umayma Umaynah Umayrah Umayyah Umm Umm Abaan Umm Fakeeh Umm Haraam Umm Khalid Umm Rabeeah Umm Shareek Umm Sulaim Umm Umarah Umm Warqah Umm Yousuf Umm-eAyman Umm-e-Fazl Umm-eHabiba Umm-e-Hani Umm-eKulsoom Umm-eKulsum Umm-eRooman Umm-eRumman Umm-e-Salma Umm-eSalmah

Name of a Sahabi who took part in the battle of Badr. Diminutive of Umm, mother. Daughter of Anas bin Malik. She had this name and had narrated Hadith. She was the daughter of Alqamah. She was a narrator of Hadith. Mother. Used as an attributive, to make a compound of which the first part is Umm.

Name of a Sahabiyah RA. Name of a Sahabiyah RA. Name of a Sahabiyah RA. Name of a Sahabiyah RA. Name of Sahabiyah RA. Name of a Sahabiyah RA. Name of a Sahabiyah RA.
Name of a Sahabiyah RA. Name of a Sahabiyah RA. Name of Sahabiyah RA. Mother of the blessed. Mother of favour, bounty. Wife of the Prophet Muhammad. Her name is Ramla; Umm Habiba is her Kunya (nickname) after the name of her daughter habiba. Name of the daughter of Abu Talib and sister of Ali (RA). Mother of favour, bounty. Daughter of the Prophet Muhammad, married to Khalifa Usman (uthman) after the death of her sister Ruqayya. Name of the sacred wife of first Khalifa Abu Bakr (RA) mother of Hazrat Ayesha (RA). Mother of Ayesha (wife of the Prophet Muhammad). Name of the beloved mother of first Khalifa Abu Bakr (RA). Wife of Muhammad, Her name was Hind.

Ummid Ummul Fazal Umniya Umrah Unaysah Unquda


Hope. Name of a Sahabiyah RA. Wish, desire, hope. to Makkah other than Pilgrimage regular hajj days. Friendly, affable. Bunch of grapes.

Woman who loves her husband.

Urooj Uroosa Urwa Ushna Utaybah Uzma

Height, exaltation. Bride, heroine. Support, handhold. Description of Ayesha by Muhammad. Fragrant. A narrator of Hadith and daughter of Abdul Malik had this name.

Greatest, more magnificent, more glorious; fem. of Azam.

Wadad Waddia Wadi Wadida Wafa Wafeeqa Wafia Wafiqa Wafiya Wahabah Waheebah Waheeda Wahiba Wahida Waiya

Love, friendship. Amicable, friendly. Gentle, calm. Attached, devoted, friendly, fond. Faithfulness, fidelity, loyalty, faith. Successful; fem. of Wafiq. Faithful, loyal. Successful.
True, trustworthy, reliable, loyal, faithful, perfect, complete; fem. of Wafi. This was the name of a poetess. One who gives. One, exclusive, unique, matchless, singular; fem. of Wahid. Giver. One of its kind. Guardian, watchguard, protector.

Wajahat Wajee Wajeeda Wajida Wajiha

Respect. Happy, jolly, pleasant. One who is noble. excited, finder, lover; fem. Achiever, of Wajid. eminent, distinguished, honoured, High, well-esteemed, illustrious, fem. of Wajih.


Happy, jolly, pleasant.

Wakalat Wakeela Walia Walidah Walihah Waliyah Wallada Wania Waqar Waqeea Waraqa Wardah Warisa Warqah Wasama Waseefah Waseema Washida Washma

Advocacy. Agent. Friendly. Newborn child. Name of a poetess of the past. Friend. Prolific, fertile, fruitful. Gift of Allah Dignity.; Respected. Rich, paper-made. Rose, deep red colour, Colour of rose. Heiress. Petal of a flower. Beauty, gracefulness, prettiness. Female servant; Maid-in-waiting. Beautiful, pretty, charming. Bloomed, fresh.



Expansionist, vast, spacious.

Wasifa Wasifi


Wasila Wasima Wasiqa Wasma Wasna Wazeerah Widad Wijdan Wisal Wisam

Inseparable friend. Beautiful, pretty, graceful, handsome of face, goodly, elegant; fem. of Wasim. Confident, sure, certain; fem. of Wasiq. A pretty face, beautiful, graceful. A narrator of Hadith, daughter of Abdur Rahman al-Muqaddasi was so named. Female minister. Love, friendship. Ecstasy, sentiment. Communion in love.

Decoration, medal, badge of honour.

Ya'laa Yakta Yalqoot Yaqoot Yariqa Yasharah Yasim Yasira Yasmeenah

high. Name of a Sahabi Exalted, RA. Unique, incomparable.

An early philanthropic woman of Damascus who gave much in charity.


Yumna Yumnah Yusayrah Yusra Yusra

Ruby, sapphire, topaz. Bright, white, fair, good-looking. Intelligent, precious stone. Jasmine. Rich woman. Sweet-smelling flower. / The flower called jasmine. right, fortunate, lucky, Right-hand, blessed; fem. of Ayman. Happiness, success; fem. of Yumn. Easy. Left-hand side, state of ease. Easy; the left side.
One who stands surety for another one who helps.


Zabiyah Zabreen Zabya Zafeera Zafeerah Zafira Zaghlula Zahabia Zaheen Zaheera Zahia Zahida Zahira Zahra Zahrah Zahratun Nisa Zaib Zaida Zaima

She was the daughter of al-Barra bin Maroor; she reported Hadith from the Prophet PBUH.

Dominant, exalted, upright. Female gazelle. who is a source of success, a One successful lady. Firm. triumphant, successful, Victorious, winner, conqueror; fem. of Zafir. Young pigeon; fem. of Zaghlul. Golden, precious. Clever, fast, intelligent, sharp. supporter, protector, patron; Helper, fem. of Zahir. Pious, noble, grand, great. ascetic, a hermit, self Devout, denying. brilliant, shining, luminous, Bright, distinguished, lofty. brilliant, radiant, shining, Bright, luminous; fem. of Azhar. Flower, blossom, beauty. Flower of women. Beauty. exceeding, excessive, Increasing, growing, surplus; fem. of Zaid. Leader.

Beauty, grace. Zayn un Nisa was a literary lady of her times.


Fem. of Zayn; embellishment, adornment, decoration, ornament. Name of a beautiful tree exuding fragrance. Names of two wives and one daughter of the Prophet Muhammad and one daughter of Khalifa Ali. Visitor. Olive. The olive tree or the olive fruit. Olive; fem. of Zaytun. One who glorifies or eulogises Allah; fem. of Zakir.


Zairah Zaitoon Zaitun Zaituna Zakira

Zakira Zakiya Zakiyya Zalfa Zameelah Zamurd Zamzam Zaqawat Zara Zarafat Zareefa Zarin

One who speaks of, speaker. Intelligent, bright, brilliant, sharpwitted. Pure, chaste, sinless, fem. of Zaki. This was the name of a distinguished woman of her times, she was Hajib known as Umm al-Hajib Abdul Malik.

Companion. narrator of Hadith wife of Abu A Hayyan al-Kasir was so named. The name of a spring in Arabia. Wisdom, sharpness, prudence. Dawn, morning Wit, humour, wisdom, prudence. Elegant, witty, graceful; fem. of Zarif. Golden.



Zarma Zarqa Zarrah Zayb Zeb Ara Zeb-un-Nisa Zeba Zerada Ziba Zinaat Zinat Zinat-un-Nisa Zinia Zinneerah Ziyada

Captivating. Bluish green (eyes). She was a narrator of Hadith who reported from the Prophet PBUH and Sayyidah Ayshah RA. Adornment. Adorning ornament. Adornment of women. Pretty, beautiful. Gold maker. Pl. of Zaby, gazelle. Pl. of Zinat, ornament. Adornment, ornament, decoration, elegance, beauty. Ornament of women. Name of a flower. Name of a Sahabiyah RA. Increase, addition, surplus, superabundance.

Ziyan Zoreed Zoya Zubaah


Ornament, decoration. One who meets, one with strong intentions, one with decisiveness, distance, gap.

Life, age. of a Sahaabiyyah, daughter of the Name uncle of the Holy Prophet PBUH.

Diminutive of Zubda, butter, cream. Elite, choicest part, quintessence, essence, prime, flower.

Zubdah Zuha Zuhaira Zuhra Zuhur Zulaikha Zulfa Zurafa

Butter. Brightness, early morning. Floret, small flower. Venus, brilliancy, brightness, flower. Pl. of Zahrah, flower. Wife of the king of Egypt (Pharaonic age) who was attracted by the beauty of the Prophet Yusuf/Joseph.

a small and finely chiselled Having nose. Elegant, witty, graceful; fem. of Zarif.

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