Pig D Lab Report

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Virtual Pig Dissection Lab Report Form

Introduction: The anatomy of a fetal pig is remarkably similar to the anatomy of most mammals, including humans. In this laboratory, you will carry out the virtual dissection of a fetal pig. As you examine each anatomical structure, try to memorize its name, appearance, and location. Also try to relate each structure to its function in the mammal body.

Procedures: Enter the Virtual Pig Dissection Laboratory (http://www.whitman.edu/biology/vpd/main.html). Follow the step-by-step procedures described on the Virtual Pig Dissection Lab pages in Blackboard. Use this form to record your observations and track your progress through the dissection. Complete the questions below as you work through each organ system.

Observations and Responses: 1. Anatomical References

1a. Identify the regions labeled A, B, C, and D (3 pts each) A. B. C.


2. Sexing Your Pig Identify two ways of determining if your pig is male or female. (2 pts each) 1. 2. 3. Digestive System

3a. Identify structures labeled A, B, C, and D. (3 pts each) A. B. C.

D. 3b. Digestion breaks carbohydrates down into basic subunits (building blocks) called: (3 pts) _______________________.

3c. Omnivores tend to use all three major kinds of teeth: incisors, canines, and molars. Have any teeth erupted through the gums yet? ___________.(3 PTS)

of your pigs

3d. Food enters the body through the mouth where it is mixed with digestive enzymes from the ____________. These enzymes begin the digestion of ______________ into _______________. The bolus is propelled to the pharynx by the tongue. The ____________ closes over the _________ upon swallowing to protect the respiratory tract from food particles. (3 pts each)

4. Circulatory System

4a. Identify structure labeled 1. ________________________________ (3 PTS ) 4b. Why would the vena cava be classified as a vein? __________________________ (3 PTS )

4c. Within the capillaries of the lungs, gases are exchanged by diffusion; oxygen diffuses from the ______________ to the ______________ and carbon dioxide diffuses from the ______________ to the _______________. (3 pts each)

4d. Trace the pathway of a red blood cell from the right atrium through the pulmonary circulation to the left atrium and from there to the foreleg and back to the heart. List the sequence of major blood vessels and chambers of the heart through which it will pass: (10 pts)

5. Respiratory System

5a. Identify the structures labeled A, B, C, and D (3 PTS EACH)

A B. C. D.

5b. Trace the pathway of air through the respiratory tract of your pig starting with external nares and mouth (10 pts)

6. Excretory System

6a. Identify structures labeled A, B, and C (3 PTS EACH) A. B. C.

7. Reproductive System

7a. Identify stuctures labeled A, B, and C. (3 PTS EACH)

A. B. C.

7b. Identify the structures labeled A, B, and C. (3 PTS EACH) A. B. C.

7c. Sperm are produced within the testes by the process of _____________. (3 PTS )

7d. Trace the pathway taken by sperm from the testis to the preputial orifice. (3 PTS )

7e. What type of cell division produces eggs? ___________.(3 PTS )

8. Nervous System

8a. Identify the structures labeled A, B, C, and D (3 PTS EACH ) A B. C. D.

8b.. The brain stem connects the brain with the __________________________. (3 PTS )

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