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ATTENTION: Please carefully read the following reminders before answering the exam: EXAM REMINDERS 1.

Occupy your assigned seat. (alphabetically arranged by recitation section) 2. Place your duly authenticated UPLB ID on top of your desk. You will not be allowed to take the exam if you are unable to present your valid UPLB ID. Your Form 5 will NOT be accepted as a replacement for your student ID. 3. Dont forget to sign on the attendance sheet for your attendance record. 4. Make sure to write your name, recitation section, group name & date of exam in the space provided in your questionnaire before you begin answering the exam. This is our way to identify students who will not follow the instruction to return the questionnaire. Only the submitted questionnaire with your name written on it will be accepted as a proof that you returned the exam questions. Take note that failure to return the questionnaire means a 5.0 in this exam. 5. Write your answers on a yellow paper using either a black or a blue ballpen. 6. Write the following information on your yellow paper before answering the exam: complete name, recitation section & group name, date of exam and your college. Write SCORE:_______ beside the name of your college. (Please dont forget to write your complete name on the first page of each additional answer sheet)
NAME: Juan De La Cruz January. __ , 2012 RECIT SECTION & GRP NAME: D1-1R- Thales SCORE:____ DATE OF EXAM: COLLEGE: CAS

7. Read the questions carefully before you answer them. 8. Strictly follow the given instructions to merit points for the correct answers. 9. You are only given 1 hour to answer the exam. 10. Submit your answer sheet together with your questionnaire. Fold your answer sheet, insert your questionnaire and place them at the designated space for your group. Again, please take note that failure to return the questionnaire means a grade of 5.0 in this exam.


Please return this copy of exam reminders at the designated space before you leave the room.

Please be guided properly. Thanks. J Prof. AVP Macapinlac

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