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State of Nature and the Nature of the State state of nature (Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau) natural sociability (H,

Aristotle) civil society (L) state of war (H, L) materialism (H) felicity (H) power (H) freedom/liberty (H, L, R) equality (H, L, R) three principle reasons for conflict (H) morality/justice in state of nature (H, L) natural right of liberty (H) laws of nature (H) individual and collective rationality prisoner's dilemma in foro interno and in foro externo (H) law of nature (L) right to punish (L) self-preservation (H, L, R) pity and amour propre (R) anarchism

three strategies to defend anarchism (Wolff) natural selection (Darwin) progress (R, D) competition (H, Kropotkin) cooperation (Kropotkin) priest's arguments for Militarian rule (Lukes) emerging from self-incurred immaturity (Kant via Lukes)

Power and Legitimacy social contract (H, L, R, Kant, Hume) state (L, Weber) universal political obligations voluntarism self-assumption principle autonomy (R, K, Robert Paul Wolff) happiness (Bentham) consent (L, Hume, Hegel) express and tacit consent (H, L) hypothetical consent (K) utilitarianism and utility (B) pleasure and pain (B) pushpin and poetry (Lukes)

rule and act utilitarianism (Lukes) problem of interpersonal comparisons of utility scapegoat objection principle of fairness obligation to the laws (Plato) limited state (Thoreau) civil disobedience (T, Rawls) participatory democracy

Democracy and its Discontents representative and direct democracy craft analogy (Plato) demos (P, Aristotle) guardians (P) education (P, R, Mill) preference vs. common good/moral voting Condorcet's theorem intrinsic value of democracy vs. instrumental justification general and particular will (R) sovereign (H, R) civil religion (R) active citizens and domestic servants (Wolff)

forced to be free (R) arguments for and against direct democracy Federalists Publius faction (Madison) separation of powers open voting (Mill) partial disenfranchisement (Mill) plural voting (Mill) benefits of deliberation (Rawls) demagogue (Aristotle) bureaucracy (Weber) universal suffrage (Pareto)

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