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Gateway Today

May, 2013
Praise the Lord and please pray for
Praise for the many who have come to our Irvington, Plainfield and Elizabeth locations in the past few months Gateways need for additional counselors Prayer for June 1st. Walk-a-thon

We can only change society by faithfully proclaiming the Gospel, which changes lives from the inside out. John MacArthur

Annual Walk a-thon

Male Counselors Needed!

Our next training is June 20, 22m 27 and 29, 2013
Matthew 9:37-38 says Then He said to His disciples, "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest."

Saturday June 1, 2013 10:00am @ Warinanco Park, Roselle-Elizabeth

During April we saw 113 women at our Elizabeth site alone! Pictured above are men and women lined up in the hallway, waiting to be seen.

From January through April, weve seen at all three of our sites: 439 women and 44 men, performed 322 free pregnancy tests, had72 babies known born, 139 have trusted Christ as Savior and Lord, and another 10 rededicated their lives to Christ. Praise the Lord for His blessings!

Life changing decisions

Our Plainfield Director, Dorothy Booker, writes this about Kristin, who came to Gateway- Irvington on May 5th. She had been to our site in Elizabeth exactly two years ago. Her test result at that time was positive and she was undecided about giving birth. Our Elizabeth counselor spoke with her about abortion and adoption When she left our office, she and her boyfriend had decided to abort the baby. After arriving at an abortion clinic in Elizabeth, she was considered too far along have the abortion pill and she didn't want to have the surgery. The Lord used Kristens fear of the surgery and they now have a son. Please pray for women like Kristin that are still abortion vulnerable. Pray that the Lord would help them to see life as precious. The next time she becomes pregnant, Kristin will have her baby because it is a human life

Dorothy Booker, also shares this story: JB came to Gateway on April 18 th. Shes a single mother of two children (a 5 year old and a one month old). JB had been asked to leave by her mother, moved to a shelter and now has her own apartment.
..many of these young ladies are making wrong choices out of desperation and brokenness.

The father of her children is incarcerated and she has limited support. There are other trying circumstances in her life. I am learning that many of these young ladies are making wrong choices out of desperation and brokenness. I was able to speak to JB and pray with her to trust Christ as her Savior, sharing the hope we can have in Him. I asked her what she needed and if she was willing to have one of our supporters contact her. The next day I called to see how she was doing. After learning that she needed food, I called one of our supporters that had mentioned they wished to help someone on an individual basis. Lorraine reached out to JB and visited her that day. After a personal conversation with JB, sister Lorraine went out and purchased food and other things needed. The loving-kindness that was extended toward JB throughout the week has led JB to ask Lorraine to pick her up for church! Praise the Lord!

(above) In March, Livingstone Church (Livingston, NJ) again blessed the ministry by sorting and bundling. Thanks! (below) Our Elizabeth director, Jackie West, holds a precious newborn as her mom looks on.

Gateway Pregnancy Centers

960 Springfield Avenue, Irvington, NJ 0711165 Jefferson Avenue, Suite 403, Elizabeth, NJ701 Park Avenue, Suite 202, Plainfield, NJ (973) 399-8378 / Also on Facebook and

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