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Dealing with Difficult Coworkers

Online: August 1, 2013- August 29, 2013

Learning Objectives:
This course is intended to provide you with an introduction to dealing with difficult co-workers. At the end of this course: Participants will be able to identify behaviors that negatively affect the workplace. Participants will learn tactics or techniques to communicate with difficult co-workers. Participants will create an informative brochure teaching others how to respond to difficult
persons in the workplace.


General Requirements To successfully complete this course, you must:
Be aware of the schedule and participate in it during the stated time frames Follow the guidelines for participating in an online learning environment (as stated below) Participate in all discussions Complete all assignments (located under the assignments tab)

Required Materials To successfully complete this course, you will need:

Computer access Internet Access *There are no text books required for this course. All required materials will be available to you online, under the tab for each unit.

This course will be offered online from August 1, 2013 until August 22, 203. There are three units you are required to complete. Each unit is one week in duration. August 1-8: Unit 1: August 8-16: Unit 2: August 17-22: Unit 3: Final Project: Design your Informative Brochure: Due August 29, 2013 Reflective Paper: Due September 5, 2013


General Rules for the online environment: Respect others. Especially with a topic of Dea ling with Difficult Co-workers, we must be considerate in how we share our information under the discussion section. Likewise, we must also be considerate in how we respond to others posts. If youre unsure if a post is appropriate, feel free to chat with me about it. Inappropriate postings will be deleted. This includes any item that is judgmental, vulgar, inappropriate or offensive to others.

Grading Policies: This grading policy is based on completed assignments, as well as your participation in the discussion sections. Any concerns with grades may be discussed with me. Grading Scale:
Letter Grade A+ A AB+ B BF Numerical Grade 95-100 90-94 85-89 80-84 75-79 70-74 0-69 Grade Points 4.33 4.00 3.67 3.33 3.00 2.67 0.00 Letter Grade Definitions Excellent

Very Good

Satisfactory. Marginal pass Fail

Grading Distribution: More information about assignments can be found under the Assignments tab on our class webpage. Participation in Discussions 40% Informative Brochure: Due August 29, 2013 40% Self-Reflective Paper Due September 5, 2013- 20%

[Instructor: Dawn Dignam 506-555-5555 (available 8:00am -5:00pm EST). Other hours may be available upon request. (select the contact tab)

Additional Print Resources (Optional: For your own reading) The following material will provide you with additional information: Text: The No Asshole Rule: Building a Civilized Workplace and Surviving One That Isnt Author: Robert I. Sutton. Text: Divide or Conquer: How Great Teams Turn Conflict into Strength Author: Diana McLain Smith Text: Executive Warfare: Pick Your Battles and Live to Get Promoted Another Day Author: David F. DAlessandro Text: Working with You is Killing Me: Freeing Yourself From Emotional Traps at Work Author: Katherine Crowley and Kathi Elster Online Resources The following resources may be helpful for creating your final assignment My brochure maker:

Some Narcissist Personality Types Scary Work Scenario: And I have to Spend all day with these People?

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