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For all learned people out there

Do not believe in traditions merely because they have been handed down for many generations and in many places ; do not believe in anything because it is rumoured and spoken of by many ; do not believe because the written statement of some old sage is produced ; do not believe in what you have fancied, thinking that because it is extraordinary, it must have been implanted by a deva or a wonderful being. After observation and analysis,,when it agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it. -----------kalama sutta (Quoted by P Laxmi Narasu in THE ESSENCE OF BUDDHISM) Must read this book it was reprinted by BABSAHEB, he liked it so much that he has reprinted it and also obliged the writer by giving it his valuable preface. Same is the case with Bodhisatva Angarika H Dharmapal.

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