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Lebanon Road Report

May 3, 2009

It was a special day at Lebanon

Road. (Of course, every Lord’s
Day is special!) The rain may have
continued (and will continue; have
your ark ready), but we still en-
joyed a great day of worship.

On Sunday morning, we finished our walk through the book of Titus with a lesson entitled
“Be Fruitful!” Some said I came out with both guns blazing and, yes, I did step on a few
toes, but it was done in love. I can’t tell you how thankful I am that many were so encour-
aging of the sermon. Now we’ll have to see if it “took.” It was also great to have songs led
that were fitting to the lesson. We sung about working for the Lord, and I hope we were all
taught and admonished through those words.

At 2:00 our youth group led the worship at a local assisted living home. Austin preached an
uplifting lesson on prayer, reminding us that God is in control and that we must communi-
cate to have a full and rich relationship. David led singing in his usual fine way. There were
several others there and they greatly encouraged the residents by their presence, kind
words, and singing. We have a great group of young people!!!

Our ladies met at 5:30 to make final plans for their upcoming retreat. That is coming up
this weekend, and I know it’s going to go well.

Finally, we looked at the book of Judges last night, comparing the “cycles” found in that
book with our nation today. It was a sobering study, but we tried to provide some hope,
because God is still in control.

333 were in our worship yesterday morning, including several visitors. Also included in that
number were Jim Oakley, who recently returned from Houston with news that was as good
as it could be about the tumor, and Jeremy Lamb, the 26-year-old who recently had to have
triple bypass surgery. Both are doing well and we continue to bring their names before

I say it often, but I mean it every time: I’m grateful to preach for such a fantastic congrega-
tion. May God continue to bless Lebanon Road.
LRR page 2

After our evening services last

night, we enjoyed a great period of
fellowship. Our fellowship commit-
tee planned an “After Taxes, Slim
Pickin’s Meal,” and it was enjoyed
by a great number who stayed for the fellowship. The fellowship hall was decorated in a
“tax” theme. Here are some pictures (yes, the placemats were laminated 1040’s!).

It’s a joy to be at a place where we enjoy being together so much. About 100 folks stayed
to eat and fellowship together, and we had a great time.

Uplifting worship. A new Christian. Joyous fellowship.

What more could one ask for on the Lord’s Day?

Won’t you come see why we think Lebanon Road is such a special place?

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