Accelerated Literacy Learning (ALL) Questionnaire: Parents Names: Child's Name

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Accelerated Literacy Learning (ALL) Questionnaire

Parents Names:

Childs Name:

Please take the time to fill in the questions below to help us create the most effective reading programme for
your child.


Describe your childs strengths in reading



What aspects of reading do you think your child finds most challenging?


Describe how you and your child find home reading currently. (Consider time
requirements, what works well, what is challenging).


What are your goals (in reading) for your child?



How can we best support you and your child to make accelerated progress in
their reading achievement and enjoyment?

To ensure the optimum conditions for success we are aiming to create a three-way
partnership between teacher-child-parent. To enable this we would like you to commit to
the following:
Attend initial parent meeting on Tuesday 25 June at 9:00am (or organise an
alternate suitable time).
Observe one of your childs ALL reading lessons (8-12th July at 9:00am or
Read-to and with your child every day.
Create shared goals for success.
Provide feedback and feed forward.
Participate in regular discussion (in person, email, phone whichever is most
convenient) with lead teacher and classroom teacher.
Thank you for supporting your childs learning and creating a positive partnership for success.

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