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Carina Wöhler, Sven Meendermann presented on April 28th , 2009

→ 1955: boycott of Montgomery's segregated city bus lines

Martin Luther King Jr. −

→ 1963: March on Washington (“I Have a Dream” speech)
was arrested as many as 20 times
* January 15, 1929
† April 14, 1968 − one of the most gifted orators4 of the twentieth century

− was assassinated5 on April 4, 1968

“I Have A Dream”
− King's dream would come true if :
→ we look at one another people not as black people, white people, Latino
people, gay people or any other type of people
→ truly judge each other by character and personality rather than by skin
colour, religion or race

− 1964: the Nobel Peace Price

− was awarded at least 50 honorary degrees6

- civil rights leader – statesman – educator – dream of equality – − more than 730 cities in the United States have streets named after King

- integrity1 – determination2 – righteousness3 – justice – − Martin Luther King Jr. Day:

- Nobel Peace Prize - “peaceful resistance” - man of peace – → observed on the third Monday in January each year
− memorial is at the planning stage

− led many civil rights protests
1 4
integrity: Einheit orator: Volksredner
2 5
determination: Entschlossenheit (to) assassinate: ermorden
3 6
Righteousness: Rechtschaffenheit honorary degree: Ehrentitel

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