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/* Program Title : Address Book Programmer : Navi Arora E-Mail Website : : http://cbse-sample-papers.blogspot.


There is some personal infomation in the introduction and end. Please remove them before use. */ #include<fstream.h> #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<ctype.h> #include<process.h> #include<iomanip.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> #include<stdlib.h> void welcome_screen(); void welcome_screen() { clrscr(); gotoxy(20,10); cputs("**************** W E L C O M E *********************** "); gotoxy(25,12); cputs("*** C A M P I O N S C H O O L *** " ); gotoxy(20,14); textcolor(WHITE); cputs(" T E L E P H O N E M A N A G E M E N T S O F T W A R E "); gotoxy(38,16); textcolor(WHITE); cputs(" D O N E B Y : "); gotoxy(50,18); cputs(" Navi Arora "); gotoxy(50,20); cputs(""); textcolor(WHITE+BLINK); gotoxy(40,30); cputs(" *** PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE***"); getch(); return; } class directory { public: int record; long pn1; char pn2[10]; int age; char address1[50]; char address2[50]; char occupation[20]; char name[20]; char emailadd[25]; char internetadd[25];

void modification(); void addition(); void deleate(); void menu(); void search(); void view1(); void init(); void display(); void view(); char check(char *); int test(); }obj; void directory::addition() //ADDING INFORMATION { ofstream fout;"heera",ios::out|ios::app); init(); fout.write((char*)&obj,sizeof(obj)); fout.close(); } int directory::test() //FIND NO. OF RECORDS { ifstream fin;"heera"); fin.seekg(0,ios::end); int n; n=fin.tellg()/sizeof(obj); cout<<" \n NUMBER OF RECORDS = "<<n ; return n ; } void directory::search() //SEARCHING FOR A PARTICULAR NUMBER { ifstream fin;"heera"); if( { cout<<" \n FILE NOT FOUND "; getch(); return; } clrscr(); textcolor(BLACK+BLINK); gotoxy(30,1); cprintf(" [SEARCHING] "); cout<<" \n ENTER PHONE NUMBER TO BE SEARCHED : "; long pn; cin>>pn; int n; n=test(); for(int i=0;i<n;i++) {*)&obj,sizeof(obj)); if(pn==pn1) { view1(); return;

} } if(fin.eof()) { cout<<" \n RECORD NOT FOUND "; } } void directory::init() // ENTERING THE DETAILS { clrscr(); char ch; textcolor(BLACK+BLINK); gotoxy(30,1); cprintf(" [ADDITION] "); textcolor(BLACK); cout<<" \n ENTER HOUSE PHONE NUMBER : "; cin>>pn1; cout<<" \n ENTER OFFICE PHONE NUMBER : "; cin>>pn2; // ch=cin.get(); cin.get(ch); cout<<" \n ENTER NAME : "; cin.getline(name,20,'\n'); cout<<" \n ENTER THE OCCUPATION : "; cin.getline(occupation,20,'\n'); cout<<" \n ENTER HOUSE ADDRESS : "; cin.getline(address1,50,'\n'); cout<<" \n ENTER OFFICE ADDRESS : "; cin.getline(address2,50,'\n'); cout<<" \n ENTER EMAIL ADDRESS : "; cin.getline(emailadd,25,'\n'); cout<<" \n ENTER INTERNET ADDRESS : "; cin.getline(internetadd,25,'\n'); } void directory::view1() //TO DISPLAY ALL THE RECORDS { cout<<"\n"; cout<<" PHONE NUMBER1 : "<<obj.pn1<<"\n"; cout<<" PHONE NUMBER2 : "<<obj.pn2<<"\n"; cout<<" NAME : "<<<<"\n"; cout<<" HOUSE ADDRESS : "<<obj.address1<<"\n"; cout<<" OCCUPATION : "<<obj.occupation<<"\n"; cout<<" OFFICE ADDRESS : "<<obj.address2<<"\n"; cout<<" EMAIL ADDRESS : "<<obj.emailadd<<"\n"; cout<<" INTERNET ADDRESS : "<<obj.internetadd<<"\n"; getch(); } void directory::modification() //TO MODIFY ANY DATA IN THE RECORD IF NECESSARY { clrscr(); textcolor(BLACK+BLINK); gotoxy(30,1); cprintf(" [ MODIFICATION ] "); textcolor(BLACK);

long pn; int n,i; ifstream fin; ofstream fout;"heera"); if( { cout<<"\n FILE NOT FOUND !"; fout.close(); exit(-1); }"new"); n=test(); if(n==0) { cout<<"\n FILE IS EMPTY ! "; getch(); return; } while(fin.good()) {*)&obj,sizeof(obj)); fout.write((char*)&obj,sizeof(obj)); } fin.close(); fout.close();"heera",ios::trunc);"new"); if( { cout<<"\n FILE NOT FOUND !"; exit(-1); } char ch; cout<<"\n ENTER PHONE NUMBER :"; cin>>pn; ch=cin.get(); // cin.get(ch); for(i=0;i<n;i++) {*)&obj,sizeof(obj)); char d; if(pn==pn1) { view1(); d=check("HOUSE PHONE NUMBER "); if((d=='y') || (d=='Y')) { cout<<"\n ENTER NEW PHONE NUMBER :"; cin>>pn1; ch=cin.get(); // cin.get(ch); } if(check("OFFICE PHONE NUMBER ")=='Y') { cout<<"\n ENTER NEW PHONE NUMBER :";

cin>>pn2; ch=cin.get(); // cin.get(ch); } if(check("NAME")=='y') { cout<<"\n ENTER NEW NAME : "; cin.getline(name,20,'\n'); } if(check("HOME ADDRESS")=='y') { cout<<"\n ENTER NEW ADDRESS :"; cin.getline(address1,50,'\n'); } if(check("OFFICE ADDRESS")=='y') { cout<<"\n ENTER NEW ADDRESS :"; cin.getline(address2,50,'\n'); } if(check("EMAIL ADDRESS:")=='y') { cout<<"\n ENTER NEW MAIL ADDRESS :"; cin.getline(emailadd,25,'\n'); } if(check("INTERNET ADDRESS")=='y') { cout<<"\n ENTER NEW INTERNET ADDRESS :"; cin.getline(internetadd,25,'\n'); } } fout.write((char*)&obj,sizeof(obj)); } fout.close(); fin.close(); } char directory::check(char *s) { cout<<"\n MODIFY \t "<<s<<"\t"<<"Y/N"; char ch; ch =getch(); //cin.get(ch); if((ch=='y')||(ch=='Y')) return 'y'; else return 'n'; } void directory::deleate() { clrscr(); window(1,1,80,25); textcolor(BLACK+BLINK); gotoxy(30,1); cprintf("[DELETION]"); long pn; int n,i; ifstream fin;

ofstream fout;"heera"); if( { cout<<"\n FILE NOT FOUND ! "; getch(); return; }"new"); n=test(); if(n==0) { cout<<"\n FILE IS EMPTY ! "; getch(); return; } for(i=0;i<n;i++) {*)&obj,sizeof(obj)); fout.write((char*)&obj,sizeof(obj)); } fin.close(); fout.close();"meera",ios::trunc);"new"); if( { cout<<"\n FILE NOT FOUND ! "; getch(); return; } cout<<"\n ENTER PHONE NUMBER :"; cin>>pn; for(i=0;i<n;i++) {*)&obj,sizeof(obj)); if(pn!=pn1) fout.write((char*)&obj,sizeof(obj)); } fout.close(); fin.close(); } void directory::view() { ifstream fin; int n,j;"heera"); if(||fin.bad()) { cout<<"\n FILE NOT FOUND ! "; getch(); return; } clrscr(); int i=0;

n=test(); for(j=0;j<n;j++) { cout<<"\n RECORD "<<i+1<<"\n";*)&obj,sizeof(obj)); cout<<"\n PHONE NUMBER1 :"<<obj.pn1<<"\n"; cout<<"\n PHONE NUMBER2 :"<<obj.pn2<<"\n"; cout<<"\n NAME :"<<<<"\n"; cout<<"\n HOUSE ADDRESS :"<<obj.address1<<"\n"; cout<<"\n OCCUPATION :"<<obj.occupation<<"\n"; cout<<"\n OFFICE ADDRESS :"<<obj.address2<<"\n"; cout<<"\n INTERNET ADDRESS :"<<obj.internetadd<<"\n"; cout<<"\n EMAIL ADDRESS : "<<obj.emailadd<<"\n"; i+=1; } fin.close(); getch(); } void directory::menu() { char ch; clrscr(); textbackground(WHITE); textcolor(BLACK); gotoxy(30,8); cprintf(" A:ADDITION "); gotoxy(30,9); cprintf(" D: DELETION \n \r "); gotoxy(30,10); cprintf(" M:MODIFICATION \n \r "); gotoxy(30,11); cprintf(" V:VIEW \n \r "); gotoxy(30,12); cprintf(" S:SEARCH \n \r "); gotoxy(30,13); cprintf(" E:EXIT \n \r "); ch=getch(); switch(ch) { case 'a': case 'A': addition(); break; case 'd' : case 'D' : deleate(); break; case 'm': case 'M': modification(); break; case 'v': case 'V':

view(); break; case 's': case 'S': search(); break; case 'e': case 'E': system("cls"); exit(0); } } int main() { welcome_screen(); for(;;); return 0; }

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