Controlling Variables Year 6

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glass cover

Glass container


Figure 1

1. Figure 1 show the apparatus used in a study. In container W is one rat, in container X are two rats and in container Y are three rats. It was found that the rats in container Y died the fastest while the rat in container W was the last to die. a) State two information variables that need to be collected from this experiment. ________________________________________________________

2. Three bricks that are the same are pulled up the inclined planes P, Q and R with the same amount of force. Table shows the time taken to reach the top. Inclined plane P R Time taken (s) 10 6 3

Table 1

a) State two factors that need to be taken into account. _____________________________________________________


What variable must be kept the same? ____________________________________________________

Figure 2

3. Fish P and fish Q are freshly caught from the river. Fish P is kept in the fridge while fish Q is left in the cupboard in the kitchen. The next day, it is found that fish P is still fresh but fish Q is already smelly. a) In this investigation, state the thing that is. i) ii) Changed : ___________________________________________ Observed : ___________________________________________

b) What is kept the same in this experiment? _____________________________________________________

X Roc k
Figure 3

4. Figure 3 shows a lever system set up to move a rock. Table 2 shows the force needed to lift the rock. Force applied X Y Z
Table 2

Force needed (N) 20 15 10


In this investigation, state the thing that is: i) changed : _____________________________

ii) measured : ______________________________ b) What variable must be kept the same? ____________________________________________________ 5. Figure 3 shows the force needed to drag a load on two different surfaces. The time taken to drag the load over a distance of 2 metres is 15 seconds.

Figure 3

a) What are the two things that should be kept the same to make this test fair? i) ______________________________________________________ ii) ______________________________________________________

Answers : CONTROLLING VARIABLES - Year 6 1. 2. a) The number of rats and lifespan a) i) The height of the inclined plane ii) The time taken to reach the top. b) Size / mass / weight of the brick / amount of force applied 3. a) i) The place where the fish is placed ii) The condition of the fish b) Type of fish / The freshness of the fish before experiment 4. a) i) The distance of force from the fulcrum ii) Amount of force needed b) The weight / mass of the rock 5. a) i. The type of the surface areas ii. The number of pupils needs to drag the load

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