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Due at 9:00 AM on January 31st

Choose a problem, describe it, and formulate it as a linear program, integer linear program, or mixed integer-linear program. Input a small instance into an LP/ILP/MILP solver and run the solver and solve it. Store the problem formulation, as Xing Shi Cai, the teaching assistant, will email you, and ask you to make a small specific change to your formulation and run the new instance and send him the solution to that instance also. You can use any of the solvers which are discussed in the webpage Xing Shi will prepare shortly. I will post a link to this website on the announcements page fairly soon. Marks are given for correctness of the formulation, ambitiousness and originality of the project, and for the quality of the presentation. This project will be marked out of 20, each 4 marks counts as 1 point of term work (the 5 assignments will be marked out of 100 in total, for a total of 25 possible points, but you can only receive a maximum of 20 points for the assignment work). THE ASSIGNMENT IS TO BE SUBMITTED ELECTRONICALLY TO:

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