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From A Distance There comes a time in many people lives when they are apart They have to make

do with the connection we have to each other Whether it is from a phone to a letter we write from the heart When I was away I'd look at the moon to connect with my Mother There is no distance to great for love and caring to overcome we know Life is a series of mountains we must move on our own with love The heart is an amazing muscle that can think on it's own we can show The pursuit of happiness is attained with perseverance n help from above Love is not to be misconstrued with the pursuit of sexual favor or desire If we are drawn to another with vision of being naked that's called lust Premeditated desire cancels love which is itself skipping warmth just fire When there is love that warmth we feel just seeing the other is real and just Life and love run hand in hand within each of us desiring to be loved That is just a plain fact of life in our heart since the beginning of existence If two become one even over the mountains or across the waves beloved If your heart skips a beat when a letter arrives or in chat that's love From A Distance 2013 I.M. Nobody

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