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Lecturer: Eng.

Mahinsasa Rathnayake Department of Chemical & Process Engineering University of Moratuwa

1. Introduction Energy Problem 2. Economics of energy saving schemes 3. Energy conversion 4. Energy Recovery 5. Energy in buildings 6. CHP 7. Energy management

Lecture Time
2 Hours 4 Hours 4 Hours 4 Hours 4 Hours 4 Hours 4 Hours
Continuous assessment 30% 2 hrs

Assessment :

End Exam .70 %

End of the Semester Examination : Continuous Assessment

: Report on Energy analysis for a Sri Lankan family : Report on Energy recovery for a given industrial application : Tutorials

Practical : Energy Audit of steam generation and distribution system of unit operations lab

1. The Energy Problem

Raw material




How much energy is used to produce Electricity, Gas, Petrol and Food?

Diesel power generation

Chemical energy

Mechanical energy

Electrical energy

Efficiency ? < 30%


Restricted by Second Law of Thermodynamics

heat does not flow spontaneously from a cold to a hot body heat cannot be transformed completely into mechanical work it is impossible to construct an operational perpetual motion machine


Non-Renewable Coal Natural gas Oil Nuclear

Renewable Hydro-Electricity Solar Radiation Wind Energy Wave Energy Tidal Energy Biomass

Deplete at an alarmingly rapid rate

Problems with Non Renewable Energy

Huge amounts of Carbon Dioxide are given off into the atmosphere.

Carbon dioxide causes Global Warming or the Greenhouse Effect.

coal-burning power stations also give off Sulphur Dioxide gas which leads to Acid Rain.

What is the Greenhouse Effect?

Carbon Dioxide gas acts like the glass in a greenhouse. Infrared radiation from the Sun is usually reflected back into space. Greenhouse gases like CO2 stop this, and heat is reflected back to the Earth again.

What are the Problems with Global Warming ?

The average temperature of the Earth will rise.

This can lead to droughts.

Extremes of weather will occur hurricanes and storms

The increase in temperature will speed up the melting of the polar ice caps

Global warming will therefore lead to floods

So all this burning of oil, coal and gas leading to an Earth that is suffering form many environmental problems.

Other problems from the Non Renewable Energy

Lead poisoning has been shown to affect the development and progress of children living near motorways.

Dust and gases in the air can lead to smog above large industrialised cities.
A hole is developing in the ozone layer which therefore will not filter out harmful ultra-violet rays from the Sun.

We need to conserve our Non Renewable Energy Sources

The electricity we produce from burning oil, gas and coal could also be made using renewable energy resources. It makes sense to save the oil we have left for making fuel for transport and for making plastics. We could try to save wasting energy from fossil fuels during domestic use in our homes and from waste transport consumption of fuel.

Problems with Nuclear Fuels

Nuclear power stations can produce large amounts of energy from small amounts of nuclear fuel. (Radioactive materials naturally release heat) Nuclear radiation is extremely dangerous. So, High safety standards are needed. Waste materials stay radioactive for thousands of years. There have been some disastrous accidents at nuclear power stations which have affected all living things in the area.

The Carbon Question?

Metric tons per GWhr

1000 800 600 400 200

8 7 5 4






Nuclear Wind


Solar Thermal

Per capita emissions of carbon from industrial sources, 1996

Australia Russian Federation Germany United Kingdom Japan Korea, Rep. Ukraine South Africa Mexico China Brazil Indonesia India United States

4.63 2.91 2.87 2.59 2.54 2.46 2.10 1.88 1.02 0.76 0.46 0.33 0.29 5.37 0 1 2 3 4 Thousand tons of carbon 5 6

Data Source: Marland et al, 1999. Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center.

Cumulative carbon emissions, 1950-1996

China Germany Japan United Kingdom India Canada South Africa Mexico Australia Brazil Korea, Rep. Indonesia United States

15,715 11,651 8,504 7,415 4,235 4,054 2,331 2,118 2,080 1,557 1,361 966 50,795 0 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000

Million tons of carbon

Data Source: Marland et al, 1999. Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center.

World GDP Billions US$$






World GDP CO2 level

World GDP and CO2

1 0 0 0 1 0 5 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 5 0 1 2 0 0 1 2 5 0 1 3 0 0 1 3 5 0 1 4 0 0 1 4 5 0 1 5 0 0 1 5 5 0 1 6 0 0 1 6 5 0 1 7 0 0 1 7 5 0 1 8 0 0 1 8 5 0 1 9 0 0 1 9 5 0 2 0 0 0









Energy use Under-developed nations 0.5 kW

Developed world

5 10 kW


Growth in China and India Drought in Australia Production of Bio fuels

How to tackle to Energy Problem ?

more renewable energy

Energy conservation If ydont need it, turn the durn thing off. Fred Tuttle

more efficient conversion methods Reducing energy or demand requirements without reducing the end-use benefits.

Alternative Energy Sources

Wind energy Hydroelectric energy Solar energy Tidal energy Nuclear energy Geothermal energy Biomass energy
Renewable Energy

Do an Energy study for your Monthly/Anuually family consumption and try to figure out the actual expenses. Main Categories must be (i) Electricity, (ii) Gas or Bio mass, (iii) Food, (iv) Petrol or Diesel (v) Other Energy sources Divide into as much as possible sub categories and finally calculate the percentage consumption and percentage expenses for each category. Present them in suitable graphs and comment on possibilities for saving energy in the family consumption. Prepare all these findings in to a Report. Submission date: 30th July 2013 at 12.00 am

Some interesting websites on Sri Lanka energy context

Thank You

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