Move LDF

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com/sqlservertip/1774/move-sql-server-transaction-log-files-to-a-differentlocation-via-tsql-and-ssms/ In this example, we will work through the steps to move a transaction log file to a new location via T-SQL commands. The first script will return the current locations, size, etc. of the database and transaction log files.
Script # 1: Capture database and transaction log file information USE AdventureWorks GO sp_helpfile GO

Below is sample output from the script showing that database has only two files. First is primary database file and second is the transaction log file. Although the file name, size, etc. may be different on your SQL Server, you will know the exact location of the files before the transaction log move begins. Note the location of the database file since it will be used during the database attach process.

Once you have the location information and have negotiated downtime with your users, now it is time to get exclusive access of the database in order to detach the database. If users are still connected to the database during the downtime, it is possible to remove them by using the With Rollback Immediate option or you can kill the connections via this tip.
Script # 2: Set database to single user mode and detach database Use MASTER GO -- Set database to single user mode ALTER DATABASE adventureWorks SET SINGLE_USER GO -- Detach the database sp_detach_db 'AdventureWorks' GO

Now the database is detached. Once the detach process is completed, then you can copy and paste the new transaction log file then delete the old transaction log file via Windows Explorer. Once this is completed, we can attach the database with SQL Server database log file at new location with the following script:

Script # 3: Attach database with log file at new location USE master GO -- Now Attach the database sp_attach_DB 'AdventureWorks', 'D:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Data\AdventureWorks_Data.mdf', 'E:\Move LogFile here through T-SQL\AdventureWorks_Log.ldf' GO

After the final attach command our transaction log file has been moved to new location and our database is operational with log file on new location. Verifying the new database transaction log location can be accomplished by re-running script #1 above.

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