Session 8. LUVY VILLANUEVA - GREAT Women Project

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GREAT Women Project Experience

Rural Women and Community Initiatives to Increase Decent Work

Luzviminda A. Villanueva The Philippine Commission on Women and the Canadian International Development Agency

Gender Responsive Economic Actions for the Transformation (GREAT) of Women


Philippine Commission on Women

National Govt. Agencie s

Other Partners

Local Govt Units


formulating gender & WEE responsive 1. 2. 3. 4. Plans Policies Programs Projects 7 GAD WEE materials developed and utilized by agencies 11 policies passed by the national government agencies supporting WEE 36 GAD ordinances with WEE provisions 42 local government units implementing WEE programs with budget provision

1. Gender Sensitivity Trainings++ (WEE & LED) 2. Gender Analysis 3. Genderresponsive planning

GROWTH of Women Micro entrepreneurs (WMEs) Increased satisfaction of

WMEs to services of local & national govt Increased access to govt. More than services Increased household income 8,000 28 enterprise office WMEs Helped in sending children established in local reached to governments school Positive changes in personal Mobile business and registrations household level self-confidence Increased 15 common service & assertion of rights facilities established Reduced economic thru partnerships on husband dependence Women-friendly Can buy own personal techologies effects Increased focus on Husband loves and environmental respects spouse more management partnership of Increased Public-private husband in domestic partnership for concerns product upgrade

185 technical officers trained in 42 local government units 129 officers in 19 national government offices

Major National Policies influenced: - National MSME Development Plan - DOLEs refocus on services to Informal Sector workers - PhilHealths Partial Subsidy Scheme for Social Protection of WMEs and Informal Sector Workers Local Policies for WEE
Gender and Development Codes
Increased WEE budgets, BDS, facilities & equipment for WMEs Provided incentives for startup WMEs (i.e. tax exemptions, discounted fees) Mentors Pools for GAD and WEE, GAD Offices, enterprise desks and CSFs

Revenue/ Investment Codes Creation of Service Mechanisms

Up-valuing Community Products

Intensive Design Clinic Series
10 designer products 24 products 1,000 products of 90 WMEs

Registered sales of Php399,658 in March

Lessons and Recommendations

1. Economic empowerment of women - a very positive gender equality message. 2. LGUs and NGOs should build on existing national programs and facilitate convergence among these; then facilitate access for womens groups. 3. Local resources (gender budgets) should be devoted to develop grassroots women leaders for local enterprise development. 4. LGUs, other agencies can harness and partner with successful entrepreneurs to mentor women for product development, up-valuing to big markets, business skilling. 5. Womens products sell -- along with their stories of hope and empowerment.

Office of the President Philippine Commission on Women Philippine machinery for the advancement of women

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