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Energy Optimization of Steam Turbines by Audit

Dr. I.P.S. Paul 1, Prof. I.P. Sharma2 and S.K. Choudhary3


Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ajay Kumar Garg Engineering College, PO Adhyatmic Nagar, Ghaziabad 201009 UP
3 1,

National Power Training Institute, Sector 33 Faridabad 121003 Haryana, 2,

_________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TABLE 1-- PERFORMANCE INDICES OF VARIOUS Abstract-- This paper is basically aimed at optimizing the EQUIPMENTS turbine efficiency and turbine heat rate. The techniques S. Performance index Unit Value of can be the type of solution and finance involved. Typical N. State of the design turbine efficiencies are in the range of 39.63 - 44.0 art per cent while the operating efficiencies are in the range of equipment 34.0 - 42.0%. New technological solutions give improvements of as much as 2.5 % in turbine efficiency or 1 Boiler efficiency % 89.0 over 6.6 % in heat rate or 14 MW for a 210 MW unit. The aspects of energy audit of steam turbines can be classified 2 Turbine efficiency % 44.0 as follows: Basic aspects of turbines: Maximum efficiency, Efficiency of components and Losses in turbines; Performance evaluation of steam turbines through acceptance tests or routine tests; Evaluation of component efficiencies; Willans line of a steam turbine; Turbine diagnostics- Pressure, temperature and flow profiles in turbines; Technological improvements in turbines and Energy conservation measures. Keywords: Energy optimization, Turbine efficiency, Willans line, Turbine diagnostics. 1. INTRODUCTION The power station and auditors jointly decide the dates for energy audit. The data analysis and processing is done at auditors works and a report prepared taking into consideration the realistic economic cost factors associated with repairs and modifications if any. The draft report is released within 1-2 weeks of conducting the energy audit. After interaction with the sponsors, a jointly agreed final report is prepared and released. The efficiency of individual circuit/equipment like water circuit, turbine piping, turbine, generator is evaluated and compared with the design value. The deviation in efficiency is diagnosed (using the overhaul data provided by the plant) and reported. The performance indices and losses in equipment are computed and presented. The extent to which the efficiency can be improved by implementing various energy conserving measures is discussed along with the economic implications considering the present level of interest rate on the capital. The savings envisaged will be also be quantified. The potential for energy conservation can be estimated from knowing the state-of-the art performance indices as given in Table 1.
3 Turbine heat rate kJ/kWh kcal/kWh % % % of gross power kg/kWh ml/kWh 8182 1955 39.0 36.6 6.0

4 5 6

Gross overall efficiency Net overall efficiency Auxiliary power

7 8

Specific fuel consumption Specific secondary oil consumption Gross unit heat rate

0.6 1.0

kJ/kWh kcal/kWh

9231 2205

II. METHODOLOGY The detailed methodology is given as follows. Plant Evaluation: The first phase of energy audit consists of plant specifications, schematics, operating ratings, performance data (such as plant load factor, design efficiency, auxiliary power consumption) from the records based on the questionnaire to be filled by the power station and returned to the energy auditor before the energy audit is commenced. Preliminary data about the individual circuit/equipment like water circuit turbine piping, turbine, generator, transformers and auxiliaries; past data of plant load factor, plant availability factor, auxiliary power consumption, and planned/forced outages; is collected for past 5 years. The data for the past 5 years is studied. The energy auditors and the plant engineers hold detailed discussions during their visit to the station.



Cross-over pipes: This is calculated based on the frictional pressure drop across the flow length of the piping. Studies At Auditors Works: The turbine efficiency of unit is determined. The losses of the generator are modeled and thus the generator is determined. This is used as a basis for determining the turbine efficiency from the experimental turbo-generator efficiency. Thus, the efficiencies of the generator and turbine are estimated while the efficiency of the overall unit is experimentally determined based on the boiler efficiency, auxiliary power, etc. In case of efficiencies lower than design, the causes for the deviation in efficiency will be looked into by studying the data and the annual overhaul reports of the power stations. The studies at the auditors works involves: Analysis of past data, efficiency evaluation and performance study of the plant at partial loading. Evaluation of plant performance based on different parameters obtained from the present data at rated/ tested level. Comparison of the plant performance with the design parameters and computation of the deviations. Study of the reports of overhaul, manufacturer data and other data associated with the system. Modeling of the losses in the generator. Establishment of energy balance for the system and understanding where and how the losses are occurring. Evolution of proposals for energy conservation measures and the feasibility study of implementation. Economic analysis of energy conservation measures. Maximum Efficiency Of A Steam Turbine: If the entrance enthalpy of steam into a turbine is 3,600 kJ/kg (say), it is not possible to extract the entire amount of energy as in a boiler because of the conversion of heat into work. The enthalpy of steam and water at the exit pressure (decided by the saturation pressure corresponding to lowest cooling water temperature) is 2250 kJ/kg and 850 kJ/kg. Testing A Steam Turbine By ASME-PTC Various aspects of tests are given as follows. i. Agreements between owner and concerned parties The agreements will be on the following issues: Specific objective of the tests Timing of tests, operating conditions and guarantees. Location of primary flow measuring devices Method of handling leaks, continuous drains, blow downs, etc. Frequency of observations and deviations of test runs, no. of test runs. Calculation of heat rate, efficiency

Thus, this phase is basically an information gathering and processing step whereby a better understanding of the plant and its operation is obtained. Performance Evaluation: The detailed energy audit consists of the following : Efficiency tests on turbo-generator at rated loads and at part loads. Efficiency tests on turbine auxiliaries at rated loads and at part loads. Auxiliary power consumption: Evaluation of efficiencies of the pumps and fans, etc. The turbines are tested as per ASME ptc-6-1996. The other Annexure to the test code are Appendix A to the test code for steam turbine. A procedure is also available for routine performance tests of steam turbines (ASME-ptc 6S-1988). A number of parameters are kept constant during the test period of 2 hours. These include plant load, dearator level, condenser level, drain levels, feed heater drain levels, positions of bypass, etc. The losses in each stage of the blade can be classified as: a. Flow friction over the blades. b. Secondary re-circulation flow losses. c. Tip leakage. The total of the above three losses gives the blading losses. xiii. The other stage related losses are calculated as follows: Moisture losses: The local wetness is averaged out and the wetness of the bulk of fluid is determined from which the moisture loss is computed. The moisture loss is given by the product of the mass flow rate of moisture in steam (bulk of fluid) and the enthalpy gain across the stage. Loss from Baumann stage due to bypass of last stage : This is calculated on the basis of the difference between the losses when 50 % of the flow is through the last stage (with the rest of the flow entering the condenser through the Baumann exhaust) and when the full flow is through the last stage using conventional blading. This loss stage is given by the product of the mass flow rate bypassing the last stage and the enthalpy gain across the last stage. Exhaust outflow and extraction losses: This is based on the averaged values of the fluid parameters at the LPT blade section outlet. This loss is given by the product of the mass flow rate of the exhaust steam and the square of the exit velocity component of the bulk of fluid. Losses from clearance seals of blading and shafts: This is calculated on the basis of engineering practice based on guidelines given by turbine designers.


Conditions under which the tests are declared as unsatisfactory and terminated.

ii. Timing of the tests: for acceptance tests it is 8 weeks from the date of synchronization iii. Bench marks beyond 8 weeks: The bench marks will be for heat rate, capacity, isentropic efficiency, etc. iv. Test requirements: These include: Preliminary test runs to check the instruments, training of personnel, confirming cycle isolation, confirm operation of valves. Isolation of cycle External isolation includes: auxiliary flows that enter or leave the cycle such as condensate, auxiliary seam, etc. the external flows should be below 0.1 % of the main steam flow. Internal flow isolation includes: drains, flows which do not leave the cycle but bypass components. Isolation of flows includes: Storage tanks Auxiliary steam lines Turbine spray Drains on Stop, interceptor and control valves. Drains on MS & RH piping Interconnecting steam lines Auxiliary steam Heater, drains and bypass vents Emergency blow down. Where it is not possible to isolate then it must be calculated. These include: shaft packing leakage, valve stem leakage, internal turbine leakage, turbine drain flows, etc. Isolation of flows is through: blank flanges, leak proof valves, monitoring through acoustic techniques such as engineers stethoscopes, etc. Valve points: This can be through pressure measurement, maximum HPT efficiency (isentropic) (by increasing p,t in small increments), valve stem positions, pressure ratio. v. No. of test runs: Minimum number is 2. the heat rate from each must not differ by more than 0.25 %. Otherwise 3rd test run will have to be undertaken. vi. Period of operation before test: minimum 24 hours and during each hour interval the temperature and pressure variation must be below 3 %. The load must be constant during the pre-test period. The control valve must be open and closed only under emergency or upset conditions.

vi. The parameters (main steam temperature, main steam pressure, reheat steam temperature, reheat steam pressure, condenser vacuum , etc.) must be as near to the design value as possible to avoid correction factors. vii. Hydrogen purity must be maximized. viii. Specified constant speed must be maintained. ENERGY OPTIMIZATION OF STEAM TURBINES ix. Nozzle, bypass, extraction and secondary flow valves shall be in the position contemplated in the specified performance. Typical locations for flow nozzles are between last LP heater and deaerator, between deaerator and BFP, between BFP and HP heater and between final HP heater and entrance of boiler. III. IDENTIFICATION OF ENERGY CONSERVATION MEASURES Typical design and operating efficiencies are given in Table 2. TABLE 2 -- TYPICAL DESIGN & OPERATING TURBINE EFFICIENCIES. S. N.
1 2

Performance index



Turbine efficiency- Design Turbine efficiency-operating

% %

39.63-44.0 34.0-42.0

The techniques for identifying energy conservation measures are as follows: Operational optimization Repairs Overhauls Simple modifications Renovation, retrofitting, revamps, re-powering, refurbishment Modernization Operational optimization: The operational optimization of the turbines involves the following:
i. Maintaining MS & RH temperatures and pressures; exit pressure and wetness fraction at the design conditions. Minimizing work losses in auxiliary steam by using extraction steam instead of main steam for auxiliary tasks. Use of steam from the last stages for steam coil air preheating instead of exhausting in the condenser. Maintaining valve wide open (VWO) conditions in the entire operating range thereby reducing the irreversibility due to work done against the valves.






Optimization of control valve sequence-full arc/partial arc sequences. ii. Cold washing of turbine to remove soluble deposits. The steam parameters are so maintained that it condenses before the regular condensing conditions enabling dissolution of soluble deposits. The success of a cold wash is indicated by a fall in the silica in condensate, axial shift, differential AKGEC JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 2, No. 1 expansion and bearing vibration.

m/s at the inlet and 1.2 m/s at the outlet. In case one of the heaters is out of service, the design temperature gain across the heater train must be obtained through the other heaters. Ensuring adequate oxygen is removed in the deaerator tank by ensuring that the temperature corresponds to the saturation temperature at the deaerator pressure. Design limits of feed water velocities for erosion and corrosion resistance are 2.4 m/s for CS tubes and 3.0 m/.s for SS tubes. However, tube corrosion can be avoided and protective oxide will be preserved if the velocities do not exceed 2.1 m/s for CS tubes and 2.7 m/s for SS tubes. Temperatures at the outlet of the de-superheating zone should be above the saturation temperature of steam under all conditions to avoid erosion due to water impingement and tube vibration. Air venting rate of 0.5 % of the steam extracted to a heater must be maintained.





Timely evacuation of condensate drains based on temperature sensing.

The operational optimization of the condensers involves the following:

i. Maintaining condenser vacuum as close to the design as possible. Controlled operation of air removal devices to match the air requirement. These equipment are of fixed capacity and their optimal operation can be achieved by their capacity control. Optimal operation of cleaning systems such as condenser ball cleaning system, debris separator, trash rack, etc.. Condenser cooling water deserves equally important attention as the feed water and steam. If the O2 in the condensate is over 5 ppb, the water leaving the condenser must be deaerated by injecting auxiliary steam into the condenser hot well.





Retrofitting, revamps, re-powering, refurbishment: The retrofits suggested for the turbines of 30 MW to 120 MW are as follows:
i. LP turbine retrofits (using 12 % Cr steel blades with induction hardened leading edges) are recommended to overcome mechanical problems due to stress corrosion cracking, torsional vibration or erosion (water droplet impact erosion or surface corrosion/erosion). As an offshoot, by introduction of advanced aerodynamically designed retrofits, efficiency and availability of the plant will improve. LPT retrofits include improved blades as well as optimised diffuser, extraction nozzle and steam exit in the casing of the older turbines. Improved blade efficiency is achieved by increase in the hub reaction, avoidance of the loss intensive channelled shock at the hub section of the last stage blades, optimisation of radial exit angle, improved resolution of flow at end walls, conical flow passage instead of stair configuration, use of integral shrouded rotor blades. High efficiency diffusers aim at retarding the exit flow velocities and recover as much of the kinetic energy as possible. High performance reaction blades characterized by twisted, bowed and tapered airfoils have been developed which can be used for retrofitting or re-powering older units. These have features of insensitivity to inlet angle variations, optimised controlled diffusion and have a thin trailing edge. Endoscopes for admission, exhaust and extraction chambers. Expert systems for continuous vibration signature analysis.


The operational optimisation of cooling towers involves the following:

i. Maximisation of temperature drop and minimising the evaporative losses in the cooling tower by adjustment of the grills and avoiding by-pass of cooling water. Minimisation of temperature gain in the water flow between the cold well and the condenser inlet (maximisation of the CW loop efficiency). Minimising the CW blow down to below 3 %. ii.



The operational optimization of the feed water heaters involves the following:
i. Optimisation of the condensate level on the shell side. If the level is too high feed water heating surface will be reduced. If it is too low steam will blow through the condensate drain leading to corrosion and operational instability. The level is adjusted by observing the TTD and DCA to the optimal point. The limits of drain velocity to avoid flashing of steam are 0.6 iii. iv.



Information technology based turbine heat rate monitoring to indicate the various losses.

tip sealing, modified exhaust hood spray and a turbine supervisory system. The standard added features of the retrofitted turbines are as follows: i. Heating system for the surface of the last stationary stage of hollow blades of LPT by injection of steam from an earlier extraction. ii. Modification in location of exhaust hood spray such that the excessive ventilation heating (during low load operation and load rejection) is not experienced in the LPT on the generator side. iii. Endoscopes for examination of blading without opening of the casing. ENERGY OPTIMIZATION OF STEAM TURBINES IV. IMPLEMENTATION OF ENERGY CONSERVATION MEASURES The methods of implementing energy conservation measures are preparation of a DPR, detailed engineering of the proposed scheme, financial arrangements and project execution. V. CONCLUDING REMARKS Energy audit is a primary tool for assessing the energy conservation potential and the routes to achieve it through targeting performance indices. The state of the art technology should be used as a basis for assessing the energy conserving potential. After implementation of the energy conservation scheme constant monitoring of the performance indices is a pre-requisite for efficient operation. A combination of various methods of energy conservation such as operational optimization, repair, overhauling, simple modifications, upgradation, etc., must be used to economically achieve the targeted performance indices. VI. REFERENCES [1]. ASME-ptc-6-1996, Performance Test code 6 on steam turbines, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York. [2]. ASME-ptc-6SReport 1988, Procedures for routine performance tests opf steam turbines, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York. [3]. Bhatt, M.S. and Rajkumar, N. (1999), Performance enhancement in coal fired thermal power plants. Part II: Steam turbines, Int. J. Energy Res., 23, pp 489-515. [4]. I.P.S. Paul (1998), Systematic approaches for energy Conservation in Thermal Power Generation, J. Karnataka Electricity Board, Bangalore, pp 1-12.

The retrofits suggested for the turbines of 210 MW and 500 MW are as follows:
i. ii. iii. iv. Variable pressure operation retrofit. Endoscopes for admission, exhaust and extraction chambers. Expert systems for continuous vibration signature analysis. Information technology based turbine heat rate monitoring to indicate the various losses. Water-induction detection system based on acoustic transducers.


The retrofits suggested for the condensers are as follows:


Automated monitoring and chemical control of condenser leaks. Installation of on-line cleaning with reverse flow valve/rubber sponge ball /nylon brush system. Installation of automated debris filters which not only screens materials above 1.5 mm but conveys the debris from the inlet of the CW pipe to its outlet (at the point of discharge from the condenser) based on sensing the differential pressure across the CW line or through timer operation. Installation of trash rack and screens wherever river water or sea water are used. Installation of on-line condensate polishing unit especially where sea water or river water is used for cooling.





The retrofits suggested for regenerative feed water heaters are as follows:
i. Installation for on-line sensing of TTD, DCA, drain level, drain temperature, etc.. Introduction of 100 % HP/LP group and individual by-pass in older units where these are not present. Installation of heat recovery devices such as gland steam condenser, stack steam condenser and vent steam condenser for older units where these are not present.



Modernisation : For achieving turbine efficiencies of as high as 41-42 %, the steam turbine (HP, IP and LP cylinders) of old units may be replaced with standard 3-d stage specific bladed turbines with 3-d modeled exhaust diffuser, improved tip to


Dr. I P S Paul is currently a Professor at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ajay Kumar Garg Engineering College, Ghaziabad. Obtained BE (Mech) from NIT Bhopal, MBA from University of Delhi, Diploma in Energy Management, Italy and Ph.D. from IIT Delhi. He has served as power, research engineer and trainer in PSEB, NPTI, NTPC and CPRI. He has guided Ph.D., M.Tech and MBA thesis and has 108 research papers to his credit.

Prof. I.P Sharma (b. 15.6.1955) is currently Professor and Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ajay Kumar Garg Engineering College, Ghaziabad. He has 28 years experience in Maintenance and Quality Control of Aircraft and related support systems. He has 10 years experience in Education (Teaching/Examination/ Coordination).

S.K. Choudhary is currently Director with National Power Training Institute, Faridabad. He has over 30 years of industry-wide experience with last 21 years in training and human resource development. He is a certified instructor from City and Guilds, UK and has undergone certificate course on Neuro-Linguistic programming from St. Joseph College, Bangalore. He is a regular faculty in MBA programs and conducts training workshops for enhancing individual/ organizational effectiveness.


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