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Friday 5th July

Zeus Hall
09:15-10:00 10:00-10:40
Zeus Hall
Chair: Session

Bernhard Blmich

PL 14 - Dmitri Budker Zero- and low-eld NMR spectroscopy

Minos Hall Europa Room

M. Pons
Biosolids II
PS 206 - Marc Baldus

L. Gladden
Transport and Diusion

S. Stapf
Materials and Processes


PS 216 - Robert Schurko PS 211 - Daniel Topgaard BRAIN-CP: broadband New diusion MRI methods adiaba c inversion-cross Ultra-high eld DNP-ssNMR for characteriza on of polariza on applica ons to Solid-State NMR applied to cellular microheterogeneous of Spin-1/2 and quadrupolar materials structural biology nuclei



PS 207 - Guido Pintacuda PS 212 - Gisela Guthausen PS 217 - Oleg Poluektov Resonance assignment Photoinduced charge and structure inves ga on by Characteriza on of separa on processes: high resolu on 1H(double-)emulsions by detected solid-state NMR from natural under ultra-fast MAS: from NMR: diusometry and photosynthesis to organic microcrystalline proteins to photovoltaic cells relaxometry large protein assemblies PS 218 - Eike Brunner PS 213 - Diana Bernin PS 208 - Anne Jantschke 1 Chiral recogni on in H and 19F diusion and metal- organic frameworks Dynamic nuclear polariza on relaxa on imaging to studied by solid-state for understanding monitor detailed drug NMR spectroscopy biomineralisa on release proles through using chiral solva ng extended release lms agents in diatoms
PS 209 - Amir Goldbourt
PS 214 - Catherine Bessada Towards a be er undestanding of the local structure in molten salts : coupling NMR chemical shi s, self diusion coecients measurements at high temperature and molecular dynamics simula ons
PS 215 - Janez Stepinik Dynamics of polymers and liquids studied by the modulated gradient spin echo method

Magic angle spinning


NMR studies of intact bacteriophage viruses

PS 210 - Ann McDermo Conforma onal exchange and ion binding in the ion channel KcsA

PS 219 - Yan-Yan Hu Solid state NMR studies of rechargeable ba ery materials

PS 220 - Xianyu Xue NMR crystallography of highpressure silicate minerals and related inorganic materials

12:10-12:40 Chair: 13:00-13:45 13:45-14:15

Gunnar Jeschke PL 15 - Charalampos Kalodimos NMR of large proteins: molecular chaperones


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