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1he Cooklng Cll's Clobal roducLlon and laL ConLenLs

1he vlsuals lndlcaLe Lhe cooklng oll's global producLlon ln 20002003 and Lhe conLenLs of faL ln
cooklng olls Cverall coconuL oll conLaln Lhe hlghesL unhealLhy faL whlle sunflower oll conLaln Lhe
hlghesL healLhy faL lor neuLral faL ollve oll has Lhe hlghesL percenLage
Soya oll ls began wlLh 26 mllllon Lons ln 2000 lL lncreased gradually Lo 30 mllllon Lons ln 2003
and reached aL peak wlLh 33 mllllon Lons LogeLher wlLh palm oll ln 2003 8efore LhaL Lhe palm oll ls 23
mllllon Lons ln 2000 and cllmbed qulckly Lo 30 mllllon Lons ln 2003 lor ollve oll lL produced 16 mllllon
Lons ln 2000 and rose up mlnlmally Lo 18 mllllon Lons ln 2003 Powever lL wenL down slowly Lo 13
mllllon Lons ln 2003 roducLlon of canola oll ln 2000 ls 9 mllllon Lons lL grew sllghLly from 10 mllllon
Lons (2003) Lo 11 mllllon Lons (2003) 1he sunflower oll producL ls sLarLed aL 9 mllllon Lons ln 2000 lL
boomed ln 2003 Lo 2003 from 10 mllllon Lons Lo 11 mllllon Lons
ln concluslon people have Lo be careful as some of Lhe cooklng oll may conLaln Lrans faL LhaL
brlng Lo dangerous dlseases
(198 words)

1ypes of Soclal roblems among 1eenagers

1he ple charL shows Lhe 7 Lypes of soclal problems ln youLh and Lhe survey abouL Lhe mosL
popular hangouL places Cverall lL can be seen clearly LhaL Lhe vandallsm has Lhe hlghesL percenL ln
soclal problem whlle Lhe lowesL percenL ln Lhls problem was bullylng
1he vandallsm cases was Lhe hlghesL soclal problem ln Leenagers whlch was 21 whlle bullylng
cases sLaLed Lhe lowesL wlLh 8 AL Lhe second hlghesL soclal problem Lhere was 18 for Lruancy cases
1he smoklng cases were 13 whlch was 1 less Lhan loaflng cases 16 MosL of loafers preferred Lo
hang ouL aL popular places such as shopplng mall and snooker cenLres 1he Leenagers who have been
caughL for dolng shopllfLlng were 12 LasLly Lhere were 10 of Leenagers who lnvolved ln lllegal
ln a concluslon Lhere was a connecLlon beLween smoklng cases and loaflng cases whlch Lhe
loafers were under aged smokers
(131 words)

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