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Biodiversity Systems

Ackbar Joolia

Adrian Hughes

Jemma Able


What we do
Keep the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species systems ticking properly, and in a cost-effective efficient manner Supporting the diverse units of the GSP, and SSC with regards to computing and IT skills and knowhow (databases, GIS, Analysis, web applications) Strategic role in advising and contribution to project concepts and development, to specifically improve the Red Listing process (involved with RLTWG, Informatics, NRLTW etc) , and also liaising with partners (e.g. Microsoft and ESRI) Work with Jane on IUCN Knowledge Products

Recently started projects and proposals in preparation where cross programme cooperation is required
Projects in line with the new Plant for People project, which includes interface to external databases (working with KEW), support for point data, and Wiki-based approach to red list assessments Development of an online mapping tool, integrated with SIS, and working with the Freshwater Unit to implement the new Hydrobasins as part of the tool (involvement with IBAT) Potential involvement on the recent CEPF Tropical Andes project, where GIS know-how would be required.

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