Africa by David Diop

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Africa by david diop Very Nice!

I see it as a poem about a place or thing known of, but intimately unknown to the poet. like a father you know you must have, because you cannot be without one, but have never laid eyes on nor ears to the sound of his voice. Like a boy born blind trying to describe the physical beauty of his own mother. Africa exists because the poet is black; because people have told him that he, being black, came from slaves and that slaves, being black, came from Africa. Africa, then, is more what others have told the poet it is and less of what he himself wishes it to be. As I said earlier, very nice!
i think the poem is great! it made all africans to awake under slavery. The author encourage all afrcans to be strong enough and fight for their freedom. He also ask for patience in waiting for that moment as they develop strength and power as the time passed.

my English teacher tackled about this poem today! i didnt pay too much attention because I was sleepy until the class was dismissed for lunch. When I read poem carefully, it was very nice. African people was slaved by the whites because of the resources that the Africans have, such as the gemstones that are buried under. Ive said this because my teacher says so. And actually, I didnt mean to hurt the Western people or the Whites because I got the source from my History Teacher. So Peace and Godspeed!

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