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Author(s): Angela DeLeo (With tips from Isabelle Dasho)

The Super Switch!

Paragraph 1 Introduction: Isabelle, my friend, and I switch bodies. So when you read I that is me in Isabelle speaking or telling you the story and when you read Isabelle that is she in my body and when my mom or dad says something about Isabelle it will actually be me in Isabelles body and Isabelle in my body. Remember that the story wont make sense at all unless you read this. Isabelle and I are having a sleepover in my house for four days and three nights. Here is The Super Switch: ____________________________________________________ What just happened!? Isabelle asked. Um, I think we just switched bodies! I screamed. A wizard was behind us and zapped us and we switched bodies. We both screamed when we saw each other. My mom knocked on the door and

opened the door, Okay, kids time to go to bed. Isabelle get your sleeping bag. Then she closed the door and went back to the living room. We both shouted uh oh and turned to look at each other. I asked, So since I am you, I have to go into the sleeping bag and you in my bed because you are me with a different voice. Isabelle got into my bed and I got into her sleeping bag. On the second day we ate breakfast and put on our clothes but of course Isabelle wore my clothes and I wore hers. My dad took us out for ice cream. I had to order the ice cream Isabelle likes and she had to get the ice cream I like. Since it was Easter we went to the Neighborhood Church for the Easter egg hunt. I told my dad, I am going to get a lot of eggs dad! My dad asked, Isabelle why did you just call me dad? Isabelle spoke looking confused, That wasnt me that was Angela. I whispered to Isabelle, Remember, we switched bodies you need to act like me and I need to act like you. I spoke, Mr. DeLeo Angela said that, because you know her she loves food. My dad spoke

sarcastically, Okay?? I am sure you will get a bunch of eggs, Angela. After the Easter egg hunt we went back home for lunch. I whispered to Isabelle, Remember, that I, which is you, eats fast and a lot and you, which is me eats slow and little. When my mom served the food, I ate slow and little and Isabelle ate fast and a lot then she asked for more just like I usually do when I am myself. We went back to my bedroom to talk about the switch. Okay, so lets remember how this happened, I stated. We started to think when I remarked, Remember, we hugged and a bright light struck us! That is how we switched bodies. I have an idea of how to switch back to our normal selves. Isabelle replied, How? I responded, You know that the bright light struck us, well Im sure it was the wizard, all we have to do is find a wizard so he or she can zap us back to our normal selves before your mom picks you which is me up tomorrow when. Isabelle sassed, How in the world, will we ever find a WIZARD! I blurted, Easy! We just go to his evil tower that is in the forest. Okay,

we will go now but you have to say this to my mom mom Isabelle and I want to go outside to play okay? We walked into the living room so Isabelle can pretend to be me and tell my mom something. Isabelle asked, Mom, Isabelle and I want to go outside to play, can we? My mom responded, Sure, but come back in at 9:00 p.m. All right, go on. We walked outside and started walking into the forest to the wizard. Isabelle whined, This forest is so scary. I reassured, Dont worry; there is nothing to be afraid of. I did hear the wizard is sometimes very cruel but I also heard that sometimes he is very nice. We walked and walked, then we got to a big gray tower and the lightning by it was purple and blue. I offered, When we get to the wizard Ill talk if you dont want to. I cant believe were here. Isabelle mumbled, You speak, I dont like this forest or the wizard. I knocked on the castle door. If you come any closer I will zap you and kill you, warned the castle guard. I sassed, Well, thats a little harsh. Isabelle nodded while I sassed. A little harsh, you say, you should meet the wizard, stammered the

guard. Well alright, come on in, added the guard while the castle door opened. We walked in. I walked in first and Isabelle behind me. The wizard scolded, Who is interrupting my schedule?! I informed, Um, well, The wizard interrupted, Well, out with it. I finished my sentence, Im Angela, well actually Im Angela in Isabelles body and she is Isabelle in my body, do you get it or is it confusing? The wizard boasted, So, basically you two switched bodies? I answered, Yes, but, The wizard interrupted again, There is no spell for that, and surprisingly, I didnt even switch you guys because there is no spell to switch peoples bodies. I finished my sentence, Well I was going to ask you if there was a spell for that but now I know because you already told me the answer. Isabelle and I walked back home in time and walked to my room. I grumbled, So, now we are going to stay switched forever and ever. This cant happen. We have to figure out how we will switch back into our normal selves. Well, we should go to bed now. Good night. Isabelle muttered, Good

night. In the morning we woke up, put on our clothes, and shouted bye to my parents because they had to go to work. So we stayed home alone. I walked to the kitchen to drink some water and in the fireplace I saw a hole that was colorful and it looked like a whole other world out there. I screamed, Isabelle!! Isabelle!! Isabelle!! Isabelle ran to me while yelling, What?! What happened!? Angela! Speak with your mouth dont mumble! I muttered, Look! Isabelle looked and screamed! I reassured, Shhhh! Its alright, maybe if we go in there we will switch back like if there is a wizard in there who has the spell to switch us back. Isabelle boasted, Okay, Ill calm down. Lets go in. We walked to it with Isabelle behind me hiding while I was in front of her. I put my hand in and it looked cartoonish like. I announced, I think, that that it is a fantasy world of some sort! I put in my foot and head Isabelle was amazed. I stepped back, and then jumped in. Isabelle jumped in after me. We looked to where we went in so we can get back into the real world later. I

described, It is a barrel with a big hole in it. Remember it, Ill remember also. We looked at each other and screamed. I shouted, You You look so cartoonish! Isabelle muttered, You look cartoonish too. We were both very scared. This world looked like a fantasy book with princes and princesses and wizards. I asked, What is this place and um, is there some kind of wizard around here? That is what I asked to a stranger in the fantasy world that we went into. The stranger answered, Unusual words but yes there is a wizard and this is Andalasia, but which wizard good or evil? I responded, Um, which wizard would switch peoples bodies or something like that. The stranger responded, Most likely the evil wizard would do something like that. The evil wizard lives on the other side of the purple mountains and over the flower valley. Isabelle and I started walking towards the purple mountains. When we got over the purple mountains we started walking on the flower valley. There were roses, daisies, and more. When we got across we were at the evil wizards tower. Isabelle was scared. I reassured,

Isabelle it is okay. Its just a stupid evil wizards tower. We walked in front of it and we knocked on the door. Dont come any closer or Ill kill you this instant, warned the guard. I sassed, Oh great, another one. Thats harsh like I said to the other guard in the real world. The door slowly opened. Isabelle mumbled, I dont like it here. I replied, I dont like it here either. The guard walked to us. He was two feet tall with two long canes for walking that made him look like six feet tall. The guard boasted, So you two are the ones knocking on my door which is actually my bosss door? Isabelle and I both sassed, Well, hello to you too. The guard stated, The wizard says you can come up to his room; the stairs are two meters long just so you know. Isabelle and I sighed and started to walk up the two meter long staircase. We were exhausted when we got to the top. I almost fainted. Good afternoon ladies, greeted the evil wizard. Isabelle and I replied, Hello, evil yet weird wizard. Anyway did you make us switch bodies? The

evil wizard replied, Yes. I did it because you drive me crazy; the good wizard and I watch you every day and you two drive us, well actually me crazy, you know! I replied, WE? We drive YOU? We drive you CRAZY? We drive you crazy? Yeah, I dont think so. How in the world do we drive YOU crazy? The evil wizard responded, You two are just very crazy because you play and scream every second of the day! Isabelle sassed, Bye. We are going to the good wizard because she is nice and will do whatever we say. We walked up the two meter staircase and crossed the valley of flowers walked over the purple mountains and back to the town. Isabelle asked, Where does the good wizard live? She asked a stranger that question. The stranger replied, It is past the aqua and pink mountains and over the valley of cupcakes and cake bites. Isabelle and I walked over the aqua and pink mountains and cupcakes and cake bites. The castle had a rainbow over it and it was very colorful and had cupcakes and cake bites and ice cream all over the ground like flower with a

river of goodness. We walked in front of it. We knocked on the door. Come on in, shouted the guard. Well thats nicer than the evil wizards guard, I stated. The guard blabbed, Thank you very much, I think!? I informed, Can we speak to the good wizard? The guard showed us the way and we went to the good wizard. I asked, Mr. Good Wizard, can you turn us back to our normal selves because our bodies got switched by the evil wizard. The good wizard answered, I would but I lost my wand and I need it to change you guys back. So if you find it your reward will be your bodies switched back to normal. We both answered, We will find that wand and you will change us back. We walked out of the tower and started to look for the wand. We looked and looked; we couldnt find the wand until we saw it in the forest of monsters. We walked in. I mumbled, How in the world did the wand get HERE! Wait, I just saw it in the monsters bed of logs. I quickly walked up to the wand and grabbed the wand when the monster saw me. We ran away over the aqua and pink mountains and valley of

cupcakes and cake bites to the good wizards tower; the monster got lost. We went into the tower. The good wizard was waiting for us. We gave him the wand. The wizard stated, You guys need to hug or the spell wont work. We hugged. The wizard added, These two got switched and need to switch back. POOF!!! We walked back to the barrel with the hole in it and got back to the real world. We tested each other by saying stuff that we liked. I, which now really I shouted, I love Fufi and koalas and food!! Isabelle, who is herself now shouted, I am the awesomest person in the world!!!!!! We both shouted at the same time, YAY HOORAY!!!!! The good wizard also gave us a life supply of cake bites for both of us. We cried, No!! It doesnt have any whipped cream on it! POOF!!! We shouted yay. On the next day we ate breakfast and got dressed. We were so happy to be ourselves again! We played games until Isabelles mom picked her up. I went to the fireplace to make sure the fantasy place was gone for good; it was. After that, I went to bed.

THE END!!!!!!!!!!!
____________________________________________________ I hope that doesnt happen in real life to me or anyone!!! Author(s): Angela DeLeo (and tips from Isabelle Dasho) Illustrator of two pictures: Isabelle Dasho Genre: Science Fiction/Fantasy/Adventure I hope you liked it!!! Signatures: Angela DeLeo Isabelle Dasho (Pictures have not come yet other than the ones next to this sentence)

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