Analyzing A Poem For Eng

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The Breakdown: What you should ask yourself

(1)SUBJECT Ask the questions: WHAT, WHO, WHEN, WHERE! What is the poem about? - What is happening in the poem? - What/Who is being described? - Where is it taking place? - When is it happening? - What is being done/said/talked about/argued/expressed? (2) TONE How does the poet feel? What is his/her attitude? How does the poet portray these feelings to the reader? Whats the tone of voice? The following are some words used to describe someones tone: serious, critical, chatty, concerned, casual, ironic, exaggerated, aggressive, light-hearted, bold, disrespectful, amused, sympathetic, sincere, happy, sad, sarcastic etc. NB: The poet might use a combination of tones! (3) MOOD What is the EFFECT or ATMOSPHERE created by the poem? The following are some words to describe moods: serious, heavy, joyful, bitter, thoughtful, reflective, quiet, sad, calm, angry, peaceful (4) THEME What is the overall idea/purpose/meaning behind the poem? What is the main message that is being communicated by the poet? (5) POETS PURPOSE Whats the reason for writing this? Did he achieve his goal? (6) TECHNICAL EXPERTISE Identify the techniques which the poet used to show intent, meaning and effect in the poem

The following are the techniques to be implemented in analysing any poem: (1) Type of poem & setting (2) Structure of poem (3) Rhythm i.e. beat/flow of words (4) Choice of Language used i.e. simple, complex, dialect, figurative, suggestive, symbolic (5) Punctuation (commas = continued thought ; full stop= thoughts have ended) (6) Stylistic devices include: contrast, illusion, repetition, illustration, imagery, irony, climax, hyperbole, metaphor, personification, simile, oxymoron, rhetorical question, paradox, alliteration, onomatopoeia.

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