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Section A [ 30 marks ] Answer all question 1.

Which planet takes the shortest time to move round the Sun ? A. Earth B. Mars C. Mercury D. Venus 2. The information below shows the characteristics of a planet X.

What is X ? A. Mars

It is the nearest planet to the Sun This planet is not conducive for living things.

B. Mercury C. Uranus D. Venus 3. Below are four planets in the Solar System which are arranged in the correct order starting from the planet closest to the Sun. Venus , Earth , P , Jupiter Which of the following represent P ? A. Mars B. Neptune C. Saturn D. Uranus

4. The distance between the Earth and the Sun is A. 120 000 km B. 130 000 km C. 140 000 km D. 150 000 km 5. Which planet is the third closest planet to the Sun ? A. The Earth B. Mars C. Mercury D. Venus 6. Which statements about the planets is true ?

Planet A. Mercury

Statement It takes about 2 years to complete one revolution around the Sun

B. Neptune C. Saturn D. Venus

It does not have any moons. It is surrounded by bright and colourful rings The Planet that is furthest away from the Sun.

7. A sago seeds is used to represent the size of the Earth.What should be used to represent the size of the Sun ?. A. A coconut B. A golf ball C. A marble D. A tennis ball

8. Diagram 1 shows five planets in the Solar System.

What are Q and R ? A. Earth B. Venus C. Mercury D. Venus 9 Mars Mars Venus Earth

What will happen to all living things on Earth if there is no Sun? A B C D All living things will die Only plants will die All living things will sleep All living things cannot eat


Diagram 2 Based on the illustrations in diagram 2, what conclusion can be made? A B C D The Earth is smaller than the Moon The is Sun is smaller than the Earth The Earths size is almost the same as the Moon The Sun is bigger than the Earth and the Moon

11.The Sun is not a suitable place for living things because it is A B C D very big very far away very hot dark during the night

12. Why do astronauts bring along oxygen tanks to the Moon? A B C D To breathe To control the temperature To protect themselves from the Moons light As a source of heat

13. The diameter of the Moon is about of the Earth. This means that A B C D the Moon is bigger than the Earth the Moon is smaller than the Earth the Moon is very near to the Earth the Moon and the Earth is about the same size

14. Earth is the ________ planet from the Sun. A B C D fifth third fourth second

15. Which sentence is not a reason why plants and animals can live on Earth? A B C D There is air for them to breathe. There is water for them to drink. The temperature is suitable to sustain life. There are 24 hours in a day so everyone will have enough time to sleep.

16. If we want to look at the Sun, which of the following way is recommended? A B C D Use a binocular Use a telescope Use sunglasses Use spectacles

17. Among the following objects, which produces its own light? I II III IV A B C D The Earth The Moon The Sun The stars I and II II and III III and IV I, II, and III


Diagram 3 The planet marked X in diagram 3 is A B C D Mars Pluto Venus Jupiter

19. If the Earth is represented by a golf ball, which of the following can represent the Sun? A B C D Marble Ping Pong ball Tennis ball Basketball

20. Which objects listed below make up the Solar System? I II III IV A B C D Earth Sun star Moon I, II, and III only I, II, and IV only II, III, and IV only I, II, III, and IV

21. The Earth can support life because I II III it has water it has air it has suitable temperature

A. I and II only B. I and III only C. II and III only D. I , II and III 22. Which of the following planets has the smallest orbit ? A. Mercury B. Neptune C. Venus D. Pluto 23. The information below list the characteristics of three planets in the Solar System.

Planet R has a bigger orbit than Mars Mars has a bigger orbit than planet S

Which of the following represents planets R and S ? R A. B. C. D. Jupiter Earth Jupiter Mercury S Saturn Venus Earth Venus

24. Which of the following is true about Earth ? A. It is third planet from the Sun B. It is the centre of the Solar System C. It moves around Saturn in an orbit D. It consists of twelve Moon. 25. One of the planets of the Solar System has the following characteristics. It is the smallest planet in the Solar System It is the furthest planet from the Sun It is the coldest planet in the Solar System What is the planet ? A. The Mars B. The Pluto C. The Earth D. The Uranus 26.The statement below shows the distance of the Earth from the Sun. The distance of the Earth from the Sun is about 150 million kilometres. What will happen if the distance of the Earth from the Sun is 150 000 kilometres ? A B C D The temperature of the Earth will decrease The temperature of the Earth will increase The Earth becomes very cold The Earth will be brighter

27. Why does the Sun appear smaller than the Moon when it is observed from the Earth ? A. The Moon and the stars block the Sun. B. The Sun is covered with thick layer clouds. C. The Sun is further from the Earth than the Moon. D. The Sun is nearer to the Earth than the Moon.

28. Diagram 4 shows two planets in the Solar System.

What is X ? A. Asteroids B. Moon C. Comets D. Meteors 29. Which of the following moves around the Sun in an orbit? I Comets II Meteors III Asteroids IV Moon A. I and II only B. I , III and IV only C. II , III and Iv only D. I , II , III and IV 30. What is meant by a natural satellite ? A. An object that gives out light. B. An object that floats in outer space. C. An object that moves around the planet. D. An object that moves around the stars.

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