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a) Which three pictures are not described...Match the jobs with their descriptions.

1. I make sure that people have nice

teeth and that they dont suffer from a
2. I used to live in the Western part of the
USA. I was good at lassoing cattle and
break in horses.
3. I can turn fabric into nice clothing. So if
you want a new suit lets talk about it.
4. In my job I am often at risk. I have to
keep order and make sure people dont
go too fast.
5. I help my husband at the farm. Here I
am with our best hen and a basket full of
6. I am a judge and work in the court. It is
my job to find out if people are guilty or
7. I have so many ideas in my head. I
want them out on a screen. My idol is van
8. Wood, nails and a screwdriver thats
9. If you want something nice to eat, I do
the job.
10. I design houses, malls, and other

Indefinite Articles are the words we use to

define the nouns (generally). In English we
have two indefinite articles, we are talking
about the words "a" and "an ". In English the
article will always precede the noun that it is

We use indefinite articles when we are

talking about jobs or professions.
E.g. I am a teacher.
He is an engineer.

B) Fill in the gaps with the indefinite articles a or an and the correct form of verb to be.

Example: She is a nurse.

1. He _____ ______ student.

2. You _____ ______ architect.

3. She _____ ______ electrician.

4. Mark _____ ______ mechanic.

5. She _____ ______musician.

6. They _____ ______ teacher.

7. I _____ ______ nurse.

8. It _____ ______ school.

c- What are these people jobs?

Label the pictures.

1. ________________________
2. ________________________
3. ________________________
4. ________________________
5. ________________________
6. ________________________
7. ________________________
8. ________________________
9. ________________________

D) Look at the pictures and answer the following questions:


Example: 1. Is he a doctor? _ No He isnt. He is a musician.

2. Is she a singer?
3. Is he a photographer?
4. Is he a farmer?
5. Is he a dentist?
6. Is he a nurse?
E) Make questions and complete the answers:

Example (teacher / nurse) Is she a teacher? _ No she isnt. she is a nurse.

1. (engineer / farmer) - _______________________? No, _________________. He ____________________.
2. ( teachers / doctors) - ______________________? No, _________________. They __________________.
3. ( nurse / student) - ________________________? No, _________________. I______________________.
4. (musician/ secretary) - _____________________? No, _________________. She

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