June Monthly Flyer

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JUNE 2013

MONTHLY HEALTH BULLETIN Health celebrations for the last week of June: June 25 : National Patients Safety Day June 26 : International Day Against Drug Abuse & Illicit Trafficking 4th week : National Poison Prevention Week



June 25 commemoration is a nationwide awareness advocacy program of the Department of Health (DOH), having its theme "Working together

Towards Patient Safety," which empowers hospital

administration and the community to be conscious to quality assurance of patients. It also aims to ensure patients' safety inside the hospital and for them to be treated well.


The international campaign provides young people and others with tools to inform themselves about the health risks associated with illicit drug use. UNODC and its campaign only focus on drugs under international control, as specified in the three multilateral drugs treaties that form the backbone of the international drug control system. These illicit include amphetamine-type stimulants, coca/cocaine, cannabis, hallucinogens, opiates and sedative hypnotics. Around 200 million people take drugs at least once a year. Of these, 25 million are regarded as drug dependent. Every year 200,000 people die from drug-related illnesses.

| 1474 Maria Clara St., Sampaloc, Manila | Tel. No. (02) 731-2901 to 03| caritasfamilyhospital@gmail.com

JUNE 2013
Top tips to prevent poisoning are: Be a health and safety-conscious consumer: Read product labels, demand chemical information, and select non-toxic products. Keep a record of hazardous and potentially hazardous products, as well as wastes, in your home, school or workplace such as cosmetics and toiletries, cleaning agents, automotive supplies, herbicides, pesticides, and other products with added toxic chemicals. Label chemicals and store them properly in a dry, locked or tamper-proof cabinets. Ensure that chemicals are out of childrens and pets reach, and far away from food and water. Do not store Ensure that chemicals are out of cleaning supplies with or near food items. childrens and pets reach, and far Follow instructions for the safe handling, application, away from food and water. Do not and storage of products containing harmful store cleaning supplies with or substances, including directions for safe disposal. near food items. Never mix chemicals unless specified in the instructions to avoid risky chemical reaction (for example, combining ammonia with bleach will yield poisonous gas). Ensure that chemicals are tightly capped and securely stored after use to avoid emission and spillage, and never leave them unattended. Do not remove poisonous products from their original containers or packages and do not destroy product labels or inserts, which could contain life-saving information.


Never store chemicals in beverage or food containers as children tend to associate potable drink and edible food with some containers. Do not place ant, roach, and rat poisons on the floor that children can mistakenly ingest. Try non-chemical alternatives to get rid of household pests. Keep medicines duly labeled and stored in child-proof containers and cabinets, and check the labels and expiry dates before taking them. Refrain from taking medicines in front of kids as they tend to mimic what adults do. Kids should not be told that medicine is candy. Dispose of used button cell batteries properly and keep the unused ones far from childrens reach. Have a first-aid kit ready and accessible in case of an emergency. Regularly wash or clean childrens hands, toys, and other items and places frequently used by kids to minimize potential exposure to lead and other harmful chemicals. Follow instructions for the safe handling, application, and storage of products containing harmful substances, including directions for safe disposal. Never mix chemicals unless specified in the instructions to avoid risky chemical reaction (for example, combining ammonia with bleach will yield poisonous gas). Know where to call or get help in the event of suspected or actual poisoning. Call or visit a doctor at once and be sure to keep the original container of the ingested substance for reference. You may also contact the UPNPMCC at the following numbers: 524-1078, 554-8400 local 2311 .

| 1474 Maria Clara St., Sampaloc, Manila | Tel. No. (02) 731-2901 to 03| caritasfamilyhospital@gmail.com

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