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[NL5] - KK line check - Micro Stakes Pot Limit and No Limit - Micro Sta...

04-25-2013, 02:30 PM

journeyman Join Date: Apr 2013 Posts: 363

[NL5] - KK line check

Villain is 46/0/0 over 15 hands. No specific reads. Hand 1/1

Hand History


Poker Stars, $0.02/$0.05 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 8 Players Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #17192621 MP3: $5.38 (107.6 bb) CO: $1.88 (37.6 bb) Hero (BTN): $15.77 (315.4 bb) SB: $2.02 (40.4 bb) BB: $4.79 (95.8 bb) UTG+2: $1.91 (38.2 bb) MP1: $4.76 (95.2 bb) MP2: $5.05 (101 bb) Preflop: Hero is BTN with K K 3 folds, MP3 calls $0.05, CO folds, Hero raises to $0.15, 2 folds, MP3 calls $0.10 Flop: ($0.37) J T 8 (2 players) MP3 checks, Hero bets $0.30, MP3 calls $0.30 Turn: ($0.97) 2 (2 players) MP3 bets $0.54, Hero raises to $1.20, MP3 calls $0.66 River: ($3.37) 7 (2 players) MP3 checks, Hero checks

Results: $3.37 pot ($0.14 rake) Final Board: J T 8 2 7 MP3 showed 8 8 and won $3.23 ($1.58 net) Hero mucked K K and lost (-$1.65 net)

04-25-2013, 02:53 PM

#2 Re: [NL5] - KK line check

enthusiast Join Date: Nov 2012 Posts: 70

Looks standard

04-25-2013, 03:27 PM

#3 Re: [NL5] - KK line check

journeyman Join Date: Apr 2013 Posts: 271

Well played. Villain is a donkey.

04-25-2013, 03:30 PM



Wp, dont post results

Join Date: Mar 2013 Posts: 146

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20-06-2013 22:55

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