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Attomey No. 30706 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT, LAW DIVISION, «91 5.952 JAY BENNETT , } Plaintiff, ) “ JEFFREY SCOT TWEEDY : ) ! d Defendant. ) COMPLAINT NOW COMES the Plaintiff, Jay Bennet, (“Bennett”) by and through his attorney, TIMOTHY P. DONOHUE, and as and for his complaint against the Defeigt, JEFFREY TWEEDY | ("Defendant") alleges as follows: BREACH OF ConTRACT 1. Defendant, JEFFREY SCOT TWEEDY, is an Hlinois resident domiciled in Cook County. . 2 Plaintiff, JAY BENNETT, is an Ilinois resident domiciled in Champaign County. 3. Omar sbout November 15, 1994, Bennett joined the musical performing group “Wilco” 4 ‘That at all times relevant, Bennett was treated as an equal member of Wilco, sharing in the losses and expenses of the band equally. (redacted copies of Bennett's shareholder tax retums as a 7 shareholder of Wilco World Tours, Inc. are attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein as ‘Exhibit A). “ 5. That Bemnett devoted his fall time and effort to Wilco as a performing, touring musician, a é 6. That Benriett waq.a member of Wilco frat ahnt Newemher 16 1004 ts mreimenttr ile isa a Ni 7 & “August 15,2001. 7. That during his tenure in Wilco, Bonnett performed on the albums: “Being There”, “

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