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The following steps explain How to install time attendance on each machine: Place the attachment folder on C partion

In the attached file registry file double click on the file and press ok

From Start menu >>Run window Type regedit in the run window


From the right pane change the dbtype to 2 if you are using oracle & 1 if you are using SQL server

Change the user name and password to your database user name and password

Install the BDE program from the attachments

First install the setupBDE5 the program which refer to as number [1] Second install the BDE5_UP the program which refer to as number [2] Then open control panel window inside the red circle

Open the BDE administrator

Right click on Databases and choose new to create a database

Select type of the database if your Database is Oracle type then choose Oracle and if your database type is SQL server choose SQL server.

After database creation

Rename the database to ibmsinternal like in picture.

Press apply to save

From the configuration tab from configuration >>Drivers>>Native>>Oracle Change the record in red circles to the following records as shown

Press apply to save the changes

Back to database tab Change the records in red circles Change the server name to the database server name example [DMS] Change the user name to the database user example [idms7]

NOW add a new database from type standard

Rename the database to ibmsreport and press apply to save

Now select the ibmsreport database and press the browser button in the field path in red circle

Select the data folder from the time attendance which is on C partion and press ok to save

Press apply to save changes

(If your database is SQL)

Open control panel window inside the red circle

Then insert new Database by right click >> new

Select type: MSSQL

Then rename you new Database to ibmsinternal

Then type you Database name in the field in the red Rectangle & your server name in the field in the blue Rectangle.

= server name

Then you can follow the same above sequence to make ibmsreport.

Now make a short cut from the TAS exe [time attendance program] on desktop And the program is ready to use from the shortcut on desktop.

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