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A grace filled morning to all!

! We are all gathered here today to celebrate the Eucharist as a sign of thanksgiving and to prepare our minds and hearts to take the common journey towards societal and national renewal, through the path of servant leadership. The theme of our national student leadership summit Called to Serve from the Heart of the Church serves as an open invitation to all young student Catholic leaders to undertake the process of authentic conversion of the heart, as well as respond to the challenge of responding to the cries of the poor and the marginalized in our society. It is of paramount importance then that young people of today realize the crucial role that they should play in building a new world where the spirit of the Gospel would permeate every facet and fabric of society, and by imbibing the Christian values, may the young people make a difference in transforming our country and in uplifting the lives of our people. As we gather to listen and respond to Gods self communication through the Liturgy of the Word, may our celebration of the breaking of the Bread in the table of the Eucharist manifest our sign of unity and bond of charity as brothers and sisters in the Lord, and actualize our experience of living our discipleship as a Faith filled and Spirit inspired Church. May we be able to genuinely express and act out our deepest desires to become authentic student Catholic leaders whose hearts are moulded Ex Corde Ecclesiae, serving from the Heart of the Church. Let us all stand to celebrate our Faith and meet Christ through the presence of our Presider.

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