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46 KB File ID: #38439

Implementation of RSA Algorithm

by Shaun Gomez

05 Oct 2012 RSA is an algorithm for public-key cryptography. | Watch this File
File Information

RSA is an algorithm for public-key cryptography that is based on the presumed Description difficulty of factoring large integers, the factoring problem. RSA stands for Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir and Leonard Adleman, who first publicly described it in 1977. This files shows a simple implimentation of the algorithm for up to 16 bits
Required Products MATLAB release MATLAB

MATLAB 7.0.1 (R14SP1) Tags for This File

Everyone's Tags Tags I've Applied

cryptanalysis, cryptography, cryptosystem padding scheme, digital signatures, encryption, publickey encryption, rsa(2), rsa algorithm

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by Peter Cotton

16 Aug 2010 Parse function argument names from an mfile or anonymous function handle | Watch this File
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Returns a listing of function argument names ARGSOUT = SIGNATURE.ARGOUT(FUN) returns a list of output arguments in the mfile corresponding to FUN

ARGSIN = SIGNATURE.ARGIN(FUN) returns a list of input arguments in the mfile corresponding to FUN The latter also works for anonymous functions. For example: signature.argin(@(x,y,z) z+y+x) ans = 'x' 'y' 'z'

MATLAB release

MATLAB 7.10 (R2010a)


4.7 | 4 ratings Rate this file 66 Downloads (last 30 days) File Size: 2.39 KB File ID: #24701

Signature Preprocessing for signature verification

by Niraj Meegama

11 Jul 2009 The file includes code to pre process the handwritten signature before verification is done | Watch this File
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Use the "signature1.jpg" image to test the code. Any image of a handwritten Description signature can be used to test the code. The pause statement is used to stop the execution during important steps press any key to resume execution. The signature will be Rotated, thinned and bounded during execution
MATLAB release MATLAB 7 (R14)


Add Signature to your Digital Photographs

by Anoop Sadani

20 Mar 2004 (Updated 24 Mar 2004) This function can be used to -"Add signatures to your photographs" | Watch this File
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This function can be used to 1) Personalise your photographs 2) Add signatures to your photographs The input to this function are two pictures Input 1: your photograph Input 2: your signature Note : 1) These two pictures should be passed to the function in the correct order. 2) signature image (Input 2) should be smaller in size to Input 1. 3) In the 'signature' image (Input 2) - signature should be darker than the background (say, for example, the foreground i.e. signature is black and background is white)

The output is a single image with your signature on top of the photograph. cooooool, isn't it??

Example : % Consider two images - (1) picture.bmp (2) signature.bmp (Your picture files can have any name) output=signature_photograph('picture.bmp','signature.bmp'); imshow(uint8(output)); Save this file in MATLAB\Work directory and type "help signature_photograph" at the MATLAB command prompt. Try it out!!
Required Products MATLAB Image Processing Toolbox MATLAB 6.5 (R13)



by Brett Shoelson

10 Nov 2005 (Updated 11 Nov 2005) Create a signature to hide your email address in CSSM posts! | Watch this File
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Several people have asked me how I made my signature: char(cumsum([115 -11 7 -10 7 7 -4 -1 -46 45 12 -48 7 24 7 4 1 -70 53 12 -2])) ans = This little function will show you how to do it, and how to create a signature for char(diff([])) as well.
MATLAB release MATLAB 7.0.4 (R14SP2) Other requirements Should work on all ML versions, tested at least as far back as ver. 6, R12. Tags for This File Everyone's Tags email address, hide, signature, strings Tags I've Applied Add New Tags Please login to tag files.



by Peter O'Connor

01 Mar 2012 (Updated 02 May 2012) method signatures for OOP | Watch this File
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Returns the signature (info on inputs, outputs) of a function, or a method/property of an object. This is helful when doing object-oriented programming, as it seems that Matlab has no default functionality for doing this in OOP. Examples:

sig % returns info on all methods of handle class starting % with fi. x=sym('x'); % Create a symbolic object (from symbolic math toolbox) sig x.ez % Get info on all methods starting with "ez" sig x % Return the (large) list of all properties and methods % associated with the "sym" class.

Required Products MATLAB release


MATLAB 7.10 (R2010a)


Be the first to rate this file! 0 Downloads (last 30 days) File Size: 3.8 KB File ID: #3621

by Francesco di Pierro

19 Jun 2003 (Updated 20 Jun 2003) SIGNFILE helps you maintain up-to-date info related to your files or toolboxes. | Watch this File
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SIGNFILE will help you maintain up-to-date information related to your files or toolboxes. If you have a particular message, or simply the author's info, that you want to appear right at the end of the help section of your mfile(s), use SIGNFILE. It will use special characters to wrap your info so that the next time you will call SIGNFILE it will overwrite the old info. SIGNFILE is particularly useful to update author's info of a collection of files. To run SIGNFILE on multiple files you can use FUF, which you can freely download from the MATLAB Central File Exchange. SIGNFILE adds a blank line after the help section, followed by the signature (message); any previous signature stamped by SIGNIFILE would get replaced by the new one. If the file has no help section, SIGNFILE will place the signature (message) after the function declaration. SIGNFILE will also work with functions that have the help section before the function declaration. SIGNFILE encloses the signature (message) between '-$-$-$-' so as to recognize previous automatic signatures, which will be overridden. REMARKS - SIGNFILE runs under MATLAB 6.5 (it uses short circuit operators) - SIGNFILE signs only .m file functions ; it does not process m scripts. A warning


message is prompetd for each file that can't be executed and the stream flow continues - SIGNFILE does not overwrite the original files, but marks them as .old; - SIGNFILE requires SMARTINDENT, which can be downloaded from MATLAB Central; - SIGNFILE can process read only file by changing the attributes during the computation. Eigther the two new files created, .m and .old, will keep the original attributes. SIGNFILE requires SMARTINDENT, which can also be downloaded from the MATLAB Central File Exchange.
MATLAB release MATLAB 6.5 (R13)

Other SMARTINDENT, which can be downloaded from the Matlab Central file exchange. It won't requirements work on previous release because of short circuit operators


Be the first to rate this file! 79 Downloads (last 30 days) File Size: 2.46 KB File ID: #38439

Implementation of RSA Algorithm

by Shaun Gomez

05 Oct 2012 RSA is an algorithm for public-key cryptography.

| Watch this File

File Information

RSA is an algorithm for public-key cryptography that is based on the presumed Description difficulty of factoring large integers, the factoring problem. RSA stands for Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir and Leonard Adleman, who first publicly described it in 1977. This files shows a simple implimentation of the algorithm for up to 16 bits
Required Products MATLAB release MATLAB

MATLAB 7.0.1 (R14SP1) Tags for This File

Everyone's Tags Tags I've Applied

cryptanalysis, cryptography, cryptosystem padding scheme, digital signatures, encryption, publickey encryption, rsa(2), rsa algorithm

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