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God of Battles

God of Battles

God of Battles

God of Battles

Tribal Miracle Card

Tribal Miracle Card

Tribal Miracle Card

Tribal Miracle Card

God of Battles

God of Battles

God of Battles

God of Battles

Tribal Miracle Card

Tribal Miracle Card

Tribal Miracle Card

Tribal Miracle Card

Tribal Miracle

Tribal Miracle

Tribal Miracle

Tribal Miracle

Target: Friendly unit. Cost: 3. Effect: Gets the Scary Ability. Duration: Notes

Mask of the Terror Bird

Target: Friendly unit. Cost: 8. Effect: Gets the Fly Ability. Duration: Blessing. Notes:

Vulture's Wing

Target: Enemy unit. Cost: 8. Effect: 8D6 attacks that hits on 3. Duration: Instant. Notes:

Target: The Sky Cost: 1. Effect: Choose to move the weather 1 or 2 steps up or down the table, with immediate effect. Duration: Instant. Notes:

Rain Dance

Tribal Miracle

Tribal Miracle

Tribal Miracle

Tribal Miracle

Target: Friendly unit Cost: 9. Effect: Gets the Berserk Ability. Duration: Blessing. Notes:


Target: Enemy unit Cost: 10. Effect: Mark the unit as activated. Duration: Instant. Notes:

Swift Strike

Target: Enemy unit Cost: 6. Effect: 12D6 attack that hits on 5. Durion: Instant. Notes.

Scorching Heat

Target: Enemy unit Cost: 4. Effect: Re-roll failed Shooting attack roll. Duration: Blessing Notes:


Cards by Matt Adlard, for use with God of Battles 2013 Foundry Miniature Limited. & Jake


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