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Minimal Pairs

BP bar par bay* pay be P bear* pair berry perry* bet* pet big pig

blaze* plays but putt* butter putter* buy pie by pie bye pie cub* cup


band panned* bat pat* beer pier* belt pelt* bill pill bin pin bit pit* blade* played blain* plane

bland* planned bore poor bored pawed* bought port braid* prayed bull* pull lib* lip pub pup* tab* tap


banned panned* bare pare* base pace beak* peak bear pear beat peat* bee pee* bitch* pitch blain* plain

blank plank* blot* plot board pawed* bow pow* braise* prays bride pride browed* proud burr* per robe rope


bah* par bead peed* beak* peek bier* peer blaster* plaster bleed plead* blink plink* bore pour

braise* praise breast pressed breech* preach brick prick* cab cap rib rip tribe tripe*


batty patty beep peep beet peat bi pi blade plaid bleat pleat bloom plume blunder plunder blush plush boar paw

boar pour boo poo braise preys brat prat brawn prawn brig prig brim prim burr purr butt putt

B is silent it is always preceded by the letter M.

Combing Lamb Climber Thumb

Note: There are many words with the letter combination mb where the B is not silent. Examples December Humble Ambiguous

"The baseball player got hurt when he went to bat "The border patrol was given the best officer award "The Abnormal tissue was being carefully examined"

"The painting that was stolen was a precious art piece
"The pesty lawyer went to appeal his case "The lapse of time caused him to bite his lip"

Tongue Twister

Bill had a beer and a pill on the pier, then ate a peach on the beach while patting his pet bat.

The big black bug bit the big black bear, but the big black bear bit the big black bug back! A bloke's bike back brake block broke.

Give papa a cup of proper coffee in a copper coffee cup.

How much pot, could a pot roast roast, if a pot roast could roast pot.

Supposed to be pistachio, supposed to be pistachio, supposed to be pistachio.

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