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Intro Probiticos Que es el yogurt, que incluye y definir, alimento funcional, probitico, y para qu sirvea PROBIOTICS Live microorganisms

which when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit on the host (FAO/WHO, 2002). Atributos de los probioticos Diminution of symptoms of lactose intolerance Modulation of intestinal transit Modulation of metabolic activities of the intestinal flora Modulation of the immune response in the gut and distant sites Diminution of blood pleasure Diminution of blood cholesterol Prevention of atopic eczema Prevention of diarrhea Prevention of inflammatory bowel disease intestinal (IBD) Prevention of enteric infections Prevention of infections in the respiratory tract Prevention of autoimmune diseases Prevention of sepsis in hospitalized patients Prevention of necrotizing enterocolitis Prevention of H. pilory infection Prevention of certain cancer (colon, mammary glands) Prevention of caries Prevention of skin diseases Prevention of diabetes Bacterias Acido lcticas y bifidobacterias (historia) They have been part of our diet since always, they have a long tradition of being safe and goof for health. Contribute to food preservation by participating in the fermentative process of many foods: yoghurt, cheese, sausages, bread. Contribute to the reological and sensorial properties of fermented foods. Their metabolic activity is also related to probiotic properties: production of inhibitory acids, lactase, vitamins, EPS. Bifidobacteria are among the first colonizers of the gut, contributing to its immune maturation. Lactic acid bacteria


Requerimientos nutricionales complejos

-C < 50% Bifidobacteria

) a: 37C

-C en el ADN: 55-67%

Especies de probioticos Group Lactobacillus casei (L. casei, L. paracasei, L. rhamnosus, L. zeae) Group L. acidophilus (L. acidophilus, L. gasseri, L. johnsonii) Bifidobacteria (B. bifidum, B. lactis, B. breve, B. longum, B. adolescentis) The most popular choice for the moment.

Reasons: The process for yoghurt production is easily adapted to the incorporation of probiotic bacteria: before fermentation (set yoghurt) or after the fermentation (drinking yoghurt). Yoghurt is a massive food, relatively cheap, diversified in taste, sold under attractive packaging, it is easy to carry with, it is part of the dietary habits of many people and consumed with periodicity. Compatibility of LAB with LAB or bifidobacteria (?).

Requisites for probiotic bacteria for humans Human origin? (species-specificity criteria). SafetyLAB are GRAS (generally recognized as safe). Technological resistance (for food procesing and maintenance in food product). Resistance to biological barriers (salive lisozyme, gastric acidity, bile salts, pancreatin). In vitro (cell lines), in vivo (animals) and Independant, randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled clinical studies. Strains for human use should come from humans.. The extent to which this remains true is unknown, as dairy and perhaps livestock strains may be the source of some human strains. The importance may be one of consumer perception, in that humans may not wish to be consuming strains that originated from pigs, rats or mice (or worse, if from the fecal matter of these animals).

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