Book Sixteen: Father and Son: Connor Gawaluck

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Book Sixteen:

Father and Son

Connor Gawaluck
Eumaeus’ Hut
 Telemachus finally reaches the hut of
 Finds him talking with Odysseus
 Odysseus is disguised as an old man so
Telemachus doesn’t realize who it is at first
 Eumaeus feeds them a dinner of left over
roast meat
 Eumaeus reccomends Telemachus give
shelter to Odysseus who is still disguised
 Telemachus starts making excuses due to
his lack of courage
 Doesn’t want the suitors to chastise him
 Telemachus then orders Eumaeus to go
tell his mother Penelope that he is alright
 Athena comes into Eumaeus’ hut and tells
Odysseus to “tell his son the truth” and
“hold nothing back”
 Odysseus then reveals his true identity to
Telemachus and the two are reunited
 Usually holds back his emotions but cries when
he reveals his identity
The Suitors
 Odysseus wants to fight them off
 Telemachus is still afraid of them, doesn’t
want to do it alone
 Instead he wants allies to fight beside him
 Odysseus tells Telemachus to gather up all
the arms and armor and starts to devise a
Suitors cont’d.
 Telemachus urges Odysseus to reconsider
his plan because he thinks it will benefit
 Suitors hear the news of Telemachus’
return and hold a council meeting led by
 They mock Telemachus and then plot to kill him
 Medon the herald hears the suitors plotting
to kill Telemachus and promptly tells
 Penelope runs downstairs and screams at
Antinous and recounts the story of his
fathers fleeing
 Finally stands up to the suitors
End of the Chapter
 Ends with Eumaeus returning to Odysseus
and Telemachus
 He tells them of how the suitors are plotting
to kill him
 Finally Odysseus and Telemachus both go
to sleep for the night

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