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NAME: 1.


Christine Dorsett






3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

13. 14.

What is a serving (Number of ounces, number of chips etc.,) ? _1 bar (48g)_ How many total servings are in your product? ____6______ How many servings do you think you would have if you had this product? 1 serving How many calories are in one serving? ___180_____Is this high or low for what you are eating? _high____ Why? Because it has peppermint frosting Do think this product is good for you? Yes, it has lots of vitamins and minerals and lots of organic ingredients. What is the % DV of Vitamin A__20%__ C __20%___ Calcium _35%__ Iron __30%___ in your product? How many total calories are from fat? __45__ What % of DV of fat? ___8%__ How many grams of total carbohydrates:__28g____ What is the %DV Carbs:__9%___ What 2 items have a Low % DV (potassium[3%] & cholesterol[0%])? What 2 items have a HIGH % DV? ( Dietary fiber[16%] & Protein[16%]) What % of the calories from one serving are from fat? __25%_ Are there any sugars in the ingredients listing (Name all)? Organic dried cane syrup, organic brown rice syrup, peppermint candy Total grams of protein: __8g____ How many calories from protein? __32g_ So would your product be classified as nutrient dense, empty calories or neither? ___nutrient dense___________ Explain why: it has a lot of good things in it Is the product refined carbohydrates, complex or both? __refined carbs____ How do you know? Has a lot of fibers


Think of a healthier alternative for this

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Describe the product and why it is healthier.

This product is a KELLOGG'S Low Fat Granola Bar, Crunchy Almond/Brown Sugar. Its a healthier alternative because it has less total fats, less calories, less sodium and less sugars.

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