Hello. How Are You? - I'm Fine, Thank You. and You? - Hello Teacher. How Are You? - Hello Class. How Are You? - We're Fine. Thank You

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Lesson n 1 Presentndonos:

Hello. How are you? I`m fine, thank you. And you? Hello Teacher. How are you? Hello class. How are you? We`re fine. Thank you.

Cancin Hello teacher: Hello teacher. How are you. How are you.

Talking about ourselves: Hablando sobre nosotros. I am ....... (yo soy). I am a Teacher/ a student. (Yo soy una maestra/ un estudiante). I am from Bariloche, Ro Negro. (Yo soy de Bariloche). I am from Argentina. (Yo soy de Argentina, vengo de Agentina). I am argentine. (Yo soy argentino). I am ..... years old. (Yo tengo ..... aos). I am fine. (Yo estoy bien). I am happy. (Yo estoy feliz). I am a nice person. (Yo soy una persona agradable).

Teacher: maestra. Student: estudiante. Class: clase, alumnos. Fine: bien.


Happy: feliz. Nice: bueno, agradable. Person: persona. Good: bueno. meet: conocer. Name: nombre. Hello: hola. Argentinean: argentino.

Preguntas: What is your name? : Cul es tu nombre? Who are you?: Quin eres tu?

1. En grupos de a dos completar la lista anterior con los datos del compaero. 2. Chequear pronunciacin. 3. Dilogo: Completar. Hello. I am Virginia. What is your name? My name is .......................................(nombre del estudiante). Nice to meet you .................................(nombre del estudiante). Nice to meet you too Virginia.

4. En grupos de a dos completar el siguiente dilogo. Hello. I am .....................What is your name? My name is.......................................... Nice to meet you................................... Nice to meet you.....................................

Completar: Hello. My name is............. I am a student of ..... grade. 2

I am ....................... years old. How old are you? Complete the following sentences: I .......... Joaqun. I am ..... good student. What ...... your name? ...... am from Bariloche. We ..... fine. Thank you. And you? .... ...... happy.

..... to meet you Mara. ...... .How are you?

Hello Joaqun. How are you? I am fine. Thank you. And you? I am very happy. Great!

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