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Year 10 commerce (rotation 3) examination revision sheet

Topic1 Citizenship Refer to Chapter 13 in your textbook, class handouts, class notes and your citizenship assignment.
What is citizenship? Examples of rights and responsibilities What does good governance mean? Understanding of good decisions past PMs have made. Be able to explain the four ways you can become an Australian citizen (grant, birth, descent, adoption). How can you be an active citizen? Be able to explain global citizenship

Topic 2 Your Legal Rights Refer to Chapter 12 pages 219-221and pages 229-231, class handouts, class notes and your test.
The purpose of rules and the difference between rules and laws (who makes them, who has to obey them, who enforces them). What are the four criteria for laws to be effective? (acceptable to community, communicated to public, enforced and sanctioned, applied consistently). How does a bill become a law? (bill, house of representatives, Senate, signed by governor general, act of parliament). Your legal rights: o Know your legal rights within TWO areas of law studied in class (drinking, sexual consent, p plate, refunds and exchanges, working, drugs, contracts). Understand your rights when dealing with the police (fingerprints, giving your name and address, phone calls, questioning).

Topic 3 Australias Federal Political System Refer to Chapter 11 pages 197-201, pages 206-207, class handouts and class notes.
Know the four different types of government (monarchy, democracy, dictatorship, oligarchy) and be able to explain the type Australia is (representative democracy, constitutional monarchy). Understand what the constitution is and how it can be changed (through a referendum). Know the 3 levels of government (local, state, federal):

o What each level is called o Key responsibilities of each o Source of funds o Main roles in federal government Political parties. Understand the main political parties, their main principles, and their party leaders (liberal, labor, greens, democrats, nationals). Be able to briefly explain how Australias tax system works (tax rates higher rates for higher incomes). Interesting points from the Smart Earning presentation Understand how Australias voting system (preferential voting) works. Understand how first-past-the-post voting works. Reasons for and against compulsory voting.

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