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Hi all Here are some very beautiful photosof a leather funerary baldachin.

I never saw or heard over leather products in ancient egypt expect for example shoes. I was really amazed. The leather baldachin belonged to Isetemkheb (or Asetemakhbjt B) a dochter of Masaharta . Masaharta was the elsest son of Pinudjem I (king in 1054 BC). The baldachin was found in the Cache of mummies at Deir el-Bahari. It was found in a crumpled heap in a corner by Emile Brugsch. In 1889 was a full raport published about it; La tente funeraire de la Princess Isemkheb by Brugsch. You can see this beautifull piece in the Cairo museum. You can read a full description of this magnificent object in the latest number of the magazine Ancient Egypt Volume 11 nr 6 written by Edward Loring, research fellow ath the russian academy of scienes. He says that the baldachin needs urgently cleaning and conservation. Most of the photos from the article from Ancient magazin have never been published.

Two views of the baldachin as currently displayed in Egyptian museum cairo.

Edward Loring (writer of teh article in ancient magazine) making photos;

A detail of the rosettes from the top of the shrine

In the central a vultu re is

In the central a vulture is seen.

The frieze around the top of the baldachin; the traditional royal kheker frieze above the royal cartouche with protective cobras on the left an a winged scarab with sun dic on the right.

Detail of the winges scarab beetle with sun disc Isnt wonderfull!! Yvonne

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