Tips For Writing Letters To Editor

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The Letters to the Editor section is a very well-read section of most papers 2. Be brief There is only a small space allotted in the newspaper for letters of this kind. As well, people are more likely to read the shorter letters. Your letter should be 200 300 words maximum. 3. A catchy first line is helpful it will get the attention of the reader. 4. Get right to the point. Try to make your key point in the first sentence. 5. Be clear. Keep your message simple and stick to only one issue. 6. Use your final sentence or paragraph to re-state or sum up 7. If you are referring to an article already printed in the newspaper, make sure to mention it. 8. Remember your audience. You are communicating real issues to the public. 9. Proofread your letter! Sometimes taking a break from the letter and coming back to it in a few minutes gives you some distance and you can see improvements that will make your point clearer. 10. Include your name, address, and phone number. 11. Submit your letter by email or mail email is quick and easy.

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