2013 Document and Photo Digitalization Ordering Form

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Document/ Photo Digitalization Application

Please take your time to fill out this form, you can either fill it out on your computer by typing in the answers or by hand using pen, however if you use pen please print clearly. Do not concern yourself with the items surrounded by a thick black box, I will fill those out. Again, thank you for choosing True Life Videos. Standard Pricing $.25 per photo/ $.33 per document First and Last Name Date Street Address Town/ City State Zip Countr Paymen y t Type Cell # Other # Email Delivery Date Preferred Delivery Date Number of Items Approx. Time Frame Completion Date

Number of Hard Copy Items you are sending me Number of Un-digitized Photos Number of Un-digitized Documents/ Drawings/ Clippings you are Sending Me Other Un-digitized Items you are Sending Me What Format would you like the Digitized copies delivered in Number of Digital Photos Jpe Jpg Png Bmp Gif Pdf g

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