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Minutes of POG Leadership Team June 19, 2013

In Attendance: Bill & Shelly Franz, Eileen Hanson, Carol Loges, Colleen Nollette, Bill & Linda Toskey, Christine Nadeau,Jim & Sheila Wright,, Karin Lannartone, Janet Sheldrick, Joan Smith,Rolf & Margie Olsoy Dinner was served, followed by our meeting:

1) VISIONINGSheila led us further in distilling the core ideas from the congregation regarding the question "Where is the Holy Spirit Leading us?" At this point, we are working on two main concerns, Who We Are (with concentration on the subcategories LOVE, ACCEPT, WORSHIP), and What We Do (subcategories SERVICE, MISSION/PROGRAMS, AND COMMUNITY INVOVEMENT)

2) JOB DESCRIPTION FOR MINISTRY DEVELOPER POSITION Bill Franz was kind enough to have prepared an initial consolidation of the input of ideas for the job description, breaking it down into 5 main categories: PERSONAL QUALITIES ENERGY OUTREACH/EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS EDUCATION/BACKGROUND The group worked further on fine-tuning and fleshing out these parameters.

Next Meeting is to be held July 17th at the Franz's home Submitted by Margie Olsoy

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